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Eid Mubarak to all. May Allāh accept our fasting and all our good deeds.
Enjoy Eid with your families and eat plenty of meat if you can. It’s very healthy for you. Don’t let any insect eater tell you otherwise.

Let us keep our brothers and sisters in Palestine and other parts of the Muslim world in our duas.
Forwarded from Theology & Geopolitics
Islamic Bookshelf
Eid Mubarak to all. May Allāh accept our fasting and all our good deeds. Enjoy Eid with your families and eat plenty of meat if you can. It’s very healthy for you. Don’t let any insect eater tell you otherwise. Let us keep our brothers and sisters in Palestine…
One benefit of seeing through all the propaganda the globalist mainstream media pushes at us, is that we can stop worrying about fake crises and live our lives fully. There is no climate change, no pandemic, eating meat isn’t destroying the planet, nor is having kids bad for our “carbon footprints”.

The world is a beautiful place. Enjoy it. Eat meat, have kids, drive cars, don’t feel guilty about any of it.
God created the world for us.
The shayateen will never succeed.

Forwarded from Theology & Geopolitics
An excellent article by Mairav Zonszein on the deeply rooted problems within Israeli society.
Netanyahu is being used merely as a scapegoat to take the blame.
The full article at Foreign Policy is linked below.

This is the archived link to bypass the paywall.

After months of reflection and preparing I am tremendously excited to announce the newest offering of the FTH Hikma Academy:
‘The Key to Medicine & A Guide for Students’

Written by Hakim Abu Farah Ali ibn Al-Husayn ibn Hindu, a Persian physician in the 11th century, The Key is an illuminating text that offers a comprehensive framework for the medical craft; congruent with the Islamic intellectual paradigm whilst offering a metaphysical, clinical, and ethical guide for the practicing Muslim physician or health professional.

The course will be 8 weeks long.

My hope with the course is to introduce students to an indigenous Islamic medical and psychological tradition that is not only alive and well, but capable of addressing the most challenging health issues of our time & bridging the gap between the scientific and the spiritual.

The course will not merely be a rote reading of the text but God-willing a synthetic exploration of our deep healing tradition with insights from the sacred sciences (fiqh, kalam, tasawuf) as well as from homeopathy, traditional naturopathy, unani tibb, depth psychology, somatic trauma healing, relational work, and more.

As far as we know this is the first time this text is being taught in the English language!

Be the first to register for the course at the following link, also available through the links on our profile:

**As a humble Eid gift to you all and a token of gratitude for this opportunity we would like to extend an Early Bird Discount of $50 off the full-cost price, available for the next week until April 15th!

Please use code ‘EARLYBIRDKEY’ at checkout out of the 1-installment payment option to secure the discount.

We pray that God accepts our efforts and brings benefit to all the students as we strive to revive the wholistic vitalistic tradition of Hikma Medicine.
Forwarded from Arabic Bookshelf
A wonderful opportunity to improve your Arabic under the instruction of Shaykh Mahdi Lock.

The spring semester resumes (إن شاء الله) on Monday (15 April) and two new LIVE levels are starting:

* Elementary 2 (Arkview Arabic 103)
* Pre-Intermediate 1 (Arkview Arabic 211)

Please click on the link for further details:

* A subscription is for all levels: all live classes, all recordings, all handouts, all WhatsApp groups, etc.
* The price is per household, not per individual. All ages are welcome.
* There are placement tests and end-of-level tests to help you determine your level.
* We have just added a weekly open Q&A session, which is included in the subscription.

Check this link below for a placement test that you can do now to check which level is right for you.

If your grade is:
Well below 70: Starter Level
Between (roughly) 70 and 130: Elementary 1
Between (roughly) 130 and 195: Elementary 2 (starting live 15 April, Insha'Allah)
Above 195: Elementary 3

If you ace it, please try Elementary 4 or maybe the exam that is offered at the end of Level 4.

And with Allah alone is every success!
Forwarded from Khairabadi Institute
Mīr Zāhid al-Harawī's gloss on the Sharh Mawāqif of al-Sayyid al-Sharīf al-Jurjānī (d. 816/1413)

As a pupil of Mullā Muḥammad Yūsuf, who himself studied under Mirzā Jān al-Shīrāzī, al-Harawī's gloss on al-Sayyid al-Sharīf al-Jurjānī’s commentary on the Mawāqif profoundly influenced subsequent South Asian interest in the Mawāqif itself.

Subsequently, nearly every South Asian work on the Mawāqif became a supergloss on Mīr Zāhid al-Harawī's own work. Out of 29 South Asian engagements with the Mawāqif identified, 22 were superglosses on al-Harawī's work, demonstrating its pervasive impact on Mawāqif scholarship in the region.

Shaykh Fazl-i-Subhān al-Qādirī's distinctive Khairabādī teaching style showcases a masterclass on the Mīr Zāhid Umūr Āmah, which he has been teaching throughout his entire life as a distinguished inheritor of Imam 'Aḍud-Dīn Al-Ījī himself. Masha’Allah.
Forwarded from The Kaafiyah Channel
Please open Telegram to view this post
Imam al-Bayjūri wrote:

"Hope is defined as your heart attaching itself to a particular state of affairs, while you engage in acts that are necessary to bring about this particular state of affairs.

If hope is had while no action is undertaken, it is not really hope, but actually a delusion."

Bayjūrī, Al-. (2002). Tuhfat al-Murīd  'alā Jawharat al-Tawhīd. (Ali Gomaa, Ed.). Cairo: Dar al-Salām, p. 63.)
Forwarded from The Foreword (Mahdi)
The Eminent Rank of Al-Quds

الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله

BOOK RELEASE! The Eminent Rank of Al-Quds by Imam Wahbah az-Zuhayli رحمه الله تعالى is now available on Amazon.
Forwarded from Theology & Geopolitics
Since today is his birthday, one of the best books to read on Hitler, is Guido Preparata’s “Conjuring Hitler: How Britain and America Made the Third Reich.”
Building up on Dr Antony Sutton’s “Wall Street and Rise of Hitler”.
Most people today don’t know that Hitler’s earliest support came from Jewish banks and from factions of British aristocracy. The entire Nazi war machine got its oil from the Rockefellers and their Standard Oil company.
World War II was a dialectic, both sides were evil.
Forwarded from Theology & Geopolitics
Islamic Bookshelf
Since today is his birthday, one of the best books to read on Hitler, is Guido Preparata’s “Conjuring Hitler: How Britain and America Made the Third Reich.” Building up on Dr Antony Sutton’s “Wall Street and Rise of Hitler”. Most people today don’t know…
Before any moronic brainwashed neo-Nazis trot out the usual “But Hitler arrested the Rothschilds!” line…
Baron Louis de Rothschild wasn’t really “arrested”. He was kept in an extremely luxurious hotel. He was then ransomed off for $21 million.
Hitler had close dealings with several other Jewish banking houses.
Hitler had many Jewish officers close to him.
Hitler and his officers were involved in occult practices (look up the Thule Society) and this is why the swastika was chosen as the Nazi symbol. Many of Hitler’s officers were homosexuals as well.
The Nazi party was as degenerate as they come.

After World War II ended, over 1,000 top Nazi scientists were given American citizenship and they helped build up NASA, look up the declassified CIA papers pertaining to Operation Paperclip. Wernher von Braun is considered as the true founder of NASA as it exists today!

Many other Nazis actually helped set up Israel’s Mossad. The most famous example of this is the top Nazi general Reinhard Gehlen. Gehlen was awarded by the Pope and made a Knight of Malta. Gehlen would also found the German Federal Intelligence Service.

“Wild Bill” aka Bill Donovan, the head of the OSS which eventually became the CIA, was also awarded by the Pope and made a Knight of Malta. At one point there were so many papal knights in the CIA that it was jokingly called “Catholics In Action”.
(He was involved in helping out Chairman Mao as well, that’s another story.)

The Nazis, Fascists, Soviets, and the Allies were all evil. Don’t fall for any propaganda about them. As usual, we shouldn’t be taking either side.
The likes of Churchill, Hitler, and others all had a love/hate relationship with Jews. The Jews alone are not the main power in the world.
Forwarded from Theology & Geopolitics
Islamic Bookshelf
Before any moronic brainwashed neo-Nazis trot out the usual “But Hitler arrested the Rothschilds!” line… Baron Louis de Rothschild wasn’t really “arrested”. He was kept in an extremely luxurious hotel. He was then ransomed off for $21 million. Hitler had…
Pictured above are some houses of the “Black Nobility” elite families. These include the Aldobrandini, Medici, Colonna, Este, Orsini, Pallavicini, Borgia, and Farnese families among others. These families have been around since many centuries prior to the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and other globalist scions of today.
The connections between Babylon, Rome, Venice, the Vatican, Templars, Jesuits, Masons, Zionism etc are all there.

The graphic is a bit simplistic but a good starting point and outline for those who want to research these topics.

All this information is on the public record. In order to connect the dots you must be able to
1. Think coherently and understand basic logic
2. Locate and critically examine primary sources
3. Collate and synthesize information from a myriad of different branches of knowledge

One of the pitfalls of public schooling is that you are taught that history is merely a series of unconnected random events. To analyze history (or any other branch of knowledge) correctly one has to have the right metaphysical/theological foundations and worldview. One must be able to unify the sciences. What public schooling does is that it randomizes the sciences so people cannot connect the dots regarding anything.

The satanic cabal has many factions. Once you understand these connections then history and the events going on today will make a lot more sense. We must go beyond the typical alt media “everything was good until 1776 and the Rothschilds took over the world” trope.

Read our earlier post on “Aristocrazia Nera” for more details. More specific examples and information regarding all the aforementioned groups and their influence on global affairs today will be posted in the future.
Forwarded from Theology & Geopolitics
The structure of the Marja` system (yes, it is a Sunni concept)

This layout has been drawn up from Imam Muwaffaq ud-Din Ibn Qudamah’s Al-Mughni: Sharh ul-Mukhtasar il-Khiraqi, vol.10, pp.46-58 and vol.11, pp. 380-391; Imam Abdul Qadir ibn Umar At-Taghlabi’s Nail ul-Ma’arib bi-Sharhi Dalil -it-Talibi Li-Nail il-Matalib, pp. 434-435

Credit to Shaykh Abu Ja’far al Hanbali
Islamic Bookshelf
A Return to Purity in Creed: Iljam al-awwam ʿan ʿilm al-kalām

About the book

In this book, Imām Abū Hamid al-Ghazālī proves, once again, to be a man of the times by striking a balance between two extremes and refocusing the common Muslim on the simplistic beauty of the Islamic doctrine as learned and transmitted by the early Muslim community.

Imam al Ghazali here warns with great details about the detriments of engaging in polemical theology. Complete with explanatory notes, this translation is of great benefit for English readers.

About the author

Imam al Ghazali (d.505AH/1111AD) was known as “The Proof of Islam” and is one of the most influential scholars in all of Islamic history. He was a mujtahid with complete expertise in many sciences.
A master Ashari theologian, jurist in the Shafi’i school, and Usuli. He is considered unanimously by Mujaddid (Renewer) of his era.

About the translator

Shaykh Dr Abdullah bin Hamid Ali is a scholar of Islamic law and theology. His research interests include the interconnection between law and identity formation, comparative Islamic law, and Islam’s role in the modern world. He is currently a professor at Zaytuna College.
He received his BA or Al-Ijazah Al-‘Ulya from Al-Qarawiyyin University in Shariah in 2001. He received both his MA and PhD from the Graduate Theological Union in 2012 and 2016, respectively.
Forwarded from Theology & Geopolitics
Media is too big
"How was the [Japanese] PM selected? There were four the end of the speeches, Henry Kissinger walks into the room, he didn't even listen to the speeches, was not present to hear the speeches. He walks over to future PM Miyazawa and puts his arm over his shoulder. That was it. It was as simple as that.
Kissinger says to me “This is how politics is done in the real world.”

“This amazing display of concentration of power in the hands of non-elected and unelectable individuals. Realpolitik. Politics of reality: threats, bombings, death, seizures, etc. That's how politics is done." Analyst, Consultant, and Reporter John Bosnitch

(Bosnitch worked as a reporter in Tokyo for nearly 20 years, his father was good friends with Kissinger. Bosnitch witnessed the above selection of the Japanese PM firsthand. In the second part of the clip he discusses Zbigniew Brzezinski’s role in Yugoslavia. Credit to Hrvoje Morić for this interview)
Forwarded from Theology & Geopolitics
Regarding “Islamist” Thought
After reading modern Islamic political thinkers such as Afghani, Abduh, Iqbal, Maududi, Syed Qutb, and observing the Muslim Political trends in the past century..
It is clear that they all have more similarities to Montesquieu, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau and Kant rather than Imam Mawardi, Imam al Ghazali and Ibn Khaldun, etc.

Most self styled Islamists today (fanboys of Maududi, Qutb, and co) would do well to actually learn their basics first. Whether it’s about the Deen, Siyasah, or Tareekh.
Like their role models, they lack knowledge in both Ilm al Kalam and Tassawuf. Without correct knowledge of our own history and principles and what is actually going on today, most action will be futile or even detrimental to our cause.

It is of little surprise therefore that sects like the Wahhabis and “Islamist” movements (like the “Muslim Brotherhood”) are often subverted by Western intelligence agencies and end up harming actual grassroots political movements.
It’s important to note that many so called Sunni and Sufi groups fall into this as well. They are also not immune to being kicked around like a football by the enemies of Islam. (Ahbash, Naqshbandi Haqqanis, and perennialist goofys and others)

It is imperative for all scholars to have a basic understanding of the political situation in their area and of geopolitics as well. Not everyone can be an expert, many great ulama have made political blunders. These blunders do not impact the veracity of their scholarship in other fields. (For example, Imam Sabuni’s tafsir is still a must read, even if he was unaware of the reality of the situation in Syria.
Shaykh Abdul Fattah Abu Ghuddah is obviously a benchmark for scholarship and excellence even despite his close association with the Ikhwanis.)

But living in a globalized world today, politics affects everyone. We must have students and ulama who specialize in these fields properly.
As long as the “traditional Sunni ulama” eschew politics, it will be left in the hands of the enemies of Islam (Zionists/Jesuits/whoever else) or in the hands of well meaning but utterly incompetent and unqualified people (most Ikhwanis).
2024/07/01 05:59:50
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