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πŸ›IELTS ga tayyorlanishni boshlashni hohlovchila(A2-B1) uchun QΓ΄llanmalar.

Get Ready for IELTS Writing - 22,000
Get Ready for IELTS Reading - 23,000
Get Ready for IELTS Speaking - 22,000
Get Ready for IELTS Listening - 22,000

🚚Dostavka O'zbekiston bo'ylab
Forwarded from IELTS Academy press
⚑️Cambridge University Press dan Official preparation Materials ⚑️

"Official Cambridge IELTS Course"
Eng yaxshi kitoblar tΓ³plami, self-study uchunham juda mos.
(Personal recommendation)

Mindset for IELTS Foundation - 15,000
Mindset for IELTS level 1 - 20,000
Mindset for IELTS level 2 - 21,000
Mindset for IELTS level 3 - 27,000

@ieltsprint πŸ‘ˆ

Dostavka bor
Vocabulary va Speakingni yaxshilash va native Speakerlardek Ingliz tilidan foydalanish uchun eng yaxshi kitoblar.
Collocationlar Writing va Speaking da yuqori ball olish uchun juda muhim rol tutadi.

Collocations in Use: Intermediate - 24k
Collocations in Use: Advanced - 24k
Shortcut to English Collocations - 27k

🚚dostavka bor
πŸ›Cambridge University Press
Β©Pauline Cullen

IELTS ga tayyorlanish uchun eng yaxshi Vocabulary kitoblaridan,

IELTS vocabulary for IELTS - 22000
IELTS vocabulary for IELTS advanced 23

🚚dostavka bor
IELTS Writing bo'yicha boshlang'ich bilim olishdan tortib Advanced darajagacha o'rganish uchun eng yaxshi kitoblardan.⚑️

Improve your writing: 4.5–6 - 14,000
Improve your writing: 6–7.5 - 14,000
Improve your writing: Advanced - 14k

@ieltsprint πŸ‘ˆ

🚚Dostavka Bor
⚑️Reading challenge series mainly focus on Reading Comprehension along with vocabulary, writing, grammar, listening activities.

Reading Challenge 1 - 15,000
Reading Challenge 2 - 15,000
Reading Challenge 3 - 15,000

🚚Dostavka Bor
⚑Elementary dan Intermediate darajagacha bo'lganlar uchun grammatika bo'yicha keng qo'llaniladigan tematik testlar to'plami

1500 Structured Tests: Level 1 10,000
1500 Structured Tests: Level 2 10,000
1500 Structured Tests: Level 3 10,000
3000 Structured Tests: Mixed - 20,000

🚚Dostavka Bor
Vocabulary uchun eng yaxshi kitoblardan biri - Collocation mashqlar bilan rivojlantirish uchun ajoyib kitob.

Key word for fluency: Pre-Inter 24,000
Key word for fluency: Inter 24,000
Key word for fluency: Upper 24,000

🚚Dostavka O'zbekiston bo'ylab
⚑ Cambridge dan navbatdagi ajoyib kitoblar tóplami, Recommended!

Complete IELTS bands 4-5 -32,000
Complete IELTS bands 5-6.5 -30,000
Complete IELTS bands 6.5-7.5 - 30,000

Ingliz tilida o'qish uchun, reading comprehension va general knowledge oshirish uchun 2ta ajoyib kitoblar. Sotib olmasangizham elektron versiyasini o'qib ko'rishni tavsiya qilaman.

The 100 most influential world leaders of all time - 45,000
100 greatest science discoveries of all time - 35,000

🚚Dostavka O'zbekiston bo'ylab
⚑️IELTS ga tayyorlanayotganlar uchun ajoyib jamlanma(5 - 5.5)B1+

Collins Writing for IELTS - 22,000
Collins Reading for IELTS - 22,000
Collins Speaking for IELTS - 22,000
Collins Listening for IELTS - 23,000
Collins Vocabulary for IELTS - 21,000
Collins Grammar for IELTS - 21,000


🚚Dostavka Bor
"Read and Understand" - Sharpens your reading comprehension and vocabulary skills πŸ”₯

Read and Understand 1 - 16,000
Read and Understand 2 - 16,000
Read and Understand 3 - 18,000
Read and Understand 4 - 18,000


🚚Dostavka Bor
⚑️Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS

This books contains everything you need to know about the IELTS exam and help you better prepare for the exam with a bunch of exercises and tips.

Cambridge Guide to IELTS - 49,000


🚚Dostavka Bor
The books everyone should read in their lifetime (except stories)

Thought-provoking books⚑️

Who Will Cry When You Die - 12,000
Rich Dad Poor Dad - 12,000
The Best American Short Stories - 42,000
Atomic Habits - 25,000

🚚Dostavka Bor
Vocabulary Building Series 1-4

Another good series of useful books to improve and enrich your vocabulary.

Vocabulary Building 1 - 13,000
Vocabulary Building 2 - 13,000
Vocabulary Building 3 - 19,000
Vocabulary Building 4 - 19,000

🚚Dostavka Bor
πŸ›IELTS ga tayyorlanishni boshlashni hohlovchila(A2-B1) uchun QΓ΄llanmalar.

Get Ready for IELTS Writing - 22,000
Get Ready for IELTS Reading - 23,000
Get Ready for IELTS Speaking - 22,000
Get Ready for IELTS Listening - 22,000


🚚Dostavka O'zbekiston bo'ylab
IELTS Academy press
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2024/09/29 04:24:09
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