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6/10 #QuizZakatFitrah Hukum bayarkan zakat untuk tunang atau orang lain yang bukan di bawah tanggungannya
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The Final 10: Juz 26

Have you been bombarded that Jihad is brutal, massive killings, uncivilized, etc.? But, the true fact is the opposite! It is humane, compassionate, etc. In fact, Surah Muhammad explains this true fact.✍️

In this episode we will dive into the stream of Surah al Ahqaf, Muhammad, al Fath, al Hujuurat, Qaf and adh Dhariyat
7/10 #QuizZakatFitrah Hukum bayar zakat fitrah secara online
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8/10 #QuizZakatFitrah "Pembayaran zakat tidak disyaratkan padanya akad ijab dan kabul." Adakah pernyataan ini betul atau salah.
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Kita bukan malaikat , Mulia suci setiap saat , Kita manusia yang penuh dosa tercatat , Semoga ada ruang taubat , Sebelum ajal datang mendekat . #LifeNotesSQ

10/10 #QuizZakatFitrah Hukum ayah bayarkan zakat fitrah untuk anak yang telah ada punca pendapatan sendiri
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The Final 10: Juz 27

💡How human being choose to disbelieve in Allah? Has the message been delivered?

🙊Surprisingly, most answers are meaningless in addition to no solid basis to support the argument; Surah an Najm beautifully elaborates these

🎥In this episode, we will explore the Guidance through Surah at Tur, an Najm, al Qamar, ar Rahman, al Waqiah and finally al Hadid
Dunia ini penuh tipu daya . Bak ular , sentuh macam lembut . Sengatannya berbisa . Racunnya boleh membunuh . #LifeNotesSQ

Kalimah ringan dilidah , berat pada timbanganNya . Subhanallah wabihamdihi Subhanallahil adhzim #LifeNotesSQ

The Final 10: Juz 28

🧐Have you ever questioned the propaganda of Unity? How is it really possible? In fact, unity is ultimately possible, and the single formula+implementation has been shown through the 10 years prophethood in Medina

💡It is built on a single solid foundation; and it must go through a few chaos and challenges to test its purity. Beautifully, the existence of these chaos proved to be mercy for us to watch a series of unexpected havoc and their solutions

📡These are excellently portrayed through Surah al Mujadilah, al Hashr, al Mumtahanah, as Saff, al Jumu'ah, al Munafiqun, at Taghabun, at Talaq, and at Tahrim

🕙Tonight at 10 PM
Apabila melihat orang jahil , anggaplah mereka lebih mulia daripada kita , kerana mereka membuat dosa dalam kejahilan , sedangkan kita membuat dosa dalam keadaan mengetahui . #LifeNotesSQ

The Final 10: Juz 29

📣Did you ever publicly speak about Islam? Have you experienced rejection eyes to eyes?😱

😢 Do you know there exists a man who experienced those for 950 years in addition to only 80 who accepted his message!

💡Would you like to know more on other amazing journeys of Dakwah - specifically on its program (منهج) and its nature (طبيعة)?

🎥These are beautifully depicted through al Mulk, Qalam, al Haqqah, al Maarij, Nuh, Jinn, Al Muzammil, Al Muddaththir, al Qiyamah, al Insan and al Mursalat
Awan tidak pernah tinggalkan langit dan alangkah indahnya jika manusia juga tidak pernah tinggalkan Tuhan . #LifeNotesSQ

The FInal 10: Juz 30

🤔Have you ever thought why some criminals aren't caught and punished? To that extent, there are criminals who 'buy' the law!

💡This isn't surprising for Muslims, since the real place and time to be rewarded/punished isn't here!

⚡️If so, why am I not experiencing that priceless emotion😞? Where should I find the motivation from?

Magnificently, these surah throughout the Juz 30 captures the realism of The Hereafter from various sides to instill into the Hearts of the Believers of the momentaneous character of this Dunya !

May our relationship with the Quran continues to strengthen up though Ramadan is leaving us 😢🤲

🕕 Meeting you in 30 minutes ( 6.00 PM )
2024/10/01 05:06:01
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