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Create Timestamp for Videos Save Messages You Want to Access Anywhere There’s no denying the fact that Telegram became as popular as it is because of its focus on privacy. The service not only provides end-to-end encryption on the server-side of the things but also allows users to lock their chats. This is great for safeguarding your personal chats when you are handing out your device to anyone else.

Terminate old sessions The profile videos of premium users will animate for everyone throughout the app – including in chats and the chat list. Let everyone see your new look, or flex your creativity with a unique looping animation. If you don’t want messages in your secret chats to hang around forever, Telegram lets you set self-destruct timers to permanently remove them. After a message is received, it remains in the chat for a predetermined period — you can choose times between one second and one week – before disappearing. Adaptive (Android) or Automatic (iOS): The mode will automatically switch based on the light level around you; you can define the threshold.

This feature allows you to filter out and put personal chats, channels, groups, contacts in different and customized folders. You can customize folders the way you want, plus there are some additional features. For example, you can have all chats with unread messages automatically added to a folder. To schedule and send silent messages, users can simply type out their messages, but long tap on the send button instead of simply pressing it. This will show you the schedule and silent message options. While you can send uncompressed media in other messaging apps, you have to convert it in another format like EXE or PDF. Telegram, however, allows you to send uncompressed video and images directly (without converting them into another format). It saves you a lot of trouble. Also, it enables you to send the current location as well. But live location is much more valuable because it’s easy to find your friend or someone in a wide range of situations.

Premium Voice-to-Text Telegram became one of the top-5 downloaded apps worldwide in 2022 and now has over 700 million monthly active users. This growth is solely from personal recommendations – Telegram has never paid to advertise its apps.


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