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Buni ancha oldin kanalga yuborishni reja qilgan edim. Judayam yaxshi imkoniyat albatta harakat qilib ko'ringlar men ham anketamni to'ldirishni boshlaganman😊 Nasib qilsa eng zo'rlari qatorida bo'lamiz hammamiz😄👍 Bu nima? Anketa qayerda deysizmi? Yuqoridagi postda berilgan tg manzili orqali kanaldan barcha ma'lumotlarni olishingiz mumkin. Yoqimli ishtaxa😋 Yo'g'e Omad😅
Yaqinda «Oʻzbekistonning top-100 muvaffaqiyatli talabalari Almanaxi» nomli yangi loyihamizni eʼlon qilgan edik🙋🏻‍♂️

Bizga juda koʻp savollar va batafsil maʼlumot boʻyicha soʻrovlar kelib tushdi. Biz Sizni eshitdik, karuselni koʻring👉🏻

Keyingi postlarda ushbu ajoyib loyiha haqida, uning talabalar uchun afzalliklari va mezonlari va ishtirokchilari toʻgʻrisida yanada batafsil soʻzlab beramiz🤗

Imkoniyatni boy bermang, tezroq anketa topshiring! 📑

📥 Anketani toʻldirgach, [email protected] pochtasiga yuboring.

Mayli baribir o'zim yuborar ekanman. Sal qiynalinglar yo'g'e qidiringlar degan edim😁😄
Dear students,

The Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan announce an essay contest on the topic "Why do you want to become an IT specialist?"

🎁The selected 10 winners will get a free education on IT, laptop and job opportunity. Visit the website and indicate your essay (Minimum 150 words).

Deadline: Today (December 23, midnight)

Good luck.🍀
Where do I begin planning studies in Europe?

You'll find everything you need on the Study in Europe portal


Follow @studyineurope.welcome for more information about studying in Europe.

#StudyInEurope 🇪🇺
Dear Friends! 📣

🇺🇳We are so thrilled to announce that Agency for Presidential Educational Institutions is organising its first Model United Nations to develop diplomacy, negotiation, public speaking skills of the youth!

🇺🇳Model United Nations is the platform where you can expand your networking, develop your skills and contribute to solve global problems!

🇺🇳On this occasion, we are happy to open an application form where you can have a chance of becoming a member of a large scale event!

Registration is open for anyone!

📆Date: January 15-16, 2022

📍Venue: Bukhara, Uzbekistan

Food and accommodation will be provided for all delegates!

❗️Deadline: December 31

Best Regards,
PEIMUN Secretariat

Instagram | Telegram
Forwarded from U.S. Embassy Tashkent
Our 2021 #GlobalUGRAD exchange program finalists, pictured above, are ready to embark on a life-changing journey in the United States! Let’s wish them the best of luck as they prepare to immerse themselves in American campus life and explore the culture and diversity!

This is also a reminder that the deadline for the 2022 Global UGRAD exchange program is less than 10 days away. Don’t miss your chance to join the UGRAD family! Learn more here:
Rome wasn't built in one day.
2021-yil ham nihoyasiga yetib bormoqda. Hozir yil davomida nimalar qildimu yana qancha ishga ulgurmadim sarhisob qildim. Bilasizmi oldin yozishni yoqtirmasdim. Yil sarhisobi, kundalik, day planner yo'q bular men uchun emas edi hozir ham shunday, ammo ko'pchilik maslahat bergach sinab ko'rishga qaror qildim.

Natija esa zo'r. Yangi yil uchun rejalarimni yozish mobaynida aniq bir xarita shakllantirganday bo'ldim. Nimaga erishmoqchiman, qayerlarda bo'lmoqchiman hammasini o'z ichiga olgan map.

Menimcha avval yosh bo'lganman😅 yoki hayotga jiddiyroq qarashni, rejali tadbirli bo'lishni endi o'rganyapman. Umid qilamanki yil davomida rejalarimni birin ketin amalga oshiraman va masuliyatli bo'laman.

Siz ham sinab ko'ring maqsadlar, orzular umuman yangi yilda qilishni hohlaydigan, tashrif buyurishni istaydigan joylaringizdan tortib sotib olmoqchi bo'lgan zamonaviy devicelaringiz hammasini yozing. Agar yozishni istamasangiz bu ham ok o'zingizni majburlamang shunchaki niyatlaringizni xayolingizda o'ylab qo'ying.
Happy New Year
Wish u vibrant, brilliant, amazing and super year🔥❤️😊
Hey 👋 are u waiting for the last day to apply for UGRAD then these videos are for you. Apply for the program right after watching these UGRAD Crash Course videos by Khilola

She checked my essays and all documents for several grants. Believe in me these materials will be very helpful☺️

Good morning 🌅
Greetings from Washington
For more pics and videos😊
Forwarded from U.S. Embassy Tashkent
Hello friends!

The U.S. Embassy is pleased to announce a new round of Self-Defense Classes for #Women and #Girls in #Tashkent in 2022! We continue to build on the success of our pilot year (2021), the positive feedback of project #alumni, the impact on the local community, and the high demand for women’s self-defense camps!

If you are a female, interested in mastering techniques to defend yourself against physical threats, as well as maintaining good mental health and overall wellbeing, sign up for the new round!

Classes are free of charge for all selected participants. Here’s more info:
For whom: Researchers from Tajikistan🇹🇯, Kyrgyzstan🇰🇬, Kazakhstan🇰🇿, Uzbekistan🇺🇿 and Turkmenistan🇹🇲;
📅Date: 21-25 March 2022
Place: Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Language: English
✈️🚗OSCE will cover round-trip travel cost from within Central Asian countries. Lodging and boarding will also be provided;
🕔Deadline for application: 15 February 2022 until 17:00. Application package as one PDF file should be sent electronically to Ms. Tahmina Jumabaeva - [email protected];
Read more information:
📣📣📣Join us this Friday, January 21 at 4 p.m. Tashkent time to learn about the Summer Work & Travel Program from Ivan Zhivkov, a Vice Consul in the U.S. Embassy in Tashkent.
You will have a chance to ask your questions in real time!

No registration required!
To participate, go to the American Spaces in Uzbekistan Facebook page or YouTube channel:

We look forward to seeing you there!
#AmSpacesAtHome #VirtualChaiChat #SWT
2024/09/27 19:18:32
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