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Question: In Sahih Bukhari, Ali Ibn Abi Talib says that Abu Bakr & Umar were the best after the prophet (PBUH). How Shia reject this hadith?

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🌎 Masaf International
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People can solve many of their needs and problems with each other’s help and strive for the promotion of good deeds in the society.
As much as helping people has good effects and rewards, ignoring their conditions and problems has bad consequences.
In the Age of Occultation, the waiters should care and help each other so that they can avoid weakness and isolation in the middle of problems and among enemies, and preserve their social power.
#Mahdavi_Ethics , Ismail Hajian

🌎 Masaf International
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Neturei Karta and Satmar are sects of Judaism, who believe that based on Torah’s verses, they broke God’s vows and do not have the right to enter Palestine before the appearance of the Messiah.
So some of the Jews are Zionists and some of them are not. They believe in God and are followers of the doctrine of Moses (PBUH).

🌎 Masaf International
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🏴Condolences on the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Baqir (PBUH), the fifth Imam of Shia

🔆 Say the best thing you want people to say about you, about people.

💠 Bihar al-Anwar, Vol.65, p. 152. Al-Kafi, Vol.2, p. 165, Mohazerat, Vol.1, p. 251.

🌎 Masaf International
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✒️Many of the social tensions and problems occur due to the fact that people in the society are not aware of their duties towards each other, or they know their duties but they don’t fulfill them. Sometimes in a mutual relationship, only one side fulfills their responsibilities and the other side is not committed to theirs.
It’s narrated from Imam Sadiq (PBUH) (the 6th Imam of Shias) that: “The easiest and most basic of the rights is to prefer for others what you prefer for yourself and dislike for others what you dislike for yourself”.
Al-Kafi, v. 2, p. 169.

#Mahdavi_Ethics , Ismail Hajian.

🌎 Masaf International
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✒️Why are we indifferent towards the nature and the environment? Why do we have a dirty environment? The answer is simple: because we do not observe ethics of the nature.
Imam Sadiq (PBUH) says: “Life is not joyful unless three things are available: clean air, abundant and refreshing water, and fertile land.”
Tuhaf al-Uqul, p. 320.


🌎 Masaf International
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✒️Christian Zionism

What does Christian Zionism mean? It’s been created about 300 to 400 years ago. It didn’t even exist in the history of Christianity. The essence of Christianity is defying and opposing Judaism. Because it is said in the Bible that the Jews crucified Jesus. Jews gradually created a sect in Christianity to end the quarrel between Christians and Jews and they were indeed successful. The founder of this sect (Protestants) was Martin Luther.

🌎 Masaf International
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✒️Anger impairs wisdom, and if there is no wisdom, then we might do things that we are not supposed to do. Imam Baqir (PBUH) (the 5th Imam of Shias) says: “When one gets angry at people, he should sit down immediately if he’s standing, since this will protect him from the Devil’s filth.” (1)

Imam Sadiq (PBUH) says: “If someone’s anger does not divert him from the truth when he is angry, and his happiness does not direct him towards the falsehood when he is happy, and his power does not make him to get more than he is entitled to when he is powerful, he is a true believer and waiter undoubtedly.” (2)

1 - Al-Kafi by Kuleyni, v. 2, p. 302
2 - Combat with the Self, Hurr Amili, p. 358

🌎 Masaf International
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💐 Happy the birth anniversary of Imam Hadi (PBUH), the tenth Imam of Shia

🔆 “People are with their wealth in this world and with their deeds in the afterlife.”

💠 Bihar al-Anwar, Vol.78, p. 368.

🌎 Masaf International
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✒️If we know what problems are caused because of committing a sin, especially in the End Times, we would repent right now. Know this: sin defers the Reappearance of the Promised Saviour (Imam Mahdi (PBUH)); so do not expect to be punished just for the sin you’ve committed, because you’ve deferred the reformation of the world and the comfort of humanity by your sin, even just a little bit. The repentance is the key to the salvation of you and all the humanity. Imam Ali (PBUH) (the 1st Imam of Shias) says: “The repentance purifies the hearts and washes away the effects of sins.”

Ghurar Al-Hikam wa Durar Al-Kalim, .p. 73

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💐 Happy Eid al-Ghadir, Eid of Imamate

🔆 “The day of Ghadir Khumm is the highest Eid of my nation and it is the day God Almighty commanded that I appoint my brother Ali ibn Abi Talib as the leader of my nation, so that people will be guided by him after me. That is the day when God has perfected the religion and completed his favor upon my nation, and has chosen Islam for you as religion.”
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

🌎 Masaf International
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I own your bread and butter
In a narration, Antichrist claims that in the Apocalypse he owns your bread and butter, which basically means he owns your livelihood. This shows that in the Apocalypse, Antichrist’s ideology takes on the global economy.

🌎 Masaf International
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💐 Happy the birth anniversary of Imam Kadhim (PBUH)

🔆 The wise man does not lie, even if it accords his whim.

💠 Tohaf ol-Oghul, p. 391.

🌎 Masaf International
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And the story of Karbala begins ...

🌎 Masaf International
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🔹️ " To be or not to be in the path of Hussain (PBUH), the question is it "

Two stories, Two men, and a lot to learn from ...
✳️ Zohayr Ibn Ghayn (among the followers of Imam Hussain (PBUH) on the day of Ashura)
✳️ Ubayd Allah Ibn Hor Jaafi (who remained neutral on the day of Ashura and did not fight in the battle)

🌎 Masaf International
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🔹️ To be or not to be in the path of Hussain (PBUH), the question is it.
- Habib ibn Mazaher
- Shabath ibn Rabi

🌎 Masaf International
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2024/09/25 16:34:56
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