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🏥 5 cases of death were registered in the Republican Medical Center of the Ministry of Health of Artsakh.

📌At the moment, there are 80 wounded in the medical center. According to preliminary data, 15 of them are civilians.

[Minsitry of Health of Artsakh]
⚖️ We strongly condemn the Azerbaijani government’s violent attacks in Nagorno-Karabakh, heightening the risk of ethnic cleansing against the region’s Armenian population.

❗️Any attempt to forcibly change the region's demographics is illegal & unacceptable.

📣 We urge the international community to protect the civilian population in Nagorno-Karabakh, prevent crimes against humanity in the region, and hold the Azerbaijani government accountable for the wellbeing of Armenians in the region. [Freedom House]
Infocom-English version
🇫🇷🇺🇳 France demands an extraordinary session of the UN Security Council on the situation in Artsakh. 📣 The French Foreign Ministry also calls on Azerbaijan to immediately cease the action, noting that only Azerbaijan bears responsibility for the fate of the…
🇦🇿 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan condemned the statement of the French side.

💬 "The position of France shows that this country does not learn lessons from the situation in the colonial areas that it is facing today, and continues to pursue the same policy on this issue," the statement reads.
A group of citizens holds a spontaneous protest in front of the Russian Embassy in Armenia.
‼️ Azerbaijani forces used an aircraft strike over 20 minutes ago near Martakert town and a village of the Askeran region. I don't have any information on the consequences yet. The shelling and battles are continuous, civilian & military deaths/injuries are increasing. [Artak Beglaryan]
❗️The Russian Defense Ministry reports that today, from 12:00, Russian peacekeepers have been recording numerous violations of the ceasefire from the Azerbaijani side along the entire line of contact.

The evacuation of the civilian population of Nagorno-Karabakh from the most dangerous areas and the provision of medical assistance to the victims has been organized. ||
🇧🇪 We are closely following the events in Nagorno-Karabakh. The only valid path to peace is through dialogue and compromise. Belgium calls for de-escalation and a political solution that takes into account the well-being of the population. [Foreign Minister of Belgium]
🇱🇺 I condemn in the strongest possible terms Azerbaijan’s military operation in Nagorno-Karabakh. Military action, in particular in populated areas, must stop immediately and the lives of civilians must be protected. Azerbaijan must abide by its international commitments. [Minister of Foreign Affairs of Luxembourg]
‼️ Civilian population from 6 communities of Artsakh (Khramort, Khnabad, Sarnaghpyiour, Nakhichevanik, Machkalashen, Chankatagh) have been evacuated. [Gegham Stepanyan, Human Rights Defender of Artsakh]
🇹🇷 The Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs states that "the Azerbaijani army is taking the necessary measures on its sovereign territory aimed exclusively against the military."

🗣️ "We believe that ensuring the continuity of the comprehensive negotiation process between Azerbaijan and Armenia is the only way to establish peace, security, prosperity and permanent stability in the region," the Turkish Foreign Ministry said in a statement.
🇬🇧 After yesterday’s welcome humanitarian access to Nagorno-Karabakh, the return of military conflict in the region is devastating for the local population. Azerbaijan should cease military action. U.K. is working hard to urge dialogue. Violence is never the answer. [Leo Docherty Minister of State of the United Kingdom for Europe]
❗️As of 20:00, there are 25 victims as a result of the full-fledged terroristic attack by Azerbaijan, among whom 2 are civilians.

The information received from the Stepanakert’s morgue by the Office of the Human Rights Defender. [Gegham Stepanyan]
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🚔 The police applied special measures at the protest in front of the Government building of the Republic of Armenia.

📌 Our correspondent reported that there is at least one injured citizen.

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2024/09/30 02:22:12
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