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Daily Charge!πŸ”₯
Quiet time

Matthew 5:16 NIV

[16] In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

As Christians, whenever we do anything good, God is glorified. This boils down to the fact that people would see and would want to be like us. They would want to know why and how we behave in such a way, allowing God to reveal himself to them through Christ. So let’s let the nature of God come forth from us that all may see and God be glorified.
Amen πŸ™
Overcoming Gambling And Debt Addiction
Apostle Femi Lazarus

Apostle Femi Lazarus

Sphere Of Light Church Abuja, Supernatural Sunday Service.

31st December, 2023.
Daily Charge!πŸ”₯
Good afternoon everyone
I trust you are blessed
Prior to our latest audio, Evangelism, we have been instructed to reach out to people spreading the word of God and reconciling people back to him in oneness.
What is going to happen is that we will start with social media evangelism.
Where you can speak to people on social media talking to them about God and even to the extent of invite them to Hopeful Christian.
Let’s do well to join Daily charge even to pray heavily into this.
Let’s do well to be a part of this❀️
God bless you greatly❀️‍πŸ”₯
Quiet time

Genesis 12:2 - 3 NIV
[2] β€œI will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. [3] I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”

From today’s scripture we see that God blessed Abraham (Abram). And today, about 4000 years after this promise God had made to him, the promise is still being fulfilled. That through Jesus Christ, a descendant of Abraham, people are being saved from eternal damnation. So we see here that the promise of the Lord has travelled through generations. Our God is a faithful God and His words are true, walk in them and he will bless you and your generations.
Amen πŸ™
Daily Charge!πŸ”₯
Daily Charge!πŸ”₯
Daily Charge!πŸ”₯
Quiet time

β€œDevise your strategy, but it will be thwarted; propose your plan, but it will not stand, for God is with us.”
Isaiah 8:10 NIV

What we learn from this is that as long as the Lord is with us, no matter the plan our enemies have against us will never prevail, they will waste their time because God is with us and for us. So I have to understand this to walk in it.
Good evening everyone
I trust you had a wonderful day
We are here to remind you that Wisdom Well is coming off tomorrow at 7:30pm
Do well to be present and invite someone
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Daily Charge!πŸ”₯
Survive (Part 3)
Apostle Femi Lazarus

Apostle Femi Lazarus

Sphere Of Light Church Abuja, Global Bible Study.

19th December, 2023.
Daily Charge!πŸ”₯
Seared Conscience
Sir Elorm

Blessed Morning to be enlightened and transformed by the word of God! Learn and position yourself for more learning in the progressions of Christ!
Daily Charge!πŸ”₯
Daily Charge!πŸ”₯
2024/09/30 22:29:39
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