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📌 بزرگداشت میلاد حضرت صاحب الزمان عجل الله تعالی فرجه الشریف (نیمه شعبان) و توزیع هدیه‌های فرهنگی در میان مردم (#مهر_مهدوی، خارج از ایران با عنوان #ShiaMuslim انجام می‌شود)

این هدیه‌ها حاوی کارت‌های تبریک به مناسبت میلاد حضرت مهدی (عجل الله تعالی فرجه الشریف) و مفهوم منجی و همچنین لزوم ظهور منجی عالم بشریت میباشد.

🇮🇪 ایرلند

🌎 Dedicated for Masaf International

📌 Commemoration for the birthday of the 12th Imam by distributing cultural gifts among the people.
The pack also included a message regarding the Saviour concept as well as explaining the Reappearance of Imam Mahdi (12th Imam of Shia) as the true Saviour of humanity.

🇮🇪 Ireland


A Political Shia vs a Non-Political Shia
What is the difference between a political Shia and a non-political Shia? A non-political Shia loves Imam Hussain (PBUH), he attends the mourning of Imam Hussain (PBUH), he curses Yazid, but he isn’t much concerned with the Yazid of his own time. He says: “It’s enough to curse the Yazid of 1400 years ago”. A political Shia does not deny this. In fact he accepts this and curses Yazid too. However, he is concerned with this saying of Imam Hussain (PBUH): مِثْلِی لَا یُبَایِعُ مِثْلَهُ “One like me does not pledge his allegiance to one like Yazid.” It means that you as a Shia must always be like Imam Hussain (PBUH) and stand against the tyranny of the likes of Yazid.


🌎 Masaf International
🌎 مصاف بین الملل
💐 Happy Eid al_Fitr to all Muslims around the world

🌎 Masaf International
🌎 مصاف بین الملل
🔹 Islam is the religion of lust. The Prophet of Islam married many women?

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🌎 Masaf International
🌎 مصاف بین الملل
📕 The fifth prayer of Sahifah Sajjadiah

🔹 O God, remove our need for the gifts of the givers through Your gift, and spare us the terror of those who break off through Your joining, that we may implore no one along with Your giving, and we may fear no one along with Your bestowal.


🌎 Masaf International
🌎 مصاف بین الملل
🏴Condolences on the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Sadiq (PBUH), the sixth Imam of Shia)

🔆 "The wisest people are the most good-tempered."

💠 Osul al-Kafi, Vol.1, p. 27

🌎 Masaf International
🌎 مصاف بین الملل
The Quds Day
What is the Quds day all about? The Quds Day means the security of Islam, the Quds Day means a message to the whole world, the Quds Day means the resolution of disputes amongst the Muslim community, the Quds Day means unity.


🌎 Masaf International
🌎 مصاف بین الملل
🔆 Imam Ali (PBUH) said:
“As wisdom is perfect, words become fewer.”

💠 Ghurar al-Hikam, p. 282

🌎 Masaf International
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📕 The fifth prayer of Sahifah Sajjadiah

🔹O God, bless Muhammad and his progeny, and protect us from Yourself [Your wrath], and safegaurd us through Yourself [Your providence], and guide us to Yourself, and don’t send us away from Yourself [Your presence], he whom You protect stays safe, and he whom You guide becomes wise, and he whom You bring close to Yourself benefits.


🌎 Masaf International
🌎 مصاف بین الملل
🔹️Land Grabbing Monster

(The Zionists) say that according to their beliefs, they should take over the world in three phases. The first phase is from sea to river; sea meaning the Mediterranean Sea and river being the Jordan River, referring to today’s Palestine. The second phase is from river to river, meaning from the Nile River to the Euphrates.
The Zionist regime’s flag has two blue lines with a white part in between (which includes the Star of David). These two blue lines refer to the Nile and the Euphrates and almost represent the Middle East. And in the third stage, they say they shall take over the whole world.

🌎 Masaf International
🌎 مصاف بین الملل
💐 Happy the birth anniversary of Imam Reza (PBUH), the eighth Imam of Shia

🔆 “A Muslim is the one from whose tongue and hands the people are safe, and the one is not from us from whose calamities his neighbors are not safe.”

💠 Uyun Akhbar al-Reza (PBUH), Vol.1, p. 24

🌎 Masaf International
🌎 مصاف بین الملل
📕 The fifth prayer of Sahifah Sajjadiah

🔹O God, he whom You aide will not be hurt by the abandonment of the abandoners, and he whom You grant will not be diminished by the withholding of the withholders, and he whom You guide will not be misled by the misguidance of those who misguide.


🌎 Masaf International
🌎 مصاف بین الملل
🔆 Abd al-Azim al-Hassani quotes from Imam Jawad (PBUH) quoting from his fathers, quoting from Imam Ali (PBUH):
“Imam Ali (PBUH) said: The Prophet (PBUH) placed me next to him and said: O Ali, whoever seeks the good shall not wander, and whoever consults shall not regret.”

💠 Shaykh Tusi, Al-Amali (published by Dar al-Thaqafa), p. 136, Narrative #33

🌎 Masaf International
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🎬 Video Clip

🔹 The Disblievers's Systematification

❇️ Link... 👇


🌎 Masaf International
🌎 مصاف بین الملل
The self is like a companion to us. Therefore, we should look over our deeds on a daily basis. Just like a tradesman who does so everyday, and it may cause him problems if he does not look over his account every day.
Someone who considers himself as a waiter for the Reappearance should keep a detailed evaluation of his daily deeds so that he could know his weaknesses and reform them in time. We should know that the Reappearance of the Promised Saviour (Imam Mahdi (PBUH)) is a sudden event. So we should be prepared for it.
#Mahdavi_Ethics , Ismail Hajian

🌎 Masaf International
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Question: Did Imam Hasan (pbuh) relinquished Imamate to Moawiah by the peace treaty?! Or just caliphate?

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🌎 Masaf International
🌎 مصاف بین الملل
🏴Condolences on the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Jawad (PBUH), the ninth Imam of Shia

🔆 Whoever praises and approves a bad deed, is considered as a partner in it.

💠 Bihar al-Anwar, Vol.75, p. 82.

🌎 Masaf International
🌎 مصاف بین الملل
Question: In Sahih Bukhari, Ali Ibn Abi Talib says that Abu Bakr & Umar were the best after the prophet (PBUH). How Shia reject this hadith?

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🌎 Masaf International
🌎 مصاف بین الملل
2024/09/24 22:20:22
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