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Even its hard to admit that i miss the old you, i just wish that both of us will never stop to loving each other. May the love between us keep growing even we always fight, argue, and disagree for a few things.

"When you talk, you are only repeating what you already learn. But when you listen, you may learn something new."

sometime we dont know why we still stay and together. for what? being hurt everything time. no attention.

tak bisa memberi perhatian, tetapi masih meminta untuk bersama. maksudnya? untuk melepas rasa bosan/sunyi? aku punya perasaan, yang masih bersabar dan bertahan kerana tdk mahu menyesal. tapi sperti keputusanku untuk bertahan itu cuma sia-siaaa? πŸ˜ŒπŸ‘Œ

It hurts the most when the person that made you feel special yesterday makes you feel so unwanted today.

No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.

β€” Gautama Buddha

You wake up every morning to fight the same demons that left you so tired the night before ; and that, my love, is bravery

"And He gave you from all you asked of Him. And if you should count the favor of Allah, you could not enumerate them. Indeed, mankind is [generally] most unjust and ungrateful."

Q.S. Ibrahim (14): 34

Aku pelik jugak macam mana semalam katanya sayang, harini dibuang. Pelik. Mudahnya hati manusia berubah. Pelik. Dah lalui macam macam bersama, dah susah senang bersama, dah tabur effort menggunung tapi ends up with "nothing" . Kejamnya manusia. Kita takpernah buat orang, tapi orang buat kita. Dekat mana adilnya semua ni? Its okay. Might be a lesson supaya in future, beringat.

The day i cracked is the day you left and i felt part of me gone forever.

Lonely is not being alone. Its the feeling that no one cares.

You are stronger than you think. You have gotten through every bad day in your life, and you are undefeated.

Stop looking for happiness in the same place you lost it πŸ‚

You will go through pain in your life.

But how you choose to respond to it is your choice ✨

Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye.
-H.Jackson Brown, Jr

My mood does not define my mind.

Everything has changed and yet i more me than i've ever been.

Manusia itu berubah-ubah hatinya.
Namun doa dapat menandinginya kerana Allah itu maha mendengar.

kadang-kadang setiap hari kita menunggu sesuatu yang tak pasti. kerana sesuatu itu mestilah benda yang lebih baik dari sebelumnya. kita tak mampu, cuma mencuba.

We all feel lost sometimes.

2024/09/24 16:37:41
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