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Yangiliklarni davom ettiramiz!

IbratCampda Oydinoy Xusanova hamda Surayyo Xayrullayevalar tomonidan MUN loyihasi oʻtkazildi.

MUNda ishtirokchilarimiz turli davlatlar vakillari sifatida qatnashib, berilgan muammolarga yechim topishdi.

Loyihada eng faol qatnashgan 3 ishtirokchi gʻolib deb topildi. Demak, ularni oromgoh yakunida taqdirlashda koʻramiz😊

IbratCamp axborot xizmati
Ibratda man ko'rgan eng yaxshi ustozlardan biri

AKFA univerda 2-kurs.

Accent - British 🔥🔥

He shares his best all the time

Here's a link to his channel


I can't believe that I met so many people who are just "WOW". Their personality, knowledge and skills surprised me. Dovudxon bro is one of them.🔥#respect
Ushbu uzlat davrimda bir kichik maqsadcha qo'ydim, 1 kun ichida 100 ta insho tekshirish. Bu nafaqat sizga katta foyda bo'ladi, balki o'zim va mening ingliz tilimni rivojlantirish yo'limdagi qilayotgan harakatlarimni ham baholaydi.

24 soat = 100 ta insho

Tekshirish qanday bo'ladi?
=Grammar and spelling bo'yicha tavsiyalar
=Coherence and cohesion yaxshimi
=Task response qanchalik bo'lgan

Narxi: BEPUL! (Ushbu postimni 3ta guruhga jo'natish)

Mavzu: "What do you expect from IBRAT Language Camp and what will you do after the Camp (is*) over in order to develop language learning?"

150 so'zdan oshmagan insho yuboring @s_esonov profiliga. Iltimos, faqat ayol-qizlar yozsin🤗

Try to meet and make unforgettable memories
Hello world 🌍😊

Long time I couldn't send anything to the channel but today is special day. In this day I want to wish you success new adventures and of course heart-full of inspiration and love❤️.

Use every single opportunity in your life like me😂😂 I am living in INDIA now. Will be back in 2 months.

Do you like India? Culture?People? Traditions?

I want to share my first three days experience if it's interesting 4 u ^_^
Reactions and comments👀
Let's see who loves INDIA ;)


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Indian songs in INDIA
Are u ready??
We are going to Taj Mahal tomorrow. I will share photos and videos ☺️🙂

Let's check who has been there before?
2024/09/27 09:31:48
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