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"Korea-Uzbekistan Business Partnership 2024"

On June 14, 2024, as part of the state visit of the President of the Republic of Korea to the Republic of Uzbekistan, the "Uzbekistan-Korea Business Partnership 2024" event was held in the G2B and B2B format with the participation of representatives of 40 leading Korean companies in the fields of IT, medicine, automotive industry, and more.

“O‘zbekiston-Koreya biznes hamkorligi 2024”

14-iyun kuni Koreya Respublikasi Prezidentining O‘zbekiston Respublikasiga davlat tashrifi doirasida “O‘zbekiston-Koreya biznes hamkorlik 2024” tadbiri G2B va B2B formatidagi uchrashuvlar formatida bo‘lib o‘tdi. Tadbirda Koreyaning axborot texnologiyalari, tibbiyot va boshqa sohalardagi 40 ta yetakchi kompaniyalari ishtirok etdi.

Университет Инха в Ташкенте участвует в "Korea-Uzbekistan Business Partnership 2024"

14 июня в рамках государственного визита Президента Республики Корея в Республику Узбекистан прошло мероприятие "Korea-Uzbekistan Business Partnership 2024" в формате G2B и B2B встреч с участием представителей сорока ведущих корейских компаний в области IT, медицины, автомобильной индустрии и тд.
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Dear IUT Applicants!

We would like to inform that the acceptance of applications for the second exams is officially closed now !

We sincerely congratulate those who successfully applied to the upcoming entrance exams of IUT and kindly ask them to make the application fee - 200.000 UZS by June 17, 5 PM to take the exam.

Application payment can be proceeded with a payment ID (provided by email) via the UZUM 🏦 , CLICK 💸, or PayMe 💸 apps as follows:

➡️1- step: search for " 🔹 Inha University in Tashkent" in the "Payment section";
➡️2- step: select the payment type - entrance fee (bachelor) or IUT Admission Online Payment;
➡️3-step: indicate your Payment ID (40001) sent to your email;
➡️4-step: enter the amount as 200 000 UZS and press the button "pay" (please save the online receipt for yourself).

❗️Kindly note that the University does not take any responsibility for payment failure happened with other online apps except from above mentioned ones.

Please don't hesitate to reach out to the accounting department if you have any last-minute questions or need assistance with your payment by calling 71 289 99 99 (0114). 

Best of luck on your upcoming exams!
IUT Admissions Team
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On June 14, Presidents Shavkat Mirziyoyev and Yoon Suk Yeol took part in the Uzbek-Korean business forum.

On the Korean side, the event was attended by heads of more than 80 leading companies and banking and financial institutions.

– We agreed to create a new model of partnership in modern conditions. “A new time of high-tech and innovative cooperation” is beginning in our relations, the leader of our country emphasized.

An important decision was made to develop a strategic program for the creation of a regional high-tech hub in Uzbekistan, which will cover priority areas.

Within the framework of this forum, a large number of memorandums were signed between countries. In particular, Inha University in Tashkent signed a memorandum with SEESAW D&U Co. Ltd.

The parties will conduct joint master classes, hackathons, virtual seminars, cooperation in the research and development of unmanned aerial vehicle systems and artificial intelligence, as well as participation in joint educational and training initiatives.

14-iyun kuni Prezidentlar Shavkat Mirziyoyev va Yoon Suk Yeol O‘zbekiston-Koreya biznes-forumida ishtirok etishdi.

Tadbirda Koreya tomonidan 80 dan ortiq yetakchi kompaniya va bank-moliya institutlari rahbarlari ishtirok etishdi.

14 июня Президенты Шавкат Мирзиёев и Юн Сок Ёль приняли участие в узбекско-корейском бизнес-форуме.

С корейской стороны в мероприятии приняли участие руководители более 80 ведущих компаний и банковско-финансовых институтов.
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Dear friends!
Wishing you a safe and blessed Eid al-Adha with happiness and health! Eid Mubarak!

Aziz yurtdoshlar! Muqaddas Qurbon hayiti bayrami barchamizga muborak bo‘lsin!
Sizlarga chin qalbimizdan sog‘liq, baxt va farovonlik tilaymiz!

Дорогие друзья!
Поздравляем вас с праздником Курбан Хайит!
От всей души желаем вам здоровья, счастья, добра и благополучия!
Inha University in Tashkent Student Participates in Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit 2024!

Mubina Tolkinjonova, a student of the SOCIE faculty at Inha University in Tashkent, participated in the international Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit 2024, which was held on June 12-13, 2024, in Warsaw, Poland. Notably, Mubina is an active member of the university's technology club.

The European project Women in Tech Summit is designed for female programmers and IT professionals. This summit was held for the fourth time.

The conference was attended by major companies that organized seminars, presentations, and workshops.

🌟Toshkent shahridagi Inha universiteti talabasi Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit 2024 da ishtirok etdi!

Toshkent shahridagi Inha universitetining SOCIE fakulteti talabasi To‘lqinjonova Mubina 2024-yilning 12-13-iyun kunlari Polshaning Varshava shahrida bo‘lib o‘tgan Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit 2024 xalqaro sammitida ishtirok etdi. Mubina universitetimiz texnologiya klubining faol a’zosi hisoblanadi.

“Women in Tech Summit” Yevropa loyihasi bo'lib, dasturchi talabalar va axborot texnologiyalari sohasidagi mutaxassis ayollar uchun yaratilgandir. Ushbu sammit to'rtinchi bor o'tkazilmoqda.

Konferensiyada yirik kompaniyalar ishtirok etib, seminarlar, taqdimotlar va seminarlar tashkil etishdi.

🌟Студентка Университета Инха в Ташкенте приняла участие в Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit 2024!

Студентка Университета Инха в Ташкенте Толкинжонова Мубина, студентка факультета SOCIE приняла участие в международном саммите Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit 2024, который состоялся 12-13 июня 2024 года в Варшаве, Польша. Отметим, Мубина активный член технологического клуба нашего университета.

Европейский проект Women in Tech Summit создан для студенток-программисток и женщин-специалистов в области информационных технологий. Данный саммит прошел в четвертый раз.

В конференции приняли участие крупные компании, которые организовали семинары, выступления с презентациями и воркшопами.
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Don't miss the opportunity to apply for MBA in DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION Fall semester at Inha University

Application deadline: June 21
Details by number: 71 289 99 99 -> 0128

🔥Toshkent shahridagi Inha universitetining “Raqamli transformatsiya MBA” magistratura yo‘nalishi haqida ko‘proq ma’lumotga ega bo‘lish sizni albatta qiziqtiradi.

Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish:
Batafsil ma’lumotlar uchun: 71 289 99 99 -> 0128

Не упустите шанс подать документы в Университет Инха в Ташкенте на осенний семестр программы МВА

Детали по номеру: 71 289 99 99 -> 0128
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🗣 🔹 🔤🔤🔤🔤 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤

Dear IUT Prospective students,

We would like to inform you that the second entrance exam details are now available for your reference by checking your email ✉️

It is crucial that you review the exam schedule carefully and check your exam ID, slot, group and other details, as well. Furthermore, don't forget to bring your original identity document : ID card/regular passport. Those applicants with the copy of personal documents or international passport (red) are NOT ALLOWED to take the exam.

📌Exam location: INHA University in Tashkent

⚠️ Please ensure that you arrive at the exam location well before the scheduled time to avoid any last-minute rush.

💬If you have any questions or concerns about the exam details, please feel free to reach out to us for assistance via:

📞71 289 99 99 (0400)

Wishing you best of the luck on your upcoming exams 🤝!

Best regards,
IUT Admissions Team
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📡🔹 🔠🔠🔠🔠 🔠🔠🔠🔠🔠🔠🔠🔠

Dear IUT Applicants,

As the second entrance exams will start from tomorrow, June 21, we would like to remind you of essential points to ensure a smooth and stress-free exam experience:

⚠️ It is crucial to arrive at the exam venue on time since late comers are not allowed to enter the exam hall at all after closing the main gate. Thus, please set multiple alarms, plan your road distance in advance, and account for any unexpected delays to ensure you're on time.

Arrival time
08:30 - 09:30 for the exams on June 21, 22, 23 (SBL - scholarship; 1st slot)
11:00 - 11:30 for the exam on June 23, SBL - contract; 2nd slot

Exam location:
INHA University in Tashkent.
🗺Ziyolilar 9 street, Mirzo Ulugbek district.

⚠️ Don't forget to bring your personal identification documents 🪪: original ID card or regular passport used in your IUT application form. Please make sure to double-check that you have these documents with you before leaving for the exam. The following versions are  NOT ACCEPTABLE:
👎 e-version or copy of ID/passport
👎 birth certificate
👎 international passport (red).

Your cooperation in adhering to these guidelines is greatly appreciated. Good luck with your exams, and remember to stay focused, and confident in your abilities 🙌

IUT Admissions Team
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🐦 Umumiy sovrin jamgʻarmasi 1 million dollarni tashkil qiluvchi “President Tech Award” tanlovining ikkinchi toʻlqini uchun arizalar qabuliga start berildi!

Qiziqarli musobaqada qatnashish va oʻz gʻoyalaringizni hayotga tatbiq etish uchun noyob imkoniyatni qoʻldan boy bermang! Oʻz kuchingizni sinab koʻrish va ilgʻor IT-yechimlarini yaratishga tayyor boʻlsangiz, ushbu imkoniyat aynan siz uchun!

📝! Tanlov asosiy va maxsus yoʻnalishlarga boʻlinadi.

Tanlovning asosiy yoʻnalishi quyidagi toifalar boʻyicha oʻtkaziladi:
1. Sunʼiy intellektga asoslangan texnologiyalar;
2. Ijtimoiy sohada raqamli texnologiyalar;
3. MicroSaaS va AdTech;
4. Kompyuter va mobil oʻyinlar;
5. Tadbirkorlik va moliyaviy texnologiyalar.

📢 Maxsus yoʻnalish 72 soat ichida raqamli yechim yaratishni oʻz ichiga oluvchi Gran-Pri Hakatondan iborat.

Sovrin jamg‘armasi o‘zgarishsiz qolmoqda — 5 ta yo‘nalishning har birida 1, 2, 3-o‘rin sovrindorlari aniqlanib, quyidagi mukofotlarga ega bo‘lishadi:
1-oʻrin — $100,000
2-oʻrin — $50,000
3-oʻrin — $30,000

🤔 Tanlovning rasmiy veb-saytida roʻyxatdan oʻtishingiz, asosiy yoʻnalishlar, oʻtkazilish sanalari va ishtirok etish tafsilotlari bilan tanishishingiz mumkin.

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Live broadcast of the second entrance exam 2024 at Inha University in Tashkent

In each classroom, the examination process will be broadcast in real time, which will allow parents of applicants and everyone who wants to observe the exam and make sure it is transparent.

You can watch the broadcast, through the official IUT channel on YouTube:

Toshkent shahridagi Inha universitetida bo'lib o'tayotgan 2024-yilgi ikkinchi kirish imtihonining jonli efiri

Har bir o'quv xonada imtihon jarayoni real vaqt rejimida jonli efir orqali namoyish etmoqda, bu abituriyentlarning ota-onalariga va har bir istagan kishiga imtihonni kuzatish va uning shaffofligiga amin bo'lishga imkon beradi.

Efirni tomosha qilish uchun YouTube-dagi rasmiy IUT sahifasiga o'ting:

Прямая трансляция второго вступительного экзамена 2024 в Университет Инха в г. Ташкенте

В каждой аудитории будет транслироваться экзаменационный процесс в режиме реального времени, что позволит родителям абитуриентов и всем желающим наблюдать за экзаменом и убедиться в его прозрачности.

Для просмотра трансляции, перейдите на официальную страницу УИТ на YouTube:
2024/07/01 13:08:17
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