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On the initiative of the Central Asian Association of Artificial Intelligence (AICA), a round table was organized on September 12 to discuss the development of artificial intelligence and its implementation in fintech and banking.

AICA gathered specialists from fintech organizations and banks of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The meeting was also attended by the Ministry of Digital Technologies and the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

During the meeting, the Rector of Inha University Muzaffar Djalalov took part in the role of moderator and actively led the discussion on the integration of AI into these areas.

Markaziy Osiyo sun'iy intellekt assotsiatsiyasi (AICA) tashabbusi bilan, 12-sentabr kuni sun'iy intellektni rivojlantirish va uni FinTech va bank sohasiga joriy etishni muhokama qilish uchun davra suhbati tashkil etildi.

AICA O'zbekiston Respublikasi FinTech tashkilotlari va banklari mutaxassislarini to'pladi. Majlisda O'zbekiston Respublikasi raqamli texnologiyalar vazirligi va Markaziy banki ham ishtirok etdi.

Yig'ilish davomida Toshkent shahridagi Inha universiteti rektori Muzaffar Djalalov moderator sifatida ishtirok etdi va sun'iy intellektni ushbu sohalarga integratsiya qilish bo'yicha muhokamani faol olib bordi.

По инициативе Центрально-Азиатской Ассоциации Искусственного Интеллекта (AICA), 12 сентября был организован круглый стол для обсуждения развития искусственного интеллекта и его внедрения в финтех и банковскую сферу.

AICA собрала специалистов финтех-организаций и банков Республики Узбекистан. В заседании также приняли участие Министерство цифровых технологий и центральный банк Республики Узбекистан.

В ходе собрания ректор Университета Инха в Ташкенте Музаффар Джалалов принял участие в роли модератора и активно вел дискуссию по интеграции ИИ в эти сферы.
Forwarded from Huawei Uzbekistan
Sizni 18-sentabr kuni soat 9:00 dan 12:00 gacha ICTWEEK UZBEKISTAN 2024 doirasida bo‘lib o‘tadigan “Huawei ICT Talent Summit” o‘quv sessiyasida ishtirok etishga taklif qilamiz. Tadbir CAEx Hall 1 ko’rgazmalar markazida bo‘lib o‘tadi.

Sammitda raqamli ko‘nikmalarni rivojlantirish va texnologiya sohasida yosh iste’dodlarni qo‘llab-quvvatlashning asosiy masalalari muhokama qilinadi. Huawei ICT Academy, xalqaro tashkilotlar va universitetlar vakillari talabalar uchun imkoniyatlar haqida gapirib, ta’lim texnologiyalari sohasidagi so‘nggi yutuqlar bilan o‘rtoqlashadilar. Shuningdek, ICT Competiton 2024 - 2025 tanlovi tafsilotlari taqdim etiladi.

Sammitga kirish ochiq, iltimos ICTWEEK24 da roʻyxatdan oʻting.

#ICTWEEK24 #Uzbekistan


#HuaweiUzbekistan приглашает принять участие в образовательной сессии «Huawei ICT Talent Summit», которая пройдет 18 сентября с 09:00 до 12:00 в рамках ICTWEEK UZBEKISTAN 2024. Мероприятие состоится в выставочном центре CAEx Hall 1.

На саммите будут обсуждаться ключевые вопросы развития цифровых навыков и поддержки молодых талантов в сфере технологий. Представители Huawei ICT Academy, международных организаций и ВУЗов расскажут о возможностях для студентов и поделятся последними достижениями в области образовательных технологий. Также будут представлены подробности конкурса ICT Competition 2024 - 2025.

Вход на саммит свободный, просим пройти регистрацию на ICTWEEK24

#ICTWEEK24 #Uzbekistan
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On September 13, the festival “Xon Atlas” was held at Inha University in Tashkent.

🍃The festival was organized to showcase the millennial-old customs and traditions of our people.

13 sentabr kuni, Toshkent shahridagi Inha universitetida Xon Atlas festivali bo‘lib o‘tdi.

🍃Festival xalqimizning ming yillik go‘zal urf-odat va an’analarini namoyish etish tashkil etildi.

13 сентября в Университете Инха в Ташенте прошел фестиваль «Хонатлас».

🍃Фестиваль был организован с целью показать тысячелетние красивые обычаи и традиции нашего народа.
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Find your dream job on the "One Cruit" website!

The Career Development Center of Inha University in Tashkent is where you can find a job or internship. We collaborate with over 150 major international and local companies (in IT, banking, cyber security and other fields).

For more information:
📞+998 (71) 289-99-99, (0191)
📱 [email protected]

"One Cruit" platformasi orqali orzuingizdagi ishni toping!

Toshkent shahridagi Inha universitetining Karyerani rivojlantirish markazi - bu ish yoki amaliyot topishingiz mumkin bo'lgan joy. Biz 150 dan ortiq yirik xalqaro va mahalliy kompaniyalar (IT, bank ishi, kiberxavfsizlik va boshqa sohalarda) bilan hamkorlik qilamiz.

Batafsil ma'lumot uchun:
📞+998 (71) 289-99-99, (0191)
📱 [email protected]

Найдите работу, которая соответствует вашей мечте, на сайте «One cruit»!

Центр развития карьеры Университета Инха в Ташкенте - это место, где вы можете найти работу или стажировку. С нами работают более 150 крупных международных и местных компаний (в области IT, банковском деле, кибербезопасности и других направлениях).

Для подробной информации:

📞+998 (71) 289-99-99, (0191)
📱 [email protected]
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ML Gap by ML Community

The event will be attended by developers from Yandex, who will share their experiences and insights about the technology industry, as well as talk about career for Developers. This is a great opportunity to learn something new and establish useful contacts.

The speakers will be the Director for Development of AI Technologies at Yandex and the Head of Development at Yandex Uzbekistan.

ML Gap is an IT event that provides valuable knowledge and insights from leading experts. The topics will be especially useful for beginners, as well as for junior ML and backend developers.

📆 September 18, 2024
🌏 Language: ENG
📍 Location: INHA University in Tashkent
🎤 Format: Offline

✍️ Registration: link

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Media is too big
Yandex Uzbekistan is opening an Internship Program

On September 26, at 14:00p.m at Inha University in Tashkent will host a meeting with representatives of Yandex Uzbekistan.

During the meeting, you will learn how to launch a career in IT, what benefits interns receive, what tasks they face, how the internship goes and how long it lasts ( ).

Are there any other questions?
Leave them in the form below ( ) and do not forget to specify your name — the authors of the best will receive not only comprehensive answers, but also a unique merch from Yandex Uzbekistan🔥

Yandex Uzbekistan amaliyot dasturini ochadi

26 sentabr kuni, soat 14:00 da Toshkentdagi Inha Universitetida Yandex Uzbekistan kompaniyasi vakillari bilan uchrashuv bo'lib o'tadi.

Uchrashuvning bir qismi sifatida siz IT-da martaba qanday boshlashni, stajyorlar qanday imtiyozlarga ega bo'lishlarini, qanday vazifalarga duch kelishlarini, amaliyot qanday o'tishini va qancha davom etishini bilib olasiz (

Boshqa savollar bormi?
Ularni quyidagi shaklda qoldiring ( va ismingizni kiritishni unutmang-eng yaxshi mualliflar nafaqat keng qamrovli javoblarni, balki Yandex Uzbekistan-dan noyob savdoni ham olishadi🔥

Yandex Uzbekistan открывает программу стажировок

26 сентября в 14:00 в Университете Инха в Ташкенте пройдет встреча с представителями компании Yandex Uzbekistan.

В рамках встречи вы узнаете как запустить карьеру в IT, какие преимущества получают стажёры, с какими задачками сталкиваются, как проходит и сколько длится стажировка.

Есть и другие вопросы?
Оставляйте их в форме ниже и не забудьте указать своё имя — авторы лучших получат не только исчерпывающие ответы, но и уникальный мерч от Yandex Uzbekistan🔥
🚀 Web Development Competency Assessment Event! 🚀

Dear Students 🎓

We’re excited to invite you to participate in the upcoming Competency Assessment Event organized by Codepresso, focused on Web Development. Whether you're an IT major or passionate about tech, this is your chance to showcase your skills and potentially secure exciting internship opportunities!

🧑‍💻 Assessment Topic:

Web Development Topics:

Front-end: Vue, React, or Angular (JavaScript or TypeScript)
Back-end: Spring Boot

Assessments will be project-based to fairly evaluate your practical skills and expertise in these areas.

🎯 What You Need to Know:
Individual Participation: This is an individual assessment, not group-based.
Open to all students with knowledge in IT
Prizes will be awarded to top performers to recognize their efforts and achievements.
Participation in this assessment could open doors for internship opportunities with partner companies in worldwide!

Information about the company

📅 How to Participate:
Register via the Google Form

Event date: September 20th, at 14:00 - 16:00
Location: Building B, 102

Ready to show off your skills and win some amazing prizes? 🎉
Forwarded from IUT Student Affairs
Our students - our pride🤩

Students of Inha University in Tashkent won 2 consecutive
✖️places in BRB Fintech Hackcelerator 2024 Hackathon⌨️

The 1st place “BruhTech” team won a cash prize of 150 million soums with “Karmon”project and the 3rd place “Consultant AI” team won a cash prize of 50 million soums with AI telephony for debtors project🌟

We are very proud of our students and congratulate them🥳

Bizning talabalar- bizning faxrimiz🤩

TShIU talabalari, BRB Fintech Hackcelerator 2024 Hackathon tanlovida ketma-ket
✖️2 ta o‘rinni qo‘lga kiritdilar⌨️

1-o‘rinni egallagan “BruhTech”jamoasiKarmon” loyihasi bilan 150 million so‘m, 3-o‘rinni egallagan “Consultant AI” jamoasi debtors loyihasi uchun “AI telefoniya” bilan 50 million so‘m pul mukofotini qo‘lga kiritdilar🌟

Biz talabalarimiz bilan faxrlanamiz va ularni tabriklaymiz🥳

Наши студенты – наша гордость🤩

Студенты УИТ заняли 2 места подряд
✖️в конкурсе BRB Fintech Hackcelerator 2024 Hackathon

На 1 место вышла команда “ BruhTech”с проектом “Karmon”и выиграли 150 млн сум, на 3 место - команда “Consultant AI” и выиграли 50 млн сум с проектом “AI telefoniya for debts” 🌟

Мы очень гордимся нашими студентами и поздравляем их🥳
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Dear students,

Are you ready to embark on an unforgettable journey of academic and cultural enrichment?

We are thrilled to announce the Student Exchange Opportunities available exclusively to sophomore students at Inha University, located in the vibrant city of Incheon, South Korea. This is your chance to immerse yourself in a new world, broaden your horizons, and make lifelong memories.

📅 Application Deadline: September, 26

Participant Requirements:
• Be a sophomore student as of September 2024
• Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75
• Proficiency in English with one of the following: TOEFL (IBT 71 or above) or IELTS (5.5 or above).

📌 If you are interested in this program, please fill out the google form

For more information, you can join the group through the link below, where you can get answers to your questions.
2024/10/05 07:30:29
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