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Inha University in Tashkent held an Orientation Day for Freshman students

On September 6, 2024, Inha University in Tashkent held a freshman day, where students were able to visit classrooms, get to know each other and the administration.

The rector of Inha University in Tashkent Muzaffar Djalalov ceremonially opened the event, congratulated on successful enrollment giving parting words to the first-year students and wished them great success in achieving their goals.
 The First Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Soobong Shin and and Vice-Rector for Youth Policy Turdimurat Tursunmuratov also delivered their welcoming speeches.

During the presentation sessions, first-year students were able to get to acquainted with the academic calendar, the organizational and administrative structure of the University, the Student Union and the Youth Union, and were also able to ask all the questions they were interested in.

The day of freshmen ended with a campus tour.

Toshkent shahridagi Inha universitetida birinchi kurs talabalari uchun konsultatsiya kuni bo‘lib o‘tdi

2024-yil 6-sentabr kuni Toshkent shahridagi Inha universitetida 1-bosqichga o’qishga kirgan talabalar uchun konsultatsiya kuni bo‘lib o‘tdi. Ushbu tadbir doirasida talabalar o‘quv xonalariga tashrif buyurishdi, bir-birlari va universitet ma’muriyati bilan yaqindan tanishishdi.

Tadbirni Toshkent shahridagi Inha universiteti rektori Muzaffar Jalolov tantanali ravishda ochib, ularni muvaffaqiyatli o‘qishga kirganliklari bilan tabrikladi va o‘z oldiga qo‘ygan maqsadlariga erishishda ulkan muvaffaqiyatlar tiladi.
O‘quv ishlari bo‘yicha birinchi prorektor Soobong Shin va yoshlar masalalari va ma'naviy-ma'rifiy ishlar bo'yicha prorektor Turdimurod Tursunmuratov ham tabrik so‘zlari bilan chiqishdi. Tadbir doirasidagi taqdimotlar orqali 1-kurs talabalari o‘quv yilining kalendari, universitetning tashkiliy-ma’muriy tuzilmasi, Talabalar ittifoqi va Yoshlar ittifoqi bilan yaqindan tanishib, o‘zlarini qiziqtirgan barcha savollarni berish imkoniga ega bo‘ldilar.

Konsultatsiya kuni o'quv binosi bo'yicha ekskursiya bilan yakunlandi.

В Университете Инха в Ташкенте прошел консультационный день для первокурсников

6 сентября 2024 года Университет Инха в Ташкенте провел день первокурсников, где студенты смогли посетить аудитории, познакомиться друг с другом и администрацией.

Мероприятие торжественно открыл ректор Университета Инха в Ташкенте Музаффар Джалалов, поздравил с успешным зачислением, дал напутствие первокурсникам и пожелал больших успехов в достижении поставленных целей.
Также приветственные слова произнесли первый проректор по учебной работе Субон Шин и проректор по молодежной политике Турдимурат Турсунмуратов.

В рамках презентационных сессий студенты первокурсники смогли ознакомиться с академическим календарем, организационной и административной структурой Университета, со Student Union и Youth Union, а также смогли задать все интересующие вопросы.

Завершился день первокурсников кампус туром.
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​​Summer has come to an end, it's time to dive into learning English.

Admission is open for the General English course.

During the classes, students will:
✔️learn the basic grammar rules of the language
✔️learn to speak English using interactive methods and live communication
✔️improve reading and writing skills.

‼️Groups will be formed by age and level.

📞+(998) 71 289 99 95

Yoz o'z nihoyasiga yetdi va ingliz tilini o'rganishga sho'ng'ish vaqti keldi!

General English kursiga ro‘yxatdan o`tish boshlandi.

Sinfda bolalar:
✔️til grammatikasining asosiy qoidalarini o'rganadilar
✔️ingliz tilida o'yin texnikasi formatida gapirishni va jonli muloqot
✔️o'qish va yozish ko'nikmalarini yaxshilaydilar.

‼️Guruhlar yoshga va bilim darajasiga qarab taqsimlanadi.

📞+(998) 71 289 99 95

Лето подошло к концу, и самое время погрузиться в изучение английского языка!

Открыт набор на курс General English.

На занятиях ребята:
✔️изучат основные правила грамматики языка
✔️научатся разговаривать по-английски в формате игровой методики и живого общения
✔️улучшат навыки чтения и письма.

‼️Группы будут сформированы по возрасту и уровню.

📞+(998) 71 289 99 95
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Happy first day of the new academic year!

Get ready for new discoveries, new knowledge and unforgettable adventures. The 2024/2025 academic year promises to be bright and eventful!

Yangi o'quv yilining birinchi kuni muborak

Ajoyib kashfiyotlar, yangi bilimlar va unutilmas sarguzashtlarga tayyor turing. 2024/2025 o'quv yili yorqin voqealarga boy boʻlishi kutilmoqda!

С первым днем нового учебного года

Приготовьтесь к новым открытиям, новым знаниям и незабываемым приключениям. 2024/2025 учебный год обещает быть ярким и насыщенным!
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🇺🇿Raqamli texnologiyalar vazirligi stipendiyasi kimlar uchun?

📝Avvalroq, TATU va uning filiallari, Inha va Amity universiteti talabalari hamda TATU qoshidagi akademik litseylar o‘quvchilari uchun Vazirlik stipendiyasiga hujjatlarni qabul qilish boshlangan edi.

◀️O‘quvchilar tomonidan hujjat topshirish jarayonida duch kelinayotgan savollarga videolavhamizda javob berdik.

⬇️Sizda yana savollar mavjud bo‘lsa quyidagi aloqa raqamlariga bog‘laning:

📞 +99871 203-03-43 (ichki raqam 112)
📞 +99899 815-11-71

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Dear students,

We would like to inform you that applications for scholarship of Ministry of Digital Technologies are ongoing🤩

We remind you that students who have scored higher than the specified indicators and won a scholarship will receive from 1.7 million soums (5.0 times the BHM) to a total of 17 million soums for 10 months, academic Lyceum students will receive a scholarship of 680,000 soums (2.0 times the BHM) for a total of 6.8 million soums for 10 months.

Do not miss the opportunity and apply now! 🤩

September 14, 18.00

📨 Link to apply

📌 Be careful! Applicant can submit application only once.

📥 Detailed information about the scholarship (STATUTES) – HERE.
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Forwarded from IUT Student Affairs
Dear students,

INHA University in Tashkent has been collaborating over the last years with Sturgeon Capital (UK) in providing scholarships for talented students. Sturgeon Leadership Scholarships Program offers a full coverage of annual tuition fees.

For 2024/2025 academic year Sturgeon Capital announces two scholarships – one will be available only for female students, the second one for underprivileged students (both boys and girls are eligible to submit).

- Good academic records
- Only for sophomore, junior, senior students
Interested candidates are required to submit academic transcripts, resumes and a short essay (max. 500 words) explaining:
- Why you have chosen this degree program, and
- What you want to achieve with your specialization

Candidates should indicate which program they want to submit their applications to – “Only for girls” or “Underprivileged”.

Please note that the selected students may continue receiving the scholarship from Sturgeon till they complete their degrees subject to their satisfactory academic records and achievements.

❗️Deadline: 13 September 2024
Please send your applications on email [email protected] indicating “Sturgeon Leadership Scholarships”.
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🔥📹Watch the video report about the "Orientation Day"!

🔥📹 "Orientation Day" haqida video reportajni tomosha qiling!

🔥📹 Смотрите видео отчет с "Orientation Day"!
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​​Get Ready for New Academic Achievements with Us!

Admission is now open for math and physics course for students in grades 7-9.

Courses will be beneficial for students who want to:
✔️ Strengthen their knowledge 
✔️ Improve academic performance 
✔️ Develop and practice critical thinking and analytical skills

Biz bilan yangi ta'lim yutuqlariga tayyor bo'ling!

7-9-sinf o‘quvchilari uchun matematika va fizika kurslariga qabul boshlandi.

Kurslar quyidagini istagan talabalar uchun foydali bo'ladi:
✔️bilimingizni mustahkamlash
✔️o'quv samaradorligini oshirish
✔️tanqidiy fikrlash va tahliliy ko'nikmalarni rivojlantirish va o'rgatish

Dars jadvali:
Matematika (9 oylik dastur) - Seshanba. Payshanba. Shanba. 14:30-15:50

Matematika (3 oy davomida intensiv) Seshanba. Payshanba. Shanba. 17:20-18:40

Fizika (3 oy davomida intensiv) - dushanba, Chorshanba, Juma  17:20-18:40

📞+(998) 71 289 99 95

Готовься к новым учебным достижениям вместе с нами​​!

Открыт набор на курс по математике и физике для учащихся 7-9 классов.

Курсы будут полезны для учеников, желающих:
✔️укрепить свои знания
✔️повысить успеваемость
✔️развить и потренировать критическое мышление и аналитические навыки

Расписание занятий:
Математика (программа на 9 месяцев) - вт. чт. сб. 14:30-15:50

Математика (интенсив 3 месяца) вт. чт. сб. 17:20-18:40

Физика (интенсив 3 месяца) - пон. ср. пт.  17:20-18:40

📞+(998) 71 289 99 95
🚀 Web Development Competency Assessment Event! 🚀

Dear Students 🎓

We’re excited to invite you to participate in the upcoming Competency Assessment Event organized by Codepresso, focused on Web Development. Whether you're an IT major or passionate about tech, this is your chance to showcase your skills and potentially secure exciting internship opportunities!

🧑‍💻 Assessment Topic:

Web Development Topics:

Front-end: Vue, React, or Angular (JavaScript or TypeScript)
Back-end: Spring Boot

Assessments will be project-based to fairly evaluate your practical skills and expertise in these areas.

🎯 What You Need to Know:
Individual Participation: This is an individual assessment, not group-based.
Open to all students with knowledge in IT
Prizes will be awarded to top performers to recognize their efforts and achievements.
Participation in this assessment could open doors for internship opportunities with partner companies in worldwide!

Information about the company

📅 How to Participate:
Register via the Google Form

Event date: September 20th, at 14:00 - 16:00
Location: Building B, 102

Ready to show off your skills and win some amazing prizes? 🎉
2024/10/04 21:12:01
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