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You flew off with the wings of my
heart and left me flightless 🧩

– Stelle Atwater

Sometimes, when one person is
missing, the whole world seems
depopulated 🌬

– Alphonse de Lamartine

History will change for life 🦚

Don't know what i feel
inside no more πŸ™ƒ

nak tau jugak , berapa ramai yang exam this year ?
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stam / stpm
Disheartened πŸ•Š
nak tau jugak , berapa ramai yang exam this year ?
wow , spm candidates tu , pkp extend ni jangan lupa baca buku . cikgu buat online class pun , join . kalau line slow , tanya la dekat kawan yang dapat join tu . jangan nak membuta eh πŸ˜—

p/s : actually , i is spm candidates too and i is membuta also 😜
im searching for new admin . tak kesah lelaki ke perempuan asalkan rajin update dkt channel . tapi it's better kalau u gais umur 16 + anything boleh pm @alzinkerbell

I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse 😏

– The Godfather ( 1972 )

here's a thing , if you dissapoint over lil thing , it will never be done. if a week then a week over the same thing, so trust me the happy thing will come 🌈🌻 . just bit late. good thing takes time.

Some people are only ever nice until they get what they need.

She's gonna forever say " I got this. " even with tears in her eyes.

" Never punish your new love for something an old love did to you. Start each new relationship like you have never been hurt before. "

You ask me to trust you. But you're the one who broken the promise that you've made :)

Just an ordinary person with extra ordinary ambition.

Umur kita semakin meningkat dan banyak perkara kanak-kanak yang sudah kita tinggalkan.

Jika semua perkara kita telah tinggalkan.

Jadi mengapa kita masih menangis?

"Nakal tapi berakal"

Ada orang ni kita nampak macam nakal, tapi sebenarnya dia jaga solat dia.

Ada orang ni kita nampak macam kaki buli, kaki lepak. Tapi sebenarnya dia sangat taat dengan kedua ibu bapa.

Ada orang ni kita nampak macam pemalas, suka bertangguh kerja. Tapi agama dia letakkan keutamaan.

Jadi kita sebagai manusia jangan cepat menilai seseorang dan jangan pernah meremehkan sesuatu kebaikan.

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing

β€” Walt Disney

Forwarded from Disheartened πŸ•Š (al)
im searching for new admin . tak kesah lelaki ke perempuan asalkan rajin update dkt channel . tapi it's better kalau u gais umur 16 + anything boleh pm @alzinkerbell

Be strong because it will get better.
It may be stormy now but it can't rain forever. You having this life because you can make it🌈🌻

Life has two rules.
1. Never quit.
2. Always remember #1

2024/09/25 00:33:00
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