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Узнаете что за задания сегодня будут?😆

Bugun qanday savollar bo‘lishini tahmin qilyapsizmi?

Задача 25

В офисе главы крупной фирмы произошло ограбление. Детектив Тошполат осмотрел сейф, но нашел лишь отпечатки пальцев директора. В момент ограбления в офисе были трое: секретарша, заместитель и уборщица.
Кто вор?

Ответы присылайте сюда⬇️



Katta kompaniya rahbarining kabinetida o'g'irlik sodir bo'ldi. Dedektiv Toshpo'lat seyfni ko'zdan kechirdi, lekin faqat direktorning barmoq izlarini topdi. Talochilik paytida idorada uchta kishi bo'lgan: kotib, o'rinbosar va farrosh ayol. O'g'ri kim?

Javoblarni botga yuboring⬇️
Ответ на 25 задачу

Кто вор?

Добрый день, дорогие подписчики!

Хотелось бы написать, как обычно, "солнечного дня", но у нас сегодня ❄️🌨😁

Сегодня у нас для вас рубрика #english_law

Спасибо за ваше участие, не забывайте делиться каналом с вашими близкими, с уважением команда @lawloc.
⚠️📒Today we will learn about one of the areas of law - The law of tort.

📍The law of tort says that everyone has a civil duty to be careful and not to hurt or harm another person.

Lawyers call this civil duty, "the duty of care".

☝️🏻 Sometimes people breach this duty = break them. And when someone hurts or harms another person because of a breach, we call this harmful action a tort.

There is the list of some harmful actions which are known as a tort in the USA and England👇🏻:

leaving the floor of a shop in a dangerous condition so that a customer falls and hurts her leg

saying something that is bad about someone, which isn’t true

writing a story in a newspaper about someone, which isn’t true

playing loud music late every night, which disturbs your neighbours

Each of the torts listed above has a special name. The tort that happens most is called negligence.

📌 Negligence means that someone wasn't careful enough and this person's carelessness hurt another person as a result.

☝️🏻The person who is hurt is called the injured person.

When someone hurts you as a result of his or her actions, you need to consult a lawyer who specialises in the right area of tort.

🖇The lawyer will try to get you money from the careless person. This money is called ‘compensation’ or, more correctly, ‘damages’.

Sometimes the lawyers can’t agree on the amount of damages. When this happens, the injured person may decide to sue the person who
has hurt them.

The claim form will state the claimant’s allegations against the defendant.

📍An allegation is like an accusation – the claimant is stating that something happened, but the defendant has the opportunity to say this is not true.

☝️🏻The reasons for going to court are called ‘the grounds’. The grounds for an action in tort are that the defendant committed a tort.

💡Sometimes a lawyer who specialises in the tort of negligence makes an agreement with a client.

The agreement is that if the client does not win the case
then he or she does not have to pay for the lawyer’s services.

📌 This is called a ‘no win-no fee’ arrangement. It is allowed in the UK and the USA.

​​​​​​Правовая грамотность - мощное оружие против несправедливости

🧐⚖️Насколько хорошо вы знакомы с понятием "права человека"? Каковы основные принципы прав личности? Какие механизмы по защите прав человека существуют в Узбекистане?

⚡️ Завтра 10 декабря в 20:00 на официальном канале Национального Центра по правам человека пройдет увлекательная викторина.

🌟 Отличный шанс проверить и пополнить свои знания в области прав человека. Не пропустите!

📍 Let's consolidate the passed material!

The rules:

1. You need to pick up the missing word in the sentence from the ones in this list:

Allegations, damages, grounds, negligence, suing.

2. Write your answer in the comments under the corresponding sentence.

We will send them separately.


📍Давайте закрепим пройденный материал!


1. Нужно подобрать пропущенное в предложении слово из приведенных в списке:

Allegations, damages, grounds, negligence, suing.

2. Написать ваш ответ в комментариях под соответствующим предложением.

Каждое предложение будем скидывать по отдельности.

1. I am ..... the owner of the shop because there was water on the floor and I fell and hurt my back.
2. I am a lawyer who specialises in the tort of ..... . People are just not careful enough!
At the moment I am acting for the injured person in more than 20 different cases.
3. The machines in the clothing factory were old and dangerous and one of the employees injured his hand. The employee sued the factory owners and got £5000 in ..... .
4. In your claim form you accuse us of breaching our duty of care. We do not accept that your ..... are true and we will defend your claim in court.
5. Do you have a good reason for suing the owner of the hotel? What exactly are your ..... for starting legal action?
2024/09/30 22:29:05
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