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Today we are going to look at topic β€œThe Essence of prayer”.
Heavenly father, we are grateful for your word that’s coming upon us. Let it fall on ground in our hearts that we bear fruit. In Jesus name we have prayed.
So we have to understand what prayer is, how it works and it’s importance.
So Prayer is basically a place of communion and comfort where we speak to God and he speaks to us.
So it’s a place where we hear the voice of God and God hears us too.
So over the past weeks we have learnt so much from Christ consciousness to The Jesus effect.
Where we got o understand who we are as christians and the power we possess as Children and what we can do as Children of God.
Hopeful Christian Inc.βœπŸ”…
Where we got o understand who we are as christians and the power we possess as Children and what we can do as Children of God.
One thing is to know about these and another is actually to walk in them verily. There’s where we need power to actually walk in these things and this power we are talking about is received in a place of prayer.
Before we get into it. Let’s look at the life of our Master, Jesus Christ. Before He started his ministry, He went to a place of prayer and fasting, where he went to equip himself with power for his ministry and he came out and signs and wonders followed him everywhere.
Now let’s look at what prayer does for us as believers;
So prayer is a place where we lay our supplication to God, where we tell God what we want and what we need.
β€œDo not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”
Philippians 4:6 NIV
Ephesians 3:20 (KJV)

²⁰Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,
that if we don’t ask, we don’t receive and the only place we can ask is at the place of prayerπŸ”₯
King Solomon was in the place of prayer where he asked God for wisdom.
Secondly, it’s a place where we hear from God and he directs us to do things.
The place of prayer is where we receive instructions from God to proceed our everyday living.
Or even a specific part of our lives, let’s say our business, career path, a decision we are to make or something related.
Moses went to the place of prayer where he was instructed upon what to do and even to tell Pharaoh went he goes to him.
2024/09/27 23:24:43
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