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Ideani biri 😂
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Kazan Global Youth Summit

27-30 August 2022
Kazan/Tatarstan (Russian Federation)

The Ministry of Youth Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan (Russian Federation) and the Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF) are organizing the Kazan Global Youth Summit in partnership with The Academy of Youth Diplomacy, and Tatarstan Republican Youth Public Fund "Selet" under the “Kazan OIC Youth Capital 2022” International Programme on 27-30 August 2022 in Kazan, Tatarstan (RF).

For more info:!/tproduct/410428001-1646578869535

“Take advantage of five before five: your youth before your old age, your health before your sickness, your wealth before your poverty, your free time before your busyness, and your life before your death.”

~Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

Women Techmakers: event for beginners in IT.

📌 During sessions you will learn how to start career in IT effectively.

We will cover 4 career paths:
Project management
📆 Date: July 16, 2022
📍 Venue: Inha University in Tashkent

🎟 Get your FREE ticket here:
Stay tuned ✌️
Eid Al Adha Mubarak

There are many people eager to know why I am in India and how I came here😶🌫 I am working as an interpreter here in Fortis Hospital. Noida, Delhi. My friend helped me to find this job.

At first, my parents were concerned about my trip to India; pandemic, infections and everything but I was not caring at all. I know we tend to think India is not a good place to live or to travel. However, after the US chapter I realized that there is no perfect place. So I decided to go and I am here😊

Patients come to Fortis for Liver transplant surgery - removing a liver that no longer functions properly (liver cirrhosis) and replacing it with a healthy liver from a donor. Liver can regenerate and return to its normal size shortly after removal of part of the organ.

This is the beginning of new adventures in my life😄Working with patients is really stressful. You know I am not majoring in medical field I have no idea about these type of surgeries and human organs but it can't stop me. I am learning medical terms and the whole process. Actually it is not that hard when you feel the responsibility and understand that it is vital for patients life.

This is life you never know what happens. Accept challenges, don't hesitate that's what I am doing now

Forwarded from Anvarov’s blog
​​​​​​Assalamu alaykum va Rohmatullahi va barokatuh.

🤩Kutib oling...

🎤Navbatdagi intervyumiz mehmoni — Oydinoy Xusanova

🔥Grantlar va chet elda taʼlim yoʻnalishi speakeri...

✔️20 yosh
✔️UGRAD finalist 2021
✔️JACAFA grant sohibasi
✔️ WIST Westminster Xalqaro maktabida stajirovka amalga oshirgan
✔️ Woman up act finalist
✔️ Tajribali volontyor
✔️ Bir qancha Xalqaro loyihalarda ishtirok etib , orginizatorlik qilganlar.
✔️Bir qancha xalqaro sertifikat va diplomlar sohibasi

📍Oydinoyning faoliyati, yutuqlari va ko'plab muvaffaqqiyatlari bilan yaqindan tanishmoqchi bo'lsangiz:

Vaqti: 11-iyul, 21:00

😉Manfaatli suhbatni o'tkazib yubormang.

📨Hurmat bilan loyiha asoschisi va tashkilotchi guruh.

🚀Birgalikda Yuksalamiz | 4-avlod
Slow Songs
Acustic Music
Perfect combination before sleeping. Also you try to understand words ( as they are slow it is not that hard) which helps you to relax and work on your listening skills simultaneously. Check these links or just search with #chillstreet. If u don't like love songs just try acoustic music or midnight relaxing songs 🎶 I hope you will love it.

Good night 😴🌉
Media is too big
#listening #map

Juda foydali bo'ldi degan umiddaman chunki IELTS darslarda 1 oyda aytiladigan narsani 40 minutda aytib qo'ydim 😅

❇️ Useful language for map
❇️ Two types of map tasks
❇️ Practice with full explanation
❇️ Important self-study tips

Share it with your friends 🔥🌹

Khusanova | Personal Blog
#listening #map Juda foydali bo'ldi degan umiddaman chunki IELTS darslarda 1 oyda aytiladigan narsani 40 minutda aytib qo'ydim 😅 Videoda: ❇️ Useful language for map ❇️ Two types of map tasks ❇️ Practice with full explanation ❇️ Important self-study tips…
Broni darslariga gap yo'q qisqa lo'nda aniq tushuntiradila. IELTS tayyorlanayotganlar bo'sa menga o'xshab mana shu kanalda darslarda qatnashamiz birga😁😊

O'ylab qarasam passiv writer ekanman. Ko'p postla qilmaymanku (dangasalik bazan) lekin shundayam kuzatib postlarni kutib shu haqda yozing buni yozing deb turadigan yaxshi subscriberlasila. Ha aytgande bitta zo'r Toshkentda conference ertaga qo'yaman albatta apply qilinglar qabul qilinsak nasib birga ishtirok etamiz oktabrda😍😊
Climate Change and Conflict

Junior and mid-level professionals from civil society, NGOs, and governmental organizations; researchers, activists, and experts from Central Asian countries, Afghanistan and Mongolia are invited to apply!

📆Date: 4 – 7 October 2022;
🚨Application deadline: 7 August 2022;
🏞️Venue: Tashkent, Uzbekistan (in person);
🎤Language of the training: English;
🔹Costs: Free of charge; travel, accommodation, and meals are covered by the programme.


For more details please follow the link
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I want to go
I am going
I went

Your dreams are really powerful just believe in them

SAT 1540
International college 320k$ grant

yutgan bola bilan voice chat bo'lyapti. Zo'r gapiryapti qo'shilila
2024/09/27 11:19:32
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