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Let’s say a prayerπŸ”₯
Heavenly Father, we are grateful for your love and guidance towards us. Let your word that is coming fall on good soil and let us bear fruit. In Jesus name we have prayed.
So good evening once again
Today we’re coming to talk about β€œThe importance of the word of God”
First of all, last it was made known to us that we have divine power pertaining to life and Godliness.
Right and that we can only access this divine nature if we know the word
John 1:1 (KJV)

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
The only way we can access this divine nature is to know God
So even reading the word benefits us more than GodπŸ˜‚
First we must understand that in Christ we are have power pertaining to life and godliness
But we have to nurse this power
because we don’t receive Christ and go to heaven but we continue to live until Gods plan for our lives is fulfilled , we are rather to press and press until we reach this divine nature of which we become like Christ
The disciples walked with Christ so much that they couldn’t even see the difference between Him and the disciples that Judas had to kiss Jesus to show them.
Genesis 3:22 a (KJV)

Β²Β²And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil….
That we are of God but we are supposed to grow to become like Him
When you have a nature of something, let’s say a footballer when you were born you don’t just start play for the national team but you will start training, that’s even when you start training earlier, you’d be in an academy learning about sport and improving upon our talent till you’re called by a team.
This is what the word of God does for us that the word of God trains us to be God. That that’s the main goal for every Christian that he becomes like scripture. You learn scripture to become scripture.
That the deeper we engage the word, the deeper of God we know and become!
That we are supposed to understand the word of God is not of just words but power and transforming power to change our lives.πŸ”₯
The word of God also teaches us of possibilities we know not of.
2024/09/25 14:15:49
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