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🌐Mamlakat sarhadlari bilan chegaralanib qolmayotgan insonlar orasida yashayapmiz.

🚀Bizni jahon minbarlari kutyapti.

Buning uchun o‘z ustimizda ishlab, shaxsiyatimizni rivojlantirishimiz kerak.
❗️Hozir buning ayni vaqti.

🔸O'zbekiston yoshlar ittifoqi Toshkent shahar Kengashi hamda "Universe" erkin volontyorlik harakati tashabbusi bilan joriy yilning 9-oktabridan 18-dekabriga qadar davom etuvchi siz kutgan "Universe volontyorlar maktabi" 2-mavsum yoxud "Shaxsiyatni rivojlantirish maktabi"ga start berilmoqda.

🔹"Shaxsiyatni rivojlantirish maktabi"da 16 yoshdan 30 yoshgacha bo'lgan barcha yurtdoshlarimiz ishtirok etishlari mumkin!

Ushbu loyihada ishtirok etishni xohlovchilar mazkur havola orqali ro‘yxatdan o‘tishlari mumkin:

🔥Bizni kuzatishda davom eting!
🏆Eng yaxshilari hali oldinda!

Welcome to online Model Presidential Debates!

If you want to participate in Model Presidential Debates, present your public policy and enhance critical skills please join our club of debaters!

The club creates a platform for debating and exchanging ideas. The debate club offers opportunities for participants to debate on different interesting and important topics to enhance their debating and communication skills.
💻All sessions will be conducted in English via ZOOM.
Registration link:

Deadline for application is October 10, 2021.

All selected participants will be informed via email.
For more information, contact the course instructor at [email protected]
Fully Funded Summer Exchange program In Germany

Apply now :

Country: Germany
Financial coverage: Fully Funded
Deadline: December 1, 2021
Siz ishlaysiz 🗃 o'qiysiz 📚 yoki sayohat qilmoqchisiz ✈️ ammo ingliz tilini bilmaysizmi?🤔

Biz sizga bu borada yordam beramiz. Ziyo Forum Volontyorlari jamoasi bilan ingliz tilida ona tilingizdek gapirishingiz uchun ajoyib loyiha hozirlaganmiz.

Uch oyda IELTS 7+ kafolat bermaymiz, lekin mahoratli ustozlarimiz sizga ko'maklashishga tayyor.

Darslar online va offline tartibda tashkil etiladi.

Offline darslar Ziyo Forum binosida bo'lib o'tadi. Dars vaqti va dars kunlari guruhlar shakllantirib bo'lingach e'lon qilinadi.

Ingliz tilini o'rganishga tayyormisiz unda ushbu havola orqali ro'yxatdan o'ting!
Forwarded from American Center Tashkent
👧The International Day of the Girl Child focuses attention on the need to address the challenges girls face and to promote girls’ empowerment and the fulfilment of their human rights. Read more here
Forwarded from Yuldoshev's Blog
Let me do it one more time!
FREE Speaking Mock Test with @YuldoshevG
8.5 for Speaking on my certificate and years of experience say I am qualified for it.
I will give you personal feedback and share useful materials with “winners”

Fill in the Google Form for it and wait for further updates.

It will be
-as professional as possible
Form will accept responses until 22:00 tomorrow, Oct 16.

Share it with your friends who need it!
with respect @YuldoshevG
I was born in this season but I don't like it:(

Who loves it?
I know two types of people.

1. Used to live alone and can stand on his legs without demanding for attention, love, kindness
2. Used to live with lots of love and attention. Always in the center of everything.

There are people who knows that waiting for something is useless but believing and loving yourself is the only way. Their motto: Don't wait respect, kindness, money or anything from others.

I don't want to say that one of these is better.However, my point is that in any situation you should be in the center of your life.Let's talk about us what kind of persona you are?
1) One Young World Summit in Japan 2022 | Fully Funded

2) MEPI Leadership Program | Chance to study one semester in USA | Fully Funded

3) KAUST Fellowship Program 2022 in Saudi Arabia | Fully Funded

4) Summer Internship Program in the USA 2022 | Fully Funded

5) Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme 2022-23 | Fully Funded

6) European Union Volunteering Program 2022 | Fully Funded

7) Swedish Institute Scholarships 2022 | Fully Funded

(8) DAAD University Summer Courses in Germany 2022 | Fully Funded

9) Lester B. Pearson Scholarship in Canada 2022 | Fully Funded

10) Skoll MBA Scholarship 2022 in the UK | Fully Funded | Study in UK

11) Gates Cambridge Scholarship 2022-23 in the UK | Fully Funded

12) International Internship 2022 in Saudi Arabia | Fully Funded
Halloween 🎃 is coming if you have a chance what kind of costume would you like to purchase for Halloween? 🎃🛍

*Halloween is a popular American holiday for children and adults. It is celebrated on October 31st every year. Children dress up in costumes and go after dark house to house, knock on the door and say trick or treat! People then give the children "treats" like candy. Costumes can be scary.

Let's orginize Halloween party 🤔
The U.S. Embassy Tashkent is seeking eligible and qualified applicants for Foreign National Student Internship Program in the Human Resources Office (HRO) of the Management Section.

#job #vacancy #uzbekistan #internship
I need super useful materials for learning Russian and Turkish (audios, books, videos, apps) If you have any please send them to me 😊

If someone is going to learn Russian or Turkish write in comment I will share materials in the channel🤓
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If you have time go to Dream Center super party is waiting 🥳🛍🤩
You will find location in this channel!
Today I joined voice chat in tg channel of Alisher Sadullayev. It was pretty amazing as he mentioned so many new projects such as English Conversation Club.

Who joined voice chat? Did you like the idea?
Dear friends,
We invite you to join us at ROUND TABLE on the Youth needs Assessment in the Fergana Valley as an attendee and part of our activities within the UN Joint Project "Youth for Social Harmony in Fergana Valley".
This is a great opportunity to delve into the work and results of the project, express your opinion and share suggestions for further improvements. The event will be interspersed with networking and delicious coffee break.

When: November 04, 2021 at 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Where: Hyatt Regency Tashkent, Samarkand Hall.
You can register via this link:
📌Job opportunity alert! | Program Assistant

American Councils for International Education Uzbekistan is hiring!

American Councils for International Education is a premier, international non-profit organization creating educational opportunities that prepare individuals and institutions to succeed in an increasingly interconnected world. Through academic exchanges, overseas language immersion, and educational development programs, American Councils has designed and administered innovative programs that broaden individual perspectives, increase knowledge, and deepen understanding for more than 40 years across more than 80 countries.

Position Summary:
The Program Assistant is responsible for promotion, recruitment, administration, support for American Councils’ programs in Uzbekistan. As a key member of the American Councils Uzbekistan team, the Program Assistant will also be expected to support and administer daily programming tasks. This position reports to a Program Coordinator, and will also work directly with program staff in Tashkent, Uzbekistan office. The position is offered full-time from November 2021 till November 2022 and is subject to extension based on performance review.

🔗Click here to learn more: Program Assistant

If you have any questions please, email them to [email protected]
Qaysi shtat🙃
Bugun ancha kutgan xabarim keldi🥳
2024/09/27 21:27:03
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