Telegram Web Link
Free Lesson on Listening Part 4.
Today at 10.00 p.m.

Qani IELTSchila davom etamiz๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜

It has been already a month. I feel like I have been living here for a long time. People, places are close and familiar.

There are so many challenges.
Daily stress. But that's exactly what I want. I get bored easily. Being calm and doing the same thing is not for me. It is like stress and problems are fuel which helps my brain to function.

So I am in love with India. โค๏ธโœจ
Istanbul Youth Summit 2023 in Turkey by the Youth Break the Boundaries

Event Dates & Location: February 6 - 9, 2023 | Istanbul, Turkey

Details can be found here:

The main theme of the Istanbul Youth Summit 2023 is โ€œSocial Development Goals For Emerging Leadersโ€

Deadline: August 30, 2022.


Totally free conducted by international organisation. IT lovers u shouldn't loose this chanceโ˜บ๏ธ

Weโ€™re having game tournaments for Jenga, Sequence, Halli Galli, and Spot It on Friday (September 9) at 18:00 in Playhouse Cafe!

Open to all students. Free registration starts at 17:00.
There's a limit to the number of players so come early to secure your slot!

Jenga: 10 players
Sequence: 12 players
Halli Galli: 10 players
Spot It: 10 players

Letโ€™s play and celebrate the new school year together on Friday!๐Ÿ•บ๐Ÿป

Location: Small Ring Road 19A, Almazar District, Tashkent

Yandex Pin: Playhouse
Forwarded from U.S. Embassy Tashkent
Apply for the Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) Uzbekistan 2022 Program!
The U.S. Embassy in Tashkent and Tech4Impact will implement the Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) for a cohort of 30 women in the Fergana Valley.  Below are the criteria for the program.  If you meet the criteria, we invite you to apply using the Google Form link by September 26.
โ€ข You must be a woman between the ages of 25-40 and reside in the Fergana Valley
โ€ข Be able to complete the program in the English language
โ€ข Have a business that has been running for 1-2 years maximum
โ€ข Have access to a laptop
โ€ข Provide a written response expressing your motivation for participation in this program
 Application link:
Og'ir darddan qutilib sog'ayib uyiga qaytgan odamni yaqinlari qanday kutib oladi? Bugun ko'rdim bayram qilib katta shodiyona qilib. Qiziq odamlar janoza uchun kelishi mumkin bo'lgan uyga shodiyona uchun kelsa qanday tasirli.

Insonni umrini qaytarib berish o'limdan olib qolish nahotki mumkin. Allohning irodasi bฤฑlan albatta mumkin ekan o'z ko'zim bฤฑlan ko'ryapman mana shu ishda oz bo'lsada hissamni qo'shyapman. Hayotimdan hursandman har safar yangฤฑ narsalarni ko'ryapman o'rganyapman. Bir xillik juda zerikarli. Hayot qaynaganda go'zal.โ€Œโ€Œ

How will relatives welcome a person who has recovered from a severe illness and returned home? Today, I saw. With joy and love. How interesting it is when people come to a house for celebration where they supposed to come for a funeral.

Is it possible to restore a person's life from death. I see with my own eyes that it is possible with God's will, and I am contributing to this work, even if it is small. I am proud of what I am doing in this life. Sameness is boring. Life is beautiful when it boils.โ€Œโ€Œ
Buxorolik do'stlarim "SOYABON" loyihasini boshlashipti. Qizlar uchun shaxsiy rivojlanish va Chet elda ta'lim kabi bir qancha qiziq mavzularda foydali meetinglar sizni kutmoqda. Meniyam ko'rib qolishila mumkin in person bo'lmasa ham๐Ÿฅฒ

Shohista, Peri ehee hamma o'sha yerda bo'larkan.

Sana: 06.10. 2022
Vaqt: 9:00
Manzil: Buxoro shahar Yoshlar Markazi binosi

Yangi o'quv yili, yangi rejalar, yangi marralar!

Yangi o'quv yilini ko'pchiligimiz yangi rejalar va marralar bilan boshlaymiz. Ular ichida eng ko'p uchraydigani esa ingliz tilini o'rganishni boshlash bo'lsa kerak.

Siz ham o'z oldingizga shunday maqsad qo'ygan bo'lsangiz, uni amalga oshirishda eng birinchi va muhim qadamlardan biri ingliz tilida eng ko'p ishlatiladigan so'zlarni o'rganish bo'lishi kerak.

Lekin bunga kirishgan paytingizda tabiiyki oldingizdan ishonchli manba topish, so'zlarni tajrimasini izlash, ularni lug'at daftaringizga yozib chiqishga vaqt sarflash va ushbu daftarni doim oldingizda olib yurish bilan bog'liq muammolar kelib chiqadi.

"Pocket Vocabulary" kitobi esa aynan shu muammolarni hal qilish va so'zlarni aktiv tarzda yodlashda ko'maklashish uchun ishlab chiqilgan.

Kitob 5 ta qismdan iborat bo'lib, Oxford Lug'ati tomonidan taqdim etilgan, ingliz tilida eng ko'p ishlatiluvchi 3000 ta so'zni o'z ichiga olgan. Bundan tashqari kitobda har bir so'zning
โ€” Tarjimasi
โ€” Turkumi va darajasi
โ€” Sinonim va antonimlari
โ€” So'z birikmalari (Collocations)
โ€” Misol gaplar keltirilgan

Eng muhimi esa so'zlar cho'ntakka sig'uvchi kartochkalar shakliga keltirib olish uchun tayyor qilib qo'yilgan.

Ingliz tilini o'rganish rejangizni bugundanoq amalga oshirishni boshlang!

Pocket Vocabulary barcha qismlarini Asaxiy Internet do'konidan xarid qilishingiz mumkin.

A1 qism โ€” ๐Ÿ’ณ Sotib olish |๐Ÿ“˜ Demo variant

A2 qism โ€” ๐Ÿ’ณ Sotib olish |๐Ÿ“— Demo variant

B1 qism โ€” ๐Ÿ’ณ Sotib olish |๐Ÿ“” Demo variant

B2 qism โ€” ๐Ÿ’ณ Sotib olish |๐Ÿ“• Demo variant

C1, C2 qismlar โ€” ๐Ÿ’ณ Sotib olish |๐Ÿ““ Demo variant

Telefon orqali buyurtma:

Batafsil ma'lumot:
๐Ÿ‘‰ @pocketvocabulary
Oh so sweet ๐Ÿ˜
Grlz from Bukhara you should go ๐Ÿซ
You know what's valuable more than anything. HEALTH. When you are in ICU having severe pain and waiting for a pain killer that's the worst scenario you can ever have.

So know the value of your precious HEALTH. Do what's best for your body. Because our body is not a car that we can replace with a new one.

" If you are broken, you don't have to stay broken " - Selena Gomez ๐Ÿซ 

I am just amazed how her ideas are so nice. Actually that's what I love about myself. If I am sad I go to find smth makes me happy. If am hungry I go to eat. If I am depressed I do something chilling.

That's what it is. If you are not satisfied with something just work on it who is holding you?!

"SOYABON" loyihasining mehmoni


โ€ข 21 yosh

๐Ÿ›Oสปzbekiston "Sharda" universiteti 3 bosqich talabasi ( 100% grant )
๐ŸŽ— IELTS | TOEFL holder
๐ŸŽ— BMT granti gสปolibasi
๐ŸŽ— "Technovation Girls
Challenge" Andijon viloyat koordinatori
๐ŸŽ— UGRAD va JACAFA semi- finalisti
๐ŸŽ— "Just start" dasturi gสปolibasi
๐ŸŽ— 100% grant: "Work and Travel"
๐ŸŽ— Xalqaro "MUN"lar ishtirokchisi
๐ŸŽ— "Diana" mukofoti sovrindori, Uzb
๐ŸŽ— Toสปliq grant: Tibbiyot yoสปnalishi, Vengriya
๐ŸŽ— Grant sohibasi: OIC-Russia International Youth Camp
๐ŸŽ— Excellent Eagle Award sovrindori: Academic Enhancement Program
๐ŸŽ— Semi-fnalist: Next 30: Young Leaders of Central Asia
๐ŸŽ— " Khilolakhon Kayumova " nomi ostidagi shaxsiy blog asoschisi

๐Ÿ‘‰ Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun havola๐Ÿ‘ˆ

Eslatib o'tamiz, loyihada ishtirok etish MUTLAQO BEPUL!

๐Ÿ“Œ Shoshiling! Joylar soni chegaralangan!

๐Ÿ—“Sana: 27.11.22
โŒ›๏ธ Vaqt:
๐Ÿ“ Manzil: Toshkent shahri, Ziyo Forum binosi.

Ijtimoiy sahifalarimiz๐Ÿ‘‡
Telegram | Instagram
Forwarded from Playhouse

Do you get nervous when you have to speak in public? Do you want to learn basic video-making techniques?

Whether youโ€™re called upon to give a presentation at university or work, make a video project or perform in front of a crowd, this four-hour workshop can help you address any speaking and presentation opportunity with confidence and skills!

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 28 November 2022 (Monday)
๐Ÿ•• 13:00-17:00
๐Ÿ“ Ziyo Forum

This is a FREE workshop and open to all university students! Click this link to register:
Happy New year (2023 - to those who don't know it's 2023 now๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿ˜…)
Assalamu alaikum!

Ismim Xilola, 21 yoshman, 1 yildan buyon oilaliman. Farzandlarim yo'q. Kasal emasman ๐Ÿ˜…, shunchaki anglangan onalikni tanlaganmanโค

Kanalimni sevaman, unga ko'p mehr beraman. Har bir post maksimal darajada foydali bo'lishiga harakat qilaman. Mana sizlar uchun "ะฟะพะดะฑะพั€ะบะฐ"

Ingliz tili va professionalizm

Ingliz tili bo'yicha tekin kurslar

Mustaqil ingliz tili o'rganish

CV Yozish bo'yicha tavsiyalar

Har qanday intervyuga tavsiyalar

Motivatsiyaga to'la ahmoqlar haqida

IELTS ga puliz yo'q bo'lsa

Ishga qanday topshiriladi?

Motivational letter - men yozganim



Samarador kun uchun

Samarali eslab qolish


20 yoshlilarga tavsiyalarim

Karyera tanlash

Chet elga qizlar bir o'zi ketishi (negativ tomonlari)

To'yimda qilgan xatolarim

Uchrashuvda so'raladigan savollar ๐Ÿ˜‰

Turkiyaga borsangiz....

Kanalimni bo'lishsangiz baxtliroq bo'laman ๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸŒน

2024/09/27 17:14:36
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