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Shaykh Hasan Spiker calling out the absurd ideology of dialetheism that is being promoted by certain individuals who ascribe themselves to Ahlus Sunnah
Islamic Bookshelf
Shaykh Hasan Spiker calling out the absurd ideology of dialetheism that is being promoted by certain individuals who ascribe themselves to Ahlus Sunnah
Shaykh Hasan Spiker on Abbas Ahsan’s terrible project.

“This only forms part of his larger "project" of subjecting the certainties of our dīn to the ideological "uncertainties", the "epistemological humility" (really extraordinary epistemological arrogance), of metaphysically-rootless modern logic and analytic philosophy. The nastiest form of taqlīd of modernity. He blithely assumes the existence of "Islamic theological contradictions", which is straightforwardly tantamount to affirming that aspects of the creed are not true. He then "solves" this, not by showing that they are not really contradictions, but by affirming that they are irrevocably contradictions, and invoking an imaginary logic which purports to (imaginatively) accommodate contradictions.
‎ فَمَاذَا بَعْدَ الْحَقِّ إِلا الضَّلالُ فَأَنَّى تُصْرَفُونَ
‎ وَمَا لَهُم بِهِ مِنْ عِلْمٍ ۖ إِن يَتَّبِعُونَ إِلَّا الظَّنَّ ۖ وَإِنَّ الظَّنَّ لَا يُغْنِي مِنَ الْحَقِّ شَيْئًا “
Forwarded from The Kaafiyah Channel
📝 The crisis of science and peer-reviewed journals

How do we as Muslims deal with new studies that seemingly 'debunk' what our Sacred Law ordains to be good or bad?
Forwarded from Theology & Geopolitics
Islamic Bookshelf
📝 The crisis of science and peer-reviewed journals How do we as Muslims deal with new studies that seemingly 'debunk' what our Sacred Law ordains to be good or bad?
On The Sokal Hoax and Peer Reviewed Journals Publishing AI Generated Bogus Papers

More reasons to not “Trust The Science”.
Back in 1996, Alan Sokal was a physics professor at New York University and University College London. He was troubled by the decline of academic rigor that publishers had. He demonstrated just how bad things were when he purposely wrote a completely nonsensical paper which passed the peer review and was published in a reputed journal.

Fast forward to just last month, Wiley, a 217-year-old stalwart of the scientific publishing industry, was retracting more than 11,300 fraudulent articles and closing 19 journals.
Although this large-scale fraud represents a small percentage of submissions to journals, it threatens the legitimacy of the nearly $30 billion academic publishing industry and the credibility of science as a whole.

For more on this scandal and the complete scam that is academic publishing/peer review, please check James Corbett’s full new editorial below.
Forwarded from The Kaafiyah Channel
How do we know stuff?

Every person should have a system and method by which he can verify knowledge in order to distinguish justified and valid beliefs from opinions and conjecture. What makes something true? Why do we accept certain matters as fact and not others?

In this blog we explore Islamic epistemology.
Forwarded from Theology & Geopolitics
On Guelphs, Ghibbelines, and European Flags

In the European Championships today England plays Denmark. One could make plenty of references to Shakespeare’s (Francis Bacon/Edward De Vere) Hamlet here. But let’s avoid that and take a look at the flags of England and Denmark…

England’s flag is a red cross on a white background. This is the flag used by the pro Papal Guelph faction.
Denmark’s flag is the opposite, it is a white cross on a red background. This flag symbolizes the pro Imperial Ghibbeline faction.

The Guelphs wished for the Pope to have supreme power. The Ghibbelines wished for the Holy Roman Emperor to have supreme power.
A simplification of all European conflicts since the 1100s would be that it all comes down to the papacy vs the monarchs.

After the fall of the Ghibbelines, the Guelphs split into two factions.
The White Guelphs (of whom Dante Alighieri was a member) supported the independence of city states like Florence. The Black Guelphs (that form much of the Black Nobility) continued to support the Papacy.
The Miracle of the Quran - Then and Now

Join us for a thought-provoking evening with our guest speakers, Shaykh Yousef Wahb and Shaykh Dr. Sohaib Saeed.

🎓 Shaykh Yousef Wahb is the Research Director of Qur'anic Studies at Yaqeen Institute and an Islamic Law Instructor at the University of Windsor’s Faculty of Law. He holds an LL.M from Windsor Law, an MA from UChicago Divinity School, and a Bachelor’s from Al-Azhar University.

🎓 Shaykh Dr. Sohaib Saeed is a renowned authority on Quran Studies, having completed his PhD from the University of Edinburgh and also a Bachelors from the Azhar University in Cairo. He is the founder of the ibn 'Ashur centre for Quranic Studies and also teaches and consults for a variety of Islamic institutions in the English-speaking world.

📍 Location: Castlefield Community Centre, High Wycombe

🗓️ Sunday 14/7/24

⌚️Time: 12.30pm- 6.30pm

🪑 Brothers and sisters welcome ✌🏼

Learn about the history of the Quran as a miracle and how Muslims should deal with the concept of scientific miracles.

😲 Signup with an EARLY-BIRD Discount:
Forwarded from The Foreword (Mahdi)
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Healing with the Qur'an

In a world plagued by depression and anxiety, join us for an 8-week course with Shaykh Mahdi Lock as we delve into these issues and the causes and treatment according to the Quran. Based on the teachings of Imam Muhammad Said Ramadan al-Buti, this course will unveil hidden causes often overlooked within a secular paradigm, thereby offering a unique perspective and promising an insightful exploration of these prevalent mental health issues.

Insha'Allah, this course will offer spiritual enrichment, guiding students to improve their relationship with Allah, to detach from worldly concerns, purify hearts, and understand their purpose. Please don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and tools for emotional wellbeing.

🔹8 week online course
🔹Mondays 8-9pm
🔹Starts Monday 1st July
🔹Delivered by Shaykh Mahdi Lock
🔹Early bird ends soon!


More info: [email protected]
WhatsApp: 07479 545574
Forwarded from Avdullah
Lynching someone for alleged blasphemy is one of the few outlets left for insignificant men to feel like they’re being big guys in a world where their identity is politically irrelevant. It’s the highest form of riya’ around today for a third world Muslim male, as it’s never actually done out of fanatical love for the Prophet ﷺ.

‎Not a single male among them would enforce it if the perpetrator was a city official who can hold back the welfare benefits to his 12 cousins. In that case all the excuses would come pouring in, all of a sudden they’ll transform into nuanced qadis and demand fair trial and investigation. Disgusting form of stolen valor and false attribution of “faith”.
Forwarded from Theology & Geopolitics
Watered Down Studies and The Role of Ulama in Society

A student once transferred in to Dar Ul Uloom Deoband for his Dawrah al Hadith year.
Because he had done his earlier studies elsewhere, they required him to pass exams in the various subjects before he could sit with the final year students in Deoband.
He was shocked at how simple the exam on Sharh Al Aqaid Nasafiyyah was. It literally consisted of a few questions on miracles.

This is just one example of dozens that we have witnessed. Over the past several decades, the madaris have been operating like soup kitchens, feeding and clothing the poorest rung of society. The same phenomenon is occurring in Egypt and other Arab countries.

It is therefore no surprise that we see atheism continue to spread and we see so called Muftis and Allamas and Pirs not able to answer simple questions on Creed. The majority of the popular speakers are not actual ulama, they have tens of millions of followers, their speeches are littered with mistakes.

For Barelvis, see the errors by Irfan Shah, Kokab Noorani Okarvi, Ilyas Qadri etc for Deobandis, see Ilyas Ghumman, Tariq Masood, Tariq Jameel.
It is these types of people who provide ammo to the likes of Engineer Mirza.
Third rate low IQ atheists like Richard Dawkins and Noah Yuval Harari are having their books becoming popular in the Muslim world.

Alongside the decline in the rational sciences, the same is true for other fields. Just check all the laughable fatawa given regarding Fiqh, Hadith, Tafsir, Tassawuf and other topics from “Dar al Ifta” boards across the world.
Everything is watered down.

There are still promising students and graduates at every institute but they are the exception to the rule. There are ulama who still teach properly in the subcontinent but they are not well known to the masses.

If a scholar has studied the Dars Nizami curriculum properly and has studied a work such as Sharh al Aqaid properly, he should have no issue dealing with any objections to Islam. But the reality is that most madrasahs focus on quantity over quality. They are mass producing “Molvis” who will barely be qualified to lead the prayers in a small village.

A real aalim is (similar to the gentleman scholars in various ancient civilizations) a public intellectual. He is the voice of reason and guidance for his society in all affairs.
Sadly most of our scholarly class is out of touch both with Islamic knowledge and “Dunyawi” knowledge.
Forwarded from Theology & Geopolitics
Whistleblowers, The CIA’s Dark Alliance, and Remembering Gary Webb

As the mainstream media is covering the release of the founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, we thought it was pertinent to remember an even more important whistleblower who does not receive as much attention.

From the jungles of Nicaragua to the mean streets of south-central LA, Gary Webb’s groundbreaking journalism uncovered a scandal so huge that the story could not be allowed to continue. He was an intrepid reporter who exposed the fact that the CIA was heavily involved in the drug trade, and was letting drugs come in to America. (As many African American/Black folks have always said, the 1980s crack epidemic was not a random event caused by illiterate ghetto dwellers)

This shouldn’t be a surprise to more seasoned readers who are aware of the history of the British East India Company and the Opium Wars. Webb’s reporting was one of the first major internet news hits, garnering millions of clicks in the mid to late 1990s. [When dial up connections were the norm, and there was virtually no censorship as the internet was only just starting to be used by the public]

The amount of things supposedly exposed (even though most of it was already public information) by the likes of Edward Snowden or Julian Assange, is only a fraction of what Gary Webb covered.
Originally working for the San Jose Mercury News, Webb later compiled his findings in a book which he published in 1998 called
Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion.

By this point the establishment was working full time to discredit him. Gary Webb died in very suspicious circumstances in 2004 aged just 49.
The official cause of death was suicide (his head was shot twice), his wife vehemently denies the possibility that he could have done suicide, and asserts that he was murdered.

For more information please see this excellent video by James Corbett.

[Snowden is a complete phony and stooge. Nothing Snowden revealed was new information and he was allowed to live a comfortable life and have his book praised by the New York Times.
As for Assange, he did reveal many important things via Wikileaks. But he also has shady ties. The story of his supposed 14 year imprisonment and release doesn’t add up.
Many have alleged Assange also is an intelligence asset like Snowden. Let’s wait and see what Assange does.]
Forwarded from Theology & Geopolitics
On How To Read A Book

The above is very important advice from Sh Faisal. Let us add to it. Most folks today don’t know how to actually read a book. This applies to all works, whether non fiction, fiction, novels, biographies, historical works, or religious texts.

A classic case is where people skip the intro to a work. You should never skip the author’s introduction. For example in his famous history work, Imam Tabari explicitly says at the beginning that he is merely collecting and narrating everything, and he is not organizing things based on their authenticity. (Ibn Kathir’s Bidayah Wa Nihayah is a better history work for more general audiences)

Several ignorant people open up Tarikh Tabari and find all sorts of disgusting things against the Prophet in it, and they think that they are authentic. Midwit Orientalists and Shias will say “Look we found such and such in a reputable Sunni work!”

As Shaykh Hasan Spiker has said, the majority of people today-despite being able to read and write, are actually functionally illiterate.
They can’t actually understand or put into context what they read or analyze it critically.

This is also what Habib Abu Bakr Al Adani referred to when he mentioned that the mass spread of literacy and schooling is a big problem. It has diluted knowledge and democratized it. Every moron thinks he has the right to have an opinion on every issue merely because he knows how to read.

This was the agenda of the govt enforced public schooling curriculum in the USA as outlined by the first General Board of Education. To create folks who could read but not think.
This is why many of the past civilizations often times had far more intelligent people in general than we do today, despite lower literacy rates.
Literacy/Schooling≠ Comprehension/Education

If you observe our situation today, you will notice that the ostensibly “lesser educated” (they are lesser schooled, not less educated or less intelligent) farmers from Asian and African countries generally didn’t fall for the covid mandates or vaccines. Compared to the ostensibly more educated (more well schooled) literate folks in the West.

If we take a glance at our own ancestors, we will find that that many of them would have known poetry and would have been great thinkers despite not being literate. Look at the cities that the illiterate folks built in the 1700s and 1800s or even early 1900s and compare them to the “architecture” you see built today.
Mass literacy is a form of slavery if the people can’t actually think. This is the method of indoctrination that was advocated by the Rockefeller’s and their supporters like Bertrand Russell.

Imam Abdur Rahman Hasan Habannakah al Maydani and others mention that the first word revealed in the Qur’an, “Iqra” doesn’t mean simply to read or to recite, but it also means to understand.

For more on how to read a book, check out this lecture by Sh Hamza Yusuf covering Mortimer Adler’s superb work on the topic along with other authors.
2024/07/01 06:05:32
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