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This is called pizza love 😂❤️
Please indicate why are you interested in participating in Water Crisis and Climate Change in Central Asia and Afghanistan? (Motivation letter should be provided in English, no more than 200 words)

Motivation letter deganda o'z nomi bilan sizning motivatsiyangiz va qiziqishingizni ko'rsatib beradigan insho so'ralmoqda. Bu holatda biroz basic knowledge about the topic va reasons why you must be part of this program degan qism juda muhim.(hamma motivation letterlarda ham bular eng muhim qismlardan) Bu degani climate change haqida uzundan uzun paragraph yozish kerak degani emas ammo inshoyingizni muammoga bog'liq fikrlar bilan boshlash zarar qilmaydi. Misol uchun men essayimni shunday boshlagan bo`lar edim.

On climate change, we often do not fully appreciate that it is a problem. We think it is a problem waiting to happen.

Va biroz fikrimni ochib berardim bir yoki ikkita gap bilan keyin uni programmaga bog'lab nega aynan meni dasturga qabul qilishlari kerak ekanini yozib o'tardim. Bu qismni yozish uchun o'zingizga savol berishingiz kerak nega siz bu loyihada qatnashmoqchisiz? Networking, raising awareness of water crises and climate change bular ham yaxshi lekin yetarli emas siz more specific yozishingiz kerak bunig uchun loyiha haqida o'qing maqsadlari nima, qanday tartibda bo'ladi, sizning hozirgi kundagi faoliyatingizga va maqsadlaringizga qanday bog'liqligi bor, after this program or during this program how you can use your skills, experience, and knowledge. Organizers do not wait for you to be able to understand everything clearly about the topic but the thing they are expecting from you understanding the idea of the program and be eager to learn more.
Khusanova | Personal Blog
“Water Crisis and Climate Change Issues in Central Asia and Afghanistan.” Date: April 8-10, 2022 Location: Osh, Kyrgyzstan (Osh State University) Format: In-person Language: English Eligibility criteria: English-speaking high school and university…
Mana shu loyiha uchun so'ralgan motivational letterni qanday yozish mumkinligi haqida fikrlarimni yozdim albatta bu eng to'g'ri yoki eng zo'r yo'li deya olmayman o'z tajribamdan kelib chiqib fikrlarimni bo'lishdim foydali bo'ladi degan umiddaman😊

Deadline 4 aprel hammaga omad🔥
If you are student and wants to experience working on international organization American Center in Tashkent is seeking eligible candidates for the position of intern. You can find more about it by this link:

Note: it is unpaid (6 month can be extended to 1 year)
⚡️⚡️⚡️Стажировка для молодых лидеров в Atlas Corps

Дедлайн: 20 мая 2022

Длительность стажировки — 12-18 месяцев. Стажеры будут работать в разных организациях, развивать лидерские навыки, и знакомиться с интересными людьми.

Организаторы предоставляют:

оплату авиа-перелета;
оплату транспортных расходов по США;
базовую медицинскую страховку;
ежемесячное пособие на оплату базовых расходов (проживание, питание, транспорт);
необходимые документы;
размещение в организации;
участие в тренингах Atlas Corps Leadership Lab.

Каналга уланиш:

Follow us to know the best news:

Следите за самыми важными новостями из сердца Европы:
UGRAD javoblari kela boshlapti kimni tabriklaylik???
‼️Call for Volunteers ‼️

It is time to make BIG changes in 2022! 🙌
Young Analysts Development Project (YADP) is looking for volunteers to promote and develop Data Science in Uzbekistan 🇺🇿

If you have passion for Data Science and volunteer for the events of YADP, you are welcome to fill out the form and join us! The roles of volunteers include, but are not limited to, sorting out the applications of lecturers and delegates, mentoring and supporting the teams that are going to participate in YADP competition, helping in Public Relations (PR) in social media and some other organizational parts of the project.

Apart from obvious benefits of volunteering, the volunteers will gain knowledge in Data Science, have a chance to build networking with Data Science professionals and get certificates.

Join our team and be a part of the project!

Registration link:
Global Peace Summit Baku, 2022

Global Peace Summit is an international platform bringing forth creative and competent peace leaders from 150+ states and through valuable experiences and deliberations aims to expand the domain of their perspectives along with personal improvement.

🗓 Date: 29th May - 1st June, 2022

- youth between 16-40 of age;
- open-minded, highly motivated and passionate;
- students, young professionals are encouraged to apply;
- dedicated to achieve United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

💵 Benefits:
- 15 fully funded, 25 partial funded and 110 self-funded slots;
- airfare & accommodation;
- meet with like minded young social entrepreneurs;
- peace education & leadership capacity building sessions;
- diplomatic panel talks, focused group discussions and activities;
- awards and certifications.

Official link | Apply now
Deadline: April 25, 2022
Young Ambassadors' Club

Young Ambassadors' Club is a traning course for motivated young uzbeks

🗓 Date: From 20 April, 2022

- youth who interested on diplomacy and can fluently speak in English
- open-minded, highly motivated and self-disciplened;
- students( in any study field) are encouraged to apply;

- Taking trainings from ambassadors and MFA Officials
- meet with like minded young students
- online and offline trainings, focused group discussions and activities( round table debates);
- awards and certifications.
Apply now
Deadline: April 15
Student life

Are you student? You got accepted to the university you want? Congratulations 🎉 but don't think this is the end of your journey. We used to think we did great job and now its time to rest. Actually that's not true. University years are the best period of your life that can change your future. If you want to be better version of you. Don't stop. Try to find new things, new opportunities. I know it is not easy at first. I also had challenges to find information.

MUNs are great for students who want to improve their public speaking, critical thinking and problem solving. Are you eager to learn new things? Don't wait start your MUN journey today. I found several sources which can help you to find MUN opportunities and information about it. is one of them. Check this website for international MUNs.
I am planning to orginize MUN soon inshallah. Maybe you will be participant, team member or volunteer in this MUN. Start learning how to be successful MUNer😊❤️ I love this website. If you do not know what is MUN go and check this site.
Girls I found a leadership program for woman in Washington DC. But they accept only 8 people👀😱

Background information
2 long essays
2 recommendation letters
CV or Resume

Do you want to try? 👩‍🏫
Forwarded from Periko’s universe (Перизат Уразметова)
Want to participate in Summer Exchange Program in Turkey?

The Sky Global Summer Exchange & Internship Program takes place over five weeks between July 18, 2022, and August 19, 2022. You will receive four weeks of internship training at the Turkish Aerospace Industries facilities in Ankara, Turkey, and one week of cultural activities.

Required docs:
- CV (in pdf)
- Personal Statement (1-paged)
- Valid Passport
- Transcript
- Fill out the following application

Send all these docs to [email protected]

More info:

Sizga aytgan programmam juda qiyindek tuyulishi mumkin qizlar lekin harakat qilib ko'rishga arziydi.

Andi Leadership Institute for Young Women Program Application 2022

The Andi Leadership Institute for Young Women is excited to announce that it will hold an in-person program in Washington, D.C. in August 2022.

The Institute is seeking eight motivated young female-identified individuals from all nationalities and backgrounds. We encourage young female-identified people, ages 18-27, who have an interest in peacebuilding, conflict transformation and leadership to apply.

The 2022 ALI program will take place from August 7 through August 20 in Washington, D.C. Travel to the US will be provided for accepted applicants. For more information on program specifics, contact [email protected].

Application Deadline: May 15, 2022

To Complete your application please submit the form after completing ALL of the following information:
I. Background Information
II. Short Question Answers
III. 2 Long Essays
IV. Your CV or Resume
V. 2 Letters of recommendation from teachers or adults who are not related to you. Please have them submit their letters here.
I love American bookstores❤️


Nihoyat JACAFA uchun qabul ochilipti. Ikki yil (3-4 kurs) davomida 100€ miqdorida stipendiya berib boriladi. Bundan tashqari yana bir qancha imkoniyatlar taqdim etadi. Juda yaxshi programma. Ammo faqat application yoki bir martalik suhbat emas bir qancha suhbatlardan o'tishingizga to'g'ri keladi. Juda ham qiyin emas agar yaxshi nomzod bo'lsangiz albatta barchasidan yaxshi o'ta olasiz :)

Faqat Toshkentda ta'lim oluvchi 2 kurs talabalari uchun. Til bilish sertifikati talab etiladi. Qo'shimcha malumotlarni link orqali ko'rib olishingiz mumkin.

Essay va suhbat uchun Yaponiya va O'zbekiston munosabatlari, JACAFA tashkiloti va Nippon Foundation haqida research qilib tayyorlanib olishingizni tavsiya qilaman.

Hammaga omad savollaringiz bo'lsa, chatda yozib qoldiring. Ha aytgancha bilmaganlar uchun men ham 2021 yılda ushbu stipendiyani yutganman😊 sayti havolasini qoldiryapman.
2024/09/27 11:18:34
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