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🔴4 ways the COVID-19 pandemic changed the way we sleep

#Health #Science #Sleep #Human_Body #Pandemic

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🔴 4 ways the COVID-19 pandemic changed the way we sleep

The COVID pandemic has changed sleep in at least four different ways: quantity, quality, timing and dreaming.
[Sleeping with Science]
The first is sleep quantity. A study conducted across Europe, as well as the US and Asia, found that on average people were sleeping around 25 minutes more each night during the pandemic.
Second, there has been a change in sleep quality. Now, sleep has of course been a real challenge for many of us during the pandemic. And indeed, in the US, almost 60 percent of people felt that the quality of their sleep had become worse during the pandemic. However, 40 percent of the people didn’t feel that their sleep was any worse, so there seems to be quite a difference in the response across individuals when it comes to sleep quality and the pandemic.
The third change we’ve discovered concerns sleep timing. Since many people didn’t have to commute to work or get the kids to school in the morning, on average, people were going to bed later and waking up later during the pandemic. And I think this is a case of “Revenge of the Night Owls.” And I see it as one of the positive consequences that came out of the pandemic.
The fourth change is that people reported dreaming more and also having COVID-related dreams. And this is likely due to the fact that people were sleeping later into the morning, which is the time when we get most of our dream sleep, and the fact that dreaming helps us deal with emotional trauma.
However, there are many essential questions that still remain. One that I am particularly interested in answering is whether or not a lack of sleep before getting your COVID shot, or your COVID booster in the future, changes the effectiveness of that vaccination, just as we know it does with your annual flu shot.
What we do know for certain though is this: your sleep health is intimately related to your immune health. Said simply: sleep is a life support system.

#Health #Science #Sleep #Human_Body #Pandemic

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NEW writing sample, Enjoy!
🧨🧨اشتباهات رايج گرامرى زبان اموزان

They hung people for stealing chickens back then.

They hanged people for stealing chickens back then.

💡توجه كنيد اين فعل با افعال بى قاعده اى كه تا به حال به انها پرداختيم، كمى متفاوت است و ساختار ان بسته به شرايط ممكن است تغيير كند.
در واقع ساختار ان بستگى به معناى اين فعل دارد( معناى فعل hang ميتواند 1-دار زدن يا همان اعدام باشد و يا 2-اويزان كردن چيزى).

1️⃣اگر فعل در جمله معناى اويزان كردن چيزى را بدهد ، به صورت زير خواهد بود:
hang, hung, hung

📌She hangs the picture,
📌she hung it,
📌she had hung it

2️⃣و اگر معناى اعدام را بدهد به اين صورت:
hang, hanged, hanged
خواهد بود.

📌He’ll hang at dawn,
📌he was hanged at dawn yesterday,
📌 they have hanged him for stealing.


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🧨🧨اشتباهات رايج گرامرى زبان اموزان

Each of the girls are going to be tested.

Each of the girls is going to be tested.

كلمه ى "each" يا همان "each one" به معناى ”هر كدام” ميباشد(در مثال بالا هر كدام از دختر ها) يعنى يكى از انها؛ پس چون مفرد است، فعل مفرد ميخواهد(در اين مثال is).

مثال هاى بيشتر:
به جاى: Either of these books are good,
بگوييد: Either of these books is good.

به جاى:Only one of the teachers have been through the training program,
بگوييد: Only one of the teachers has been through the training program.

به جاى: Neither of them have the right to go,
بگوييد:Neither of them has the right to go.


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All smiles, I know what it takes to fool this town
I'll do it 'til the sun goes down and all through the night time
Oh yeah
Oh yeah, I'll tell you what you wanna hear
Leave my sunglasses on while I shed a tear
It's never the right time
Yeah, yeah
I put my armor on, show you how strong how I am
I put my armor on, I'll show you that I am
I'm unstoppable
I'm a Porsche with no brakes
I'm invincible
Yeah, I win every single game
I'm so powerful
I don't need batteries to play
I'm so confident
Yeah, I'm unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
I'm unstoppable today
Break down, only alone I will cry on out
You'll never see what's hiding out
Hiding out deep down
Yeah, yeah
I know, I've heard that to let your feelings go
Is the only way to make friendships grow
But I'm too afraid now
Yeah, yeah
I put my armor on, show you how strong how I am
I put my armor on, I'll show you that I am
I'm unstoppable
I'm a Porsche with no breaks
I'm invincible
Yeah, I win every single game
I'm so powerful
I don't need batteries to play
I'm so confident
Yeah, I'm unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
I'm unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
I'm unstoppable today
I put my arm around, show you how strong I am
I put my arm around, I'll show you that I am
I'm unstoppable
I'm a Porsche with no breaks
I'm invincible
Yeah, I win every single game
I'm so powerful
I don't need batteries to play
I'm so confident
Yeah, I'm unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
I'm unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
I'm unstoppable today


Join ➣ @ieltsmodarres
Unstoppable °
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🔔🔔 لایو امشب در مورد
⛔️چالش های مهاجرت تحصیلی به امریکا⛔️

👩‍🔬دانشجوی داروسازی در امریکا

🕗 امشب شنبه ساعت ۸ شب

♻️لایو رو با دوستانتون حتما به اشتراک بذارید.

لایو ساعت ۲۰:۰۰ در پیج اینستاگرام ieltsmodarres@
این مصاحبه رو میتونید به صورت کامل از طریق لینک زیر ببینید 👇👇👇👇👇👇

👇👇👇پادکست های معرفی شده رو میتونید از لینک های زیر وارد بشید و مهارت لیسنینگ خود رو تفویت کنید.


Join ➣ @ieltsmodarres
💥💥اشتباهات رايج گرامرى زبان اموزان:

Did you calculate the amount of pigs-in-a-blanket we’ll need for the party?

Did you calculate the number of pigs-in-a-blanket we’ll need for the party?

كلمه ى “Amount” اشاره دارد به جرم، وزن ، سايز يا اجزاى كلى هر چيز ملموس يا غير ملموس. ولى براى چيز هايى كه ميتوان هر كدام را به تنهايى شمارش كرد به كار نميرود؛ براى چنين چيزهايى بايد از كلمه ى “number” استفاده نمود.
در مثال بالا درباره ى تعداد خوك ها صحبت ميكند و خوك ها را ميتوان شمرد؛ پس كلمه ى صحيح number ميباشد.

مثال هاى بيشتر:

📌The amount of food that boy eats every day is staggering.

📌The number of errors on Eloise’s tax return set a record.

📌For what amount should Sue make out the check?

📌There were a large number of people in line when we arrived at the movie.


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💥💥اشتباهات رايج زبان اموزان

Tim has less projects than Nancy does.

Tim has fewer projects than Nancy does.

كلمه ى “less” اشاره دارد به مقدار يا ميزان چيزهايى كه نميشود انها را به تنهايى شمرد يا اندازه گرفت مثل مسائل انتزاعى؛ ولى “fewer” به چيزهايى اشاره دارد كه به تنهايى قابل شمارش ميباشند.
در مثال بالا تعداد پروژه هاى تيم و نانسى قابل شمارش است پس “fewer” مناسب ميباشد.

مثال هاى بيشتر:

📌She had no fewer than 11 bridesmaids at that wedding.

📌He is less well off than he was at the old job.

📌The fewer bills I have to pay, the better.

📌He took less credit for his work than he should have.


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2024/09/30 23:34:22
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