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In order to keep fit we need to ……
Anonymous Quiz
burn out calories
physical well-being

🍈 Get the ball rolling:
to begin something so you can start making progress or so you can finish something.

🎾 “Let’s get the ball rolling (start making progress) on the construction project, so they can return to their house.”

🍈 My dogs are barking:
another way of saying “My feet are hurting.”

🎾 After walking around all day, my dogs are barking (my feet are hurting).

🍈 Hit the sack is another way of saying to go to sleep. People usually say it when they are very tired.

🎾 Today was a really long day, so I am going to hit the sack (go to sleep) now.

🍈 Hold your horses
Whoa, horse! No, this saying isn’t about real horses. It means to calm down or to be patient.

🎾 The teacher told her students to ‘hold their horses’ (be patient) when they all started running after the lunch bell rang.

🍈 Under the weather
means to not feel well. It could mean someone is sick or that they are upset about something.

🇬🇧 @inglizchaDars - kanaliga ulanish
I've known him since we were wet behind the ___. ('young and inexperienced', «молоко на губах не обсохло»)
Anonymous Quiz
How to speak from the heart ?

🔹 I really like - Menga rostdan ham yoqadi.
🔻 I really like playing basketball maybe that's way I'm quite tall.

🔹 I especially like - Menga ayniqsa (nimadur) yoqadi.
🔻 I especially like Creating posts in order to help you 😊

🔹 I love - Men (nimadur bajarishni) sevaman.
🔻 Most of people love listening to music in their leisure time 🎧

🔹 I quite enjoy - Men  (nimadurdan) biroz rohatlanaman.
🔻 Durdona quite enjoys learning chemistry.

🔹 I'm a big fan of - Men (nimadur)qilishga ishqibozman.
🔻Nancy is a big fan of Chatting.Whenever you look she's "Typing..."

🔹 I find it great to - Men bunday qilishni  buyuk( zo'r,yaxshi )deb topaman
🔻I find it great to go for a walk after 5pm with my parents on Sundays

🔹 It leaves me a deep impression - bu menda chuqur taasurot uyğotadi.
🔻Historic places usually leave me a deep impression.

⚪️⚫️ Kanalimizni döstlaringizga ulashishni unutmang !

🇬🇧 @inglizchaDars - kanaliga ulanish
“About” so’zining sinonimlari to’g’ri berilgan qatorni toping.
Anonymous Quiz
Regarding, as to, highlight
Regarding, as to, concerning
Regarding, provide, concerning

  1) time - marta
  🔖 I have been to London three times.
  2) time - vaqt
  🔖 She has no time to meet with you.
  1) noise - ovoz
🔖 Bobur heard a strange noise in the street.
  2) noise - shovqin
🔖 Do not make noise.
  1) light - chiroq
🔖 There is a light in the room.
  2) light - yorug'lik
🔖 Light is shining my eyes.
  1) paper - gazeta/ yozma ish
🔖 Jack reads a paper every day.
  2) paper - qog'oz
🔖 Paper is made from wood.
   1) work - asar
🔖 I mainly read the works of A.Navoi.
  2) work - ish
🔖 I found work to support my family.

🇬🇧 @inglizchaDars - kanaliga ulanish
💥To improve your boosts vocabulary🍟
🎯Topic: Television

🎯Where’s the remote?
🏄‍♂Pult qani?

🎯Is there anything good on?
🏄‍♂Televizorda yaxshiroq biror nima bormi?

🎯Can I change the channel?
🏄‍♂Boshqa kanalga olsam bo'ladimi?

🎯I’ve already seen this episode.
🏄‍♂Men allaqachon bu qismni ko'rib bo'lganman.

🎯This is a rerun.
🏄‍♂Bu avvalgi ko'rsatilgan qism.

🎯I love this show!
🏄‍♂Men bu shovni sevaman!

🎯There are too many commercials.
🏄‍♂Juda ko'p reklamalar.

🎯Stop channel-surfing.
🏄‍♂Bu kanaldan u kanalga tezda aylantirishni to'xtat.

🎯Check the TV guide.
🏄‍♂Televizor dasturlarini (programmani) ko'rchi.

🎯It’s the season final!
🏄‍♂Bu faslning so'ngi qismi

🇬🇧 @inglizchaDars - kanaliga ulanish
📋"Parenthetical words and phrases"

📌Frankly speaking- Ochiqchasiga aytganda
📌To cut it short - Qisqa qlib aytganda
📌So to speak - Deylik...
📌Meanwhile -  Vaqtida
📌By the way - Aytgancha
📌It goes without saying - Oʻz oʻzidan ma'lum
📌As far as I know - Bilishimcha
📌Indeed- Rostdan ham
📌In other words - Boshqa soʻz bilan
📌However - Biroq
📌So well-  Demak, shunday qlib Binobarin
📌Besides- Bundan tashqari
📌Also - Shuningdek
📌Сertainly- Albatta
📌Anyway - Xar qanday xolatda ham
📌Always at all - Umuman
📌Therefore- Shu sababga koʻra
📌Though - Garchan, garchi
📌Although - Garchand, garchi
📌Meantime- Ungacha
📌Nevertheless - Lekin shunday boʻlsada
📌Perhaps - Balki boʻlishi mumkin
📌Probably- Balki, boʻlishi mumkin
📌To put it mildly - Yumshoq qlib aytganda
📌At all- Umuman
📌In any case - Xar qanday colatda ham
📌To tell the truth- Toʻgʻrisini aytganda
📌So- Xoʻsh
📌Moreover- Undan tashqari

🇬🇧 @inglizchaDars - kanaliga ulanish
I ___ like getting up early.
Anonymous Quiz
am not
will be
- Whose book is this?
- It is ___ .
Anonymous Quiz
the mine
"Abdullajon" ___ by Zulfiqor Musoqov.
Anonymous Quiz
was directed
was direct
did direct
🔥Predloglar - ozbek tilidagi komakchilarga tog'ri keladi.
Ularni yod oling.

🔖about -haqida
🔖above - tepada
🔖across - orqali, ichidan
🔖after -keyin
🔖against - qarshi
🔖among -o’rtasida
🔖around - atrofida, taxminan
🔖as - o’xshab
🔖at - ostida, ichida
🔖before - oldin
🔖behind - orqada
🔖below - pastda
🔖beneath - ostida
🔖beside - yonma-yon
🔖between - o’rtasida
🔖beyond - orqasida, narigi tomonida
🔖but - lekin
🔖by - yonida, -da, -dan tomonidan
🔖despite - ga qaramay
🔖down - past tomoniga
🔖during - davomida, mobaynida
🔖except - dan tashqari
🔖for - uchun
🔖from…- dan
🔖in -  ichida
🔖inside - ichida
🔖into - ichiga
🔖near - yonida
🔖next - yonida, atrofida
🔖of…. - ning
🔖on - Ustida, ichida
🔖opposite - qarama-qarshi
🔖out….- dan
🔖outside - tashqarida
🔖over - tepasida, o’stida


*Kanal rivoji uchun like bosing❤️

🇬🇧 @inglizchaDars - kanaliga ulanish
Phrasal verbs
•Brush up (on) - bilimini yaxshilamoq, malakasini yaxshilamoq
•Come (a)round (to) - fikrini o'zgartirmoq
•Come up (with) - fikr o'ylab topmoq
•Face up to - boricha qabul qilmoq
•Figure out - tushunmoq
•Hit upon - to'satdan fikr kelmoq
•Make out - bazo'r tushunmoq, eshitmoq yoki ko'rmoq
•Mull over - uzoq va diqqat bilan o'ylamoq
•Piece together - barcha ma'lumotni yig'ib xulosa chiqarmoq
•Puzzle out - bosh qotirib qiyin bir muammoni yechmoq
•Read up (on/about) - ma'lum bir mavzuda ko'p o'qimoq
•Swot up (on) - imtihondan oldin qisqa muddat ichida ko'p o'qib tayyorlanmoq
•Take in - 1) o'qigan narsasini tushunmoq; 2) aldamoq
•Think over - diqqat bilan o'ylamoq
•Think through - batafsil o'ylamoq
•Think up - bahona o'ylab topmoq

🇬🇧 @inglizchaDars - kanaliga ulanish
✳️Phrasal Verbs✳️

▪️make for  ga tomon ketmoq
▪️make out biror narsani to’g’riday ko’rsatmoq; qiyinchilik b-n tushunmoq, eshtmoq yoki ko’rmoq
▪️make up yaratmoq
▪️make up yarashmoq (kimdir bilan)
▪️make off qochmoq
▪️make out kerakli ma’lumotlarni yozib qoymoq
▪️make up for yaxshiroq narsa berib ovuntirmoq
▪️make out  qiyinchilik b-n tushunmoq, eshtmoq yoki ko’rmoq
▪️mull over uzoq o’ylamoq
▪️make into  kimnidir yoki nimanidir boshqa narsaga o’zgartirmoq
▪️mix up chalkashtirib tashlamoq
▪️make up odatdagidan boshqa vaqtda ishlamoq
▪️move in (with)  boshqa uyga ko’chmoq
▪️move on xarakatlanishni davom etmoq; bir mavzuni toxtatib boshqasiga o’tmoq
▪️move out doimiy tark etmoq
▪️move over biror kishiga joy berish uchun surulmoq
▪️mount up oshmoq, ko’paymoq
▪️make over ko’rinishini o’zgartirmoq
▪️mess up rasvo qilib qoymoq
▪️meet up ushrashmoq
▪️mess about/around biror bir ishni mazza qilib bajarmoq; o’zini axmoqona tutmoq
▪️name after  nomini bermoq
▪️narrow down  ehtimolini kamaytirmoq
▪️opt out (of) qatnashmaslikga qaror qilmoq
▪️open up yuragini ochmoq; qulflangan eshikni ochmoq.

🇬🇧 @inglizchaDars - kanaliga ulanish

☝️ Learn by heart new sports..

1. ⚽️ Football - Futbol
2. 🏀 Basketball - Basketbol
3. 🏈 Rugby - Regbi
4. ⚾️ Baseball - Beysbol
5. 🎾 Tennis - Tennis
6. 🏐 Volleyball - Voleybol
7. 🏉 Handball - Qo'l to'pi
8. 🎱 Billiard - Bilyard
9. 🏓 Ping Pong - Stol tennisi
10. 🥅 Gate - Darvoza
11. 🏒 Hockey stick - Hokkey tayog'i
12. 🏏 Baseball stick - Beysbol tayog'i
13. ⛳️ Golf Course - Golf maydoni
14. 🏹 Arrow - Kamon
15. 🥊 Boxing glove - Boks qo'lqopi
16. 🥋 Karate - Karate
17. Skates - Konki
18. Skiing - Chang'ida uchish
19. 🏂 Snowboard - Qor taxtasi
20. 🏋️‍♀️ Weightlift - Og'ir atletika
21. 🤺 Fencing - Qilichbozlik
22. 🤼‍♂️ Wrestling - Kurash
23. 🧘‍♂ Yoga - Yoga
24. 🏄 Floating - Baydarkada suzish
25. 🏊‍♀️ Swimming - Suzish
26. 🚣‍♀️ Boating - Qayiqda suzish
27. 🏇 Horsing - Ot minish
28. 🚴‍♀️ Cycling - Veloseped minish
29. 🏆 Cup - Kubok
30. 🎳 Bowling - Bovling
31. 🏁 Race - Poyga

🇬🇧 Biz bilan ingliz tilini tez va oson o'rganing..!!

🇬🇧 @inglizchaDars - kanaliga ulanish

  1) time - marta
  🔖 I have been to London three times.
  2) time - vaqt
  🔖 She has no time to meet with you.
  1) noise - ovoz
🔖 Bobur heard a strange noise in the street.
  2) noise - shovqin
🔖 Do not make noise.
  1) light - chiroq
🔖 There is a light in the room.
  2) light - yorug'lik
🔖 Light is shining my eyes.
  1) paper - gazeta/ yozma ish
🔖 Jack reads a paper every day.
  2) paper - qog'oz
🔖 Paper is made from wood.
   1) work - asar
🔖 I mainly read the works of A.Navoi.
  2) work - ish
🔖 I found work to support my family.

🇬🇧 @inglizchaDars - kanaliga ulanish
___________ the highest ranking official in the United States?
Anonymous Quiz

🎯Arzon va sifatli IELTS kursiga start bermoqchimiz, nima deysiz qatnashasizmi?
Anonymous Poll
Ha qatnashaman
Yozilaman albatta
2024/09/28 22:25:59
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