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Good evening everyone
I trust you had a wonderful day
We are here to remind you that Wisdom Well is coming off tomorrow at 7:30pm
Do well to be present and invite someone
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@hopefulchristian @hopefulchristian @hopefulchristian
Daily ChargeπŸ”₯
Hopeful Christian Inc.βœπŸ”…
Divine Favour - Pastor E A Adeboye.pdf
Quiet time
Colossians 2:6-7 NKJV

β€œAs you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.”

From this scripture, we learn how that even as we have received Christ, It doesn’t end there but we go forward to walk in him where that we are moving in a progression of him everyday maturing in the faith and becoming like God on a daily basis and giving him thanks for saving us.
Daily ChargeπŸ”₯
Quiet time
Isaiah 16:46
β€œIn mercy the throne will be established; And One will sit on it in truth, in the tabernacle of David, Judging and seeking justice and hastening righteousness.””

What we learn from this scripture is that even though we are able to be established once again after falling, it is by the mercies of God that its possible we get up and continue even on our journey with Christ. So our desposition about every in life should be to the end that God had mercy on us.
Daily ChargeπŸ”₯
Quiet time
Exodus 4:1-2

β€œThen Moses answered [the Lord] and said, β€œWhat if they will not believe me or take seriously what I say? For they may say, β€˜The Lord has not appeared to you.’ ” And the Lord said to him, β€œWhat is that in your hand?” And he said, β€œA staff.””

We mostly assume that when God calls a man, we mostly see it as though that when he makes a mistake naa we quickly replaced and someone new comes on board, but what we do not realise is that God knew you before choosing you, he knows your weaknesses and strengths and most importantly he knows the future. We should can talked down on what God has sent us to do. He wont replace you do well to move forward that He has made provision for you
EpisunagōgΔ“ - Right Hand of Fellowship
Sir Elorm
Welcome to the family of God. Be blessed as you listen to this audio from EpisunagōgΔ“ Ashesi.
Daily ChargeπŸ”₯
Quiet time
Exodus 6:1 (NKJV)
God Renews His Promise to Israel
6 Then the Lord said to Moses, β€œNow you shall see what I will do to Pharaoh. For with a strong hand he will let them go, and with a strong hand he will drive them out of his land.”

We realise how that there was a word that the Israelites will be saved and all but it wasn't showing but God was still encouraging Moses to move on with the move. We see how in the end everything that God said will eventually come to pass. How that pharaoh forcedly sack them from this land. And thats the same way the Holy Spirit keeps encouraging us to go on that Word of God never fails. And we must understand the His word is true and can never fail so we must be assured of that and move according to that.
Daily ChargeπŸ”₯
If you’re sick in any part of your body
Please text @loveisnoble
Daily ChargeπŸ”₯
Good evening everyone
I trust you had a wonderful day
We are here to remind you that Wisdom Well is coming off tomorrow at 7:30pm
Do well to be present and invite someone
Share to your friends and family
@hopefulchristian @hopefulchristian @hopefulchristian
Good afternoon everyone❀️‍πŸ”₯
We trust you’re blessed🀭
We are excited to announce that Wisdom Well is coming on this Tuesday at 8pm!πŸ₯³πŸ₯³
Please let’s do well to come in our numbers and ready to listen to the word of God!πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
God bless you for your patience!❀️
2024/09/29 02:23:33
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