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Settings in Telegram This update includes over 100 fixes and optimizations to the mobile and desktop apps – eliminating bugs, improving speed, and expanding minor features. iOS users with the latest iPhones and iPads get significantly smoother animations (120 FPS) throughout the app. Android users will notice better audio and video quality in voice and video messages, along with options to set alternative app icons, clear all recent stickers at once and translate user bios or chat descriptions. The encryption is based on 2048-bit RSA encryption, 256-bit symmetric AES encryption, and Diffie–Hellman secure key exchange.

In Telegram, you can adjust the color and background. If you like, you can even set up your own custom theme to make Telegram look exactly the way you like. Telegram now allows you to add people who are near you. If the person on the other side has made his/her profile visible, you can see his/her name in the search. Just tap on the name to exchange contact info. To create your own theme, tap the three-dot button (Android) or go to Chat Themes (iOS) and choose Create new theme. Here, you can create your own look if you don't like any of the default options. Create Timestamp for Videos

Color-theme of the app Request to join a public group New Username Links Pin Messages in Channelsb

To find more themes, Android users can try the Themes for Telegram app. If you use an iPhone, have a look at the Telegram Themes subreddit. Telegram offers you to create and use your own custom theme with whatever colors you want. Also, it offers many ways to customize it the way you want it to. There is nothing to pay for anything. Everything is FREE and you can create your own personalized theme with your favorite colors.

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