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Dear @Telegram & @Durov, please strictly do not ban this channel. This channel is still active and has nothing to do with any negative content.
Dear @Telegram & @Durov, please strictly do not ban this channel. This channel is still active and has nothing to do with any negative content.
Dear @Telegram & @Durov, please strictly do not ban this channel. This channel is still active and has nothing to do with any negative content.
still active, @telegram do not banned this username.
still active, @telegram do not banned this username.
Dear @Telegram & @Durov, please strictly do not ban this channel. This channel is still active and has nothing to do with any negative content.
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beautiful like a rainbow no need to change. all the same
the evening sky makes the atmosphere quiet and silent not forgetting also the darkness but when the star shines right next to the moon then there will be a speck of light that comes, just like the closed ones they want everything to be perfect and become perfect...

The flowers that bloom they are competing to change to the most perfect form but almost all the flowers that are competing to be perfect are not they 98% perfect?
Like tulips that have very beautiful petals and roses that have very beautiful colors but they still have different meanings.
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My daily life is just waiting and waiting for which day, month, year is the most beautiful and perfect, of course all of them must also want the same thing.
So let's follow our destiny and enjoy everything we've been given with a happy day.๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ’
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My tranquility comes when I hear and express something soothing.
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Let's start something new that is fun like getting to know each other or telling stories whatever it is that makes us close and more familiar, and discussing something we will do tomorrow.

will we be able to meet each other without being hindered by obstacles and become one who is eternal to each other all we can do when we are together. happy, sad, downcast or the problems you are facing you can tell me, I .. will feel happy what if you reveal and not hide something. what are you waiting for
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2024/11/20 02:21:48
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