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Mendan volontyorlik tajribam yo'q qanday topaman unaqa imkoniyatlani deb so'raganlar uchun Yakshanba kuni «Volontyorlar maktabi»ning oʻzbek tilidagi ochilishi boʻlib oʻtadi.

Bu Ziyo Forumʼdagi volontyorlik ishining barcha afzalliklari haqida bilib olish va uning ishtirokchisi boʻlish uchun ajoyib imkoniyat;

Shuningdek, «Oʻzingni sinab koʻr» va «Mafiya kvizi» kabi jamoaviy ishlash uchun interaktiv va koʻngilochar oʻyinlar kutadi🔥

Tadbir dasturi bilan karuselda tanishing.

Yakshanba, 19-sentyabr, 10:00
📍Manzil: Olmazor tumani, Universitet koʻchasi, 12-uy, Ziyo Forum binosi

Oldindan roʻyxatdan oʻtish lozim📲

Bizga qoʻshiling va ulkan Ziyo Forum oilasining aʼzosiga aylaning!🤩


Bazida juda zeriksam yoki siqilsam kitob varaqlash odatim bor hozir ham odatga ko'ra Robin Sharmaning O'lsang Kim yig'laydi kitobini olib birinchi duch kelgan sahifani ochdim.

"Agar biz o'z hayotimizni boshqarishni bilmasak, hammasini qo'limizga olib, o'z maqsadimizga erishmasak, hayotning o'zi bizni qo'liga oladi, bu esa biz istamagan natijalarga olib kelishi aniq. Bu- insoniyatni ming yillar davomida boshqarib kelgan tabiat qonuni. Yaqin haftalar ichida faolroq hayot kechirishga o'tish uchun o'zingizni o'z qismatingizni, o'z hayotingizni rahbari deb biling."

Shu kunlarda umuman yaqin oylarda hayot meni qo'liga olgandek edi, zerikish, dangasalik( xullas hammasidan bor ammo endi hayotimiz boshiga kechib ishga kirishish vaqti keldi. Energiya, qiziq voqealarga to'la hayotimni sog'indim.
Hayotini qo'liga olgan, TATU, Inha, Turin, Amity yoki Yeojue universiteti talabalari bormi? Sizlar uchun ajoyib imkoniyatga ko'zim tushdi.

Seeds for the Future global talim almashinuv dasturi. Aslida bir ajoyib inson shu dastur orqali Xitoyga borib kelgan ammo hozir karantin bo'lgani sabab Toshkentdagi Huaweining ofisida amaliyot o'tash va keyinchalik ishga joylashish imkoniyatingiz bo'lishi mumkin.
-3-4 kurs ( yuqoridagi universitetlarda) yuqori akademik ko'rsatkichlarga ega talabalar bu siz uchun axborot telekimmunikatsion texnologiyalari to'g'risida bilim olish va karierangizga ilk qadamlaringizni qo'yishingiz uchun tengsiz imkoniyat.

Batafsil malumotni GrantGo saytidan o'zbek tilida olishingiz mumkin juda foydali content bor sayt kuzatib boring.

Saylovlar doimo davlat kelajagiga aloqador juda muhim hodisa bo'lib kelgan. Zero uning natijasi yaqin besh olti yillik hayotimizning qanday kechishini belgilaydi. Bu yil nasib qilsa saylovda ikkinchi bor ovoz beraman. Yuqoridagi suratdagi fikr e'tiborimni tortdi "Har bir insonning qadri bor" chindan ham hamma gap inson qadrida.

Inson qadrlangan davlatda fikr va g'oyalar qadrlanadi, g'oyalar qadrlangan davlatda yangiliklar bo'ladi yangiliklar esa yuksalish garovidir.
#grants #scholarships #internships

Scholarships, Grants, Fellowships, Internships everyone knows these words today but there is one question do you really know what they mean? What is the difference between scholarship and grant? If your answer is Yes - awesome. If No this post is for you!

1. What are Scholarships?

A scholarship is financial aid given to a student to advance his/her education. You can think of scholarships as birthday gifts! Winning reputed scholarships is valued as a great achievement and will significantly add to your CV/resume too.

2. What are Grants?

Grants are funds given to you by an organization such as the government, corporation, or foundation or an individual for pursuing a specific career path/ pursuing education. You don’t have to worry about repaying the money because that’s what “grants” mean. In order to be eligible for a grant, you may have to meet certain qualifications set by the grantor.

3. Finally, What is the difference between Scholarships and Grants?

Usually, scholarships are awarded on a merit basis whereas grants are awarded based on your or your family’s financial needs. Scholarships are given by plenty of funding organizations. Grants, on the other hand, are funds awarded by state or federal aid to a college or university. Another difference is, the scholarship may or may not be provided for the entire duration of the course you will pursue.

* UGRAD is not scholarship or grant. It is exchange program. I will write about exchange programs too😁✈️
#usa #mustsee #natbeauty
Autumn in California 😍
Volontyorlar uchun pullik amaliyot😱😍 Volontyorlik imkoniyatlarini so'rayotganlar uchun!

⚠️ Sizning o'qishingiz yoki ishingiz distаntsion formatidami 👩‍💻🧑‍💼?!

⚠️ Siz ikki hafta mobaynida vaqtingizni amaliy volontyorlikka bag'ishlay olsizmi?!

Demak bu takrorlanmas imkoniyat aynan SIZ uchundir!!!

~ Oktyabr 20-27 + Noyabr 1-7

📍Locatsiya: faqat Yashnobod tumani, Toshkent
📌 Amaliyot davomiyligi: 2 hafta

Registratsiyadan o'tish ⬇️

Savollar uchun/ для вопросов
➡️ @UzbekistanVolunteerAssociation
#volunteering #cocacola

There are so many things in our life. Coca cola is also ordinary product that we tend to drink but there is a big team who work hard for producing this super cool beverage.

Application is now open for Volunteers!!!

Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games!

The Beijing Organising Committee for the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games (Beijing 2022) is committed to a green, inclusive, open and clean approach to hosting the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games (Games).

To attract talent from all over the world for a fantastic, extraordinary and excellent Games, Beijing 2022 starts its global recruitment of Games volunteers on 5 December 2019.

⚠️ Beijing 2022 will recruit 27,000 Games volunteers for the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games and 12,000 for the Beijing 2022 Paralympic Winter Games.

⚠️ Application deadline: September 30, 2021
Hello friends! We have just launched a final round of our self-defense camp for women and girls in Tashkent. If you are a female, interested in mastering techniques to defend yourself against physical threats, as well as maintaining good mental health and overall wellbeing, sign up for the last round in 2021! Classes are free of charge for all selected participants. Here’s more info:
Central Asian Youth Talks and Model OSCE:
29 October -2 November 2021

The OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe is launching a Call for Applications for the “Central Asian Youth Talks and Model OSCE to be held on – 29 October – 2 November 2021 in Tajikistan.

The Central Asian Youth Talks and Model OSCE is an exchange and learning event in Dushanbe for 25 young people from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The event will provide a regional discussion platform for the active young people to share their views, ideas, and achievements and to foster mutual learning and development of their communities. The Central Asian Youth Talks and Model OSCE is a part of a series of activities organized by the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe in the framework of its programme on supporting participatory dialogue, aimed at strengthening the capacity and skills of youth to participate in the decision-making processes, promoting OSCE values and the important role the youth play in peace and security in the region.

The participants of the event will discuss the issues related to the collaboration of youth in the Central Asian region, strengthening the youth dialogue and development of networking platforms for the future development of the region and exchange their experience on promoting the role of young people at different levels. As a part of the programme, young people will also take part in the Model OSCE, during which participants will learn about OSCE comprehensive approach to security, discuss the existing problems and OSCE assistance in their resolution, develop their skills in negotiations and constructive dialogue, and take part in the simulation exercise replicating the work of the OSCE Permanent Council.

Deadline for applications:
7 October 2021, 14:00 CET.

Profile of participants:
We look forward to your application if you are:
• 18-25 years old, from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan;
• an active and engaged member of your community and have interest in Central Asian (youth) regional co-operation;
• fluent in English and Russian;
• eager to share your experience in promoting the role of young people at different levels and learn from others.

Application procedure and deadlines:

All interested candidates should apply by sending the application form, along with the CV and copy of a foreign passport, to the following e-mail: [email protected]

Only short-listed candidates will be notified by 14 October 2021.
Practical and financial conditions:
The Central Asian Youth Talks and Model OSCE will take place in Tajikistan or in a hybrid format depending on the situation with the Covid-19 developments in the region.
• Participants should be available for the whole period of the event;
• Accommodation, meals and transport will be covered by the organizers in case of the event will be conducted in ‘in-person’ format;
• International travel will be covered by the organizers, however, travel to and from departing cities in their countries is participants’ own responsibility.

Working Language:
The event will be bi-lingual: the working languages will be English and Russian.

Further information:
For further information please call: +992985170145 or send an email to: [email protected]

Gender and geographic balance criteria will be applied in the selection process;

Candidates from smaller communities outside of regional centres and capitals are encouraged to apply.

World Health Organization Paid Internships Program 2022 - Fully Funded

Undergraduate, Graduate, and PhD students can apply for these Paid internships.


Applications are Open Now.

Kectil Youth Leadership Program 2022

🔰 Mode:
online leadership program
🗓 Duration: 1 year
💵 Benefits:
- award to the participants after the completion of the training.
- a chance to become influential team leaders and role models for their native countries.

- be between 17 - 27 years old;
- be belonging to developing and least developed nations;
- have a passion for securing the role of future leaders;
- be proficient in English.

Official link | Apply now
Deadline: November 25, 2021
Odamlarni yaxshi yomonga ajratish mumkin bilimli-bilimsiz, boy-kambag'alga emas degan gap eshitgandim filmda. Aslida hayotda odamlarni maqsadli va maqsadsizga ham ajratish mumkin. Hammani yashashdan maqsadi bor deysizmi?! Balki shunday ammo o'sha maqsad bu- nomi "maqsad" bo'lgan o'ylab topilgan gaplar. Ferrari minaman, US, France da yashayman deyish maqsad qo'yish emas. Step by step hamma narsani rejalashtirgan va puxta tayyorgarlik ko'rilgan holda qo'yiladi maqsadlar.

English Chat guruhlari haqida bilasizmi? Balki qachonlardir adashib kirib qolgandirsiz. U yerda ingliz tilini o'rganishni maqsad qilib olganman deb o'ylovchi maqsadsizlar yig'ilgan. Bunday guruhlarga kirgan har qanday aqlli odam 5 daqiqadan ortiq turmaydi. Men ham universitetga endi kirgan paytlarim qiziqib qo'shilganman ammo useless edi hamma maqsadsizlar yoki zerikkanlar makoni. Aslida bunaqa chatlar haqida unutganimgayam ancha bo'lgan ekan. Chunki ancha foydali vaqtimni ketgazishimga arzirli kanal va guruhlarda borman holos. Hozir bir shunday guruh chiqib qoldi voice chat bo'layotgan ekan kirib ko'raman dedim balki qiziq yokida foydali mashg'ulot bilan shug'illanishayotgandir.

Afsuski doimgidek foydasiz😔 Shuncha odam to'planib nega vaqtini ahmoqona suhbatlar, chatlarga sarflaydi. To'g'ri men ham o'zimni dono super busy foydali ishlar bilan demoqchi emasman lekin eng kamida zeriksam yoki vaqtim bo'lsa multfilm, kino ko'raman, TV showlarni kuzataman. Shuncha qilish mumkin bo'lgan mashg'ulotlar bor ahir.

Sizning fikringiz qanday shu mavzu bo'yicha? Ha shu orada biz ham voice chat qilsakmi deyapman faqat foydali hech bo'lmaganda kelajak maqsadlarimiz haqida suhbatlashadigan maqsadli audio chat:)
Direction is more important than speed. Most of them are very fast, but there is no direction.

© Truth in the picture
❗️#Rasman: "Universe volontyorlar maktabi" 2-mavsumi yoxud "Shaxsiyatni rivojlantirish maktabi" uchun ro'yxatdan o'tish jarayonlariga start berildi!

Ro'yxatdan o'tishda havolada ko'rsatilgan ma'lumotlarni to'g'ri, imloviy, lug'aviy va grammatik xatolarsiz yozilganiga ahamiyat beriladi.

📆Ro'yxatdan o'tish jarayoni 7-oktabr kuniga qadar davom etadi!

🚀"Shaxsiyatni rivojlantirish maktabi"da 16 yoshdan 30 yoshgacha bo'lgan barcha yurtdoshlarimiz ishtirok etishlari mumkin!

Ro'yxatdan o'tish:

Khusanova | Personal Blog
❗️#Rasman: "Universe volontyorlar maktabi" 2-mavsumi yoxud "Shaxsiyatni rivojlantirish maktabi" uchun ro'yxatdan o'tish jarayonlariga start berildi! Ro'yxatdan o'tishda havolada ko'rsatilgan ma'lumotlarni to'g'ri, imloviy, lug'aviy va grammatik xatolarsiz…
Mana sizlarga yaxshi bilim olish, professionallardan o'rganish va yangi tanishlar orttirish uchun imkoniyat. Mendan ko'pchilik so'rab yozadi qattan topas loyihalani deb shunde loyihalarda ishtirok etib tanishlar orttiraman, fikr almashib kimlar nimalar qilayotgani, qanday eventlar bo'layotganini bilib olaman.
Don’t miss the opportunity to take part in our information session at GroundZero Kitob Olami!

We would like to provide all necessary info that you need to embark on the journey to a German university🇩🇪

🔻 After starting at the very beginning and the question of what to study and where, we will have a look at application requirements especially regarding language skills.

🔻The topic of financing your stay in Germany will also be touched and of course we will talk about DAAD scholarships.

You will have the chance to ask all your questions regarding Study in Germany!

📌 6th October at 5:30 p.m.
Free entry
Location: Mustakillik avenue 6/7,
Object orient: across the street from the old conservatory

Contact us:
2024/09/27 23:17:28
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