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🌿Wisdom of Yoga Vashishtha Sara🌿

What is the significance of mind control? What is the ultimate result of conquering the mind? What are means of bringing the mind under the control?

⭐️Explained By: Rishi Vashishtha⭐️

•Duration - 48 seconds

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🌿We grow through investigation, and to investigate we need experience. We tend to repeat what we have not understood. If we are sensitive and intelligent, we need not suffer. Pain is a call for attention and penalty of carelessness. Intelligent and compassionate action is the only remedy.

~Nisargadatta Maharaj

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🌿"O Shankar, you and I are non-different. What you are, I am; infact this whole world, devatas, asuras and humans etc. are non-dual. O Shiva, those whose minds are deluded by Avidya, those ignorants alone see differences between You and Me."

~Lord Krishna
•Vishnu Purana, 5.33.47-49

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🌿Signs of Kundalini Awakening🌿

This video presents 12 actual signs of Kundalini Awakening. When the Kundalini is activated, the sadhaka will certainly experience these signs and symptoms.

Explained By: Swami Sivananda

•Duration - 3:34 mins

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🌿🌸Shubh Mahashivratri🌸🌿

This auspicious event falls on the 14th day of the dark half of Phalgun [Feb-Mar]. The name means "the night of Shiva". The ceremonies take place chiefly at night. This is a festival observed in honour of Lord Shiva. Shiva was married to Parvati on this day.

People observe a strict fast on this day. Some devotees do not even take a drop of water. They keep vigil all night. The Shiva Lingam is worshipped throughout the night by washing it every three hours with milk, curd, honey, rose water, etc., whilst the chanting of the Shiva's Mantras continues. Offerings of bael leaves are made to the Lingam. Bael leaves are very sacred as, it is said, Lakshmi resides in them. Hymns in praise of Lord Shiva, such as the Shiva Mahimna Stotra of Pushpadanta or Ravana's Shiva Tandava Stotra are sung with great fervour and devotion. People repeat the Panchakshara Mantra.

He who utters the Names of Shiva during Mahashivaratri, with perfect devotion and concentration, is freed from all sins. He reaches the abode of Shiva and lives there happily. He is liberated from the wheel of births and deaths.

⭐️Lord Shiva's Assurance⭐️

When creation had been completed, Shiva and Parvati went out to live on the top of Mount Kailash.

Parvati asked, "O venerable Lord! which of the many rituals observed in Thy honour doth please Thee most?"

The Lord replied, "The 14th night of the new moon, in the dark fortnight during the month of Phalgun, is my most favourite day. It is known as Shivaratri. My devotees give me greater happiness by mere fasting than by ceremonial baths and offerings of flowers, sweets and incense. The devotee observes strict spiritual discipline in the day and worships Me in four different forms during each of the four successive three-hour periods of the night. The offering of a few bael leaves is more precious to Me than the precious jewels and flowers. My devotee should bathe Me in milk at the first period, in curd at the second, in clarified butter at the third, and in honey at the fourth and last. Next morning, he should feed the Brahmins first and, after performing the prescribed ceremonies, he can break his fast. O Parvati! there is no ritual which can compare with this simple routine in sanctity."

Parvati was deeply impressed by the speech of Lord Shiva. She repeated it to Her friends who in their turn passed it on to the ruling princes on earth. Thus was the sanctity of this occasion broadcast all over the world.

☀️Spiritual Significance🌙

The two great natural forces that afflict man are Rajas [the quality of passionate activity] and Tamas [that of dullness and inertia].

The Shivaratri Vrata aims at the perfect control of these two. The entire day is spent at the Feet of the Lord. Continuous worship of the Lord necessitates the devotee's constant presence in the place of worship. Motion is controlled. Evils like lust, anger, and jealousy, born of Rajas are ignored and subdued. The devotee observes vigil throughout the night and thus conquers Tamas also. Constant vigilance is imposed on the mind. Shivaratri is a perfect Vrata.

The formal worship consists of bathing the Lord. Lord Shiva is considered to be the Form of Light [which the Shiva Lingam represents]. He is burning with the fire of austerity. He is therefore best propitiated with cool bathing.

While bathing the Lingam the devotee prays: "O Lord! I will bathe Thee with water, milk, etc. Do Thou kindly bathe me with the milk of wisdom. Do Thou kindly wash me of all my sins, so that the fire of worldliness which is scorching me may be put out once for all, so that I may be one with Thee-the One alone without a second."

~Swami Sivananda

🌿May this gracious and auspicious occasion of Mahashivratri bestow upon you the highest good, wisdom andhmm realisation of the truth. May Lord Shiva and Devi Parvati shower upon you all, good health, prosperity and happiness.🌿

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🌿Vedantic Teachings of Nisargadatta Maharaj🌿

This video contains important spiritual pointers, and Vedantic wisdom from the various books of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. These enlightening words will motivate and help the spiritual practitioners to advance in their paths.

Explained By: Nisargadatta Maharaj

•Duration - 4:51 mins

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🌿Do wicked people never get punished?🌿

We often witness evil/wicked people prospering in their lives and not getting punished for their misdeeds. But is that what really happens? Do the ones doing Adharma never get punished?

⭐️Explained By: Sage Manu⭐️

•Duration - 47 seconds

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अणोरणीयान्महतो महीयानात्मास्य जन्तोर्निहितो गुहायां । तमक्रतुः पश्यति वीतशोको धातुः प्रसादान्महिमानमात्मनः ॥

Subtler than the subtle, greater than the great, in the heart of each living being, the atman (Self) reposes. One free from desire, with his mind and the senses composed, sees the glory of the atman and becomes absolved from grief.

~Katha Upanishad, 1.2.20

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🌿Satisfaction in Life🌿

What are the 3 things for which one should and should not remain satisfied in one's life? The content of the video is in both English and Hindi.

⭐️Explained By: Acharya Chanakya⭐️

•Duration - 30 seconds

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🌿Neem Karoli Baba's Updesha🌿

How to see God everywhere and in everyone? What is it that one actually needs to do practically in order to experience God?

⭐️Explained By: Neem Karoli Baba⭐️

•Duration - 45 seconds

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Holi begins about ten days before the full moon of the month Phalgun [Fe-March], but is usually only observed for the last three/four days, terminating with the full moon. This is the spring festival of the Hindus. In the spring season all the trees are filled with sweet-smelling flowers. They all proclaim the glory and everlasting beauty of God. They inspire you with hope, joy and a new life, and stir you on to find out the creator and the Indweller, who is hiding Himself in these forms.

Holi is celebrated as Kamadahana in South India, the day on which Kamadeva was burnt by Lord Shiva. There is this famous legend of the demon Holika is Bhakta Prahlad’s devotion to Lord Narayana, and his subsequent escape from death at the hands of Holika. Prahlad’s father, Hiranyakashipu, punished him in a variety of ways to change his devotional mind and make him worldly-minded. He failed in his attempts. At last he ordered his sister, Holika, who had a boon to remain unburnt even in fire, to take Prahlad on her lap and enter into the blazing flames. Holika did so. She got burnt and vanished, but Prahlad remained untouched and laughing. He was not affected by the fire on account of the Grace of Lord Narayana. This same scene is enacted every year to remind people that those who love God shall be saved, and they that torture the devotee of God shall be reduced to ashes.

In North India, people play joyfully with coloured water. The uncle sprinkles coloured water on his nephew. The niece applies coloured powder on her aunt’s face. Brothers and sisters and cousins play with one another. Huge bundles of wood are gathered and burnt at night. People stand in the streets and sprinkle coloured water on any man who passes by, be he a rich man or an officer. There is no restriction on this day.

Festivals like Holi have their own spiritual value. Apart from the various amusements, they create faith in God if properly observed. Hindu festivals always have a spiritual significance. They wean man away from sensual pleasures and take him gradually to the spiritual path and divine communion. People perform havan and offer the new grains that are harvested to the gods before using them. There should be worship of God, religious gatherings and Kirtan of the Lord’s Names on such occasions, not merely the sprinkling of coloured water and lighting of bonfires. Abundant charity should be done to the poor. Then only can Holi be said to have been properly celebrated. The devotees of the Lord should remember the delightful pastimes of the Lord on such happy occasions.

The religious element in the Holi festival consists of worship of Sri Krishna. An image of Sri Krishna as a baby is placed in a little swing-cradle and decorated with flowers and painted with coloured powders. The pure, innocent frolics of little Krishna with the merry milkmaids [Gopis] of Vrindavan are commemorated. Devotees chant the Name of Krishna and sing Holi-songs relating to the frolics of little Krishna with the Gopis. The social element during Holi is the uniting or “embracing” of the great and the small, of the rich and the poor. It is also the uniting of equals.

Holi also means “sacrifice”. Burn all the impurities of the mind, such as egoism, vanity and lust, through the fire of devotion and knowledge. Ignite cosmic love, mercy, generosity, selflessness, truthfulness and purity through the fire of Yogic practice. This is the real spirit of Holi. Rise from the mire of stupidity and absurdity and dive deep into the ocean of divinity. The call of Holi is to always keep ablaze the light of God-love shining in your heart. Inner illumination is the real Holi. The spring season is the manifestation of the Lord, according to the Bhagavad Gita. Holi is said to be His heart.

⭐️Explained by: Swami Sivananda⭐️

@HinduismAsItIs wishes a very auspicious and cheerful Holi to you and your loved ones. May the Lord shower upon us the colors of love, happiness, knowledge and wisdom. 🙏😇

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🌿Ramana Maharshi explains the essence of surrender🌿

What is the true meaning of "Surrender"? What is meant by the idea of surrendering oneself? How to fully surrender to God?

Explained By: Ramana Maharshi

•Duration - 6:01 mins

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One day a young, well-educated man came to Bhagavan, prostrated and sat down. Addressing Bhagavan he said, “Ramakrishna Paramahamsa was able to elevate Vivekananda to the state of nirvikalpa samadhi with just a touch. Can Bhagavan do the same for me?”

Bhagavan did not say anything.The young man waited with obvious impatience for Bhagavan’s reply. After a few minutes of silence, Bhagavan looked at the youth and, in a soft voice asked, “You are another Vivekananda, I presume?”

The young man was taken aback.
He was at a loss for words. Greatly embarrassed, he left the hall quietly.

Bhagavan then told us, “It is difficult to appreciate the need for self-analysis and self-criticism. The tendency is to think of oneself as perfect. Though this person was eager to see whether I had the power of Sri Ramakrishna, he was not bothered whether he himself merited comparison with Vivekananda. That is because he assumed that he was perfect. Sri Ramakrishna bestowed that rare state upon Vivekananda alone because he was a person of rare spiritual merit.”

~From: Face to Face with Sri Ramana Maharshi, T.R.Kanakammal, 116

@ramanamaharishi || @ramana_maharishi✈️
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Forwarded from Devotee
A devotee, like a tree, should always -

•Be calm in adverse situations.
•Keep growing (spiritually).
•Endure hardships without agitation.
•Stay grounded, no matter what.
•Keep giving unconditionally.
•Be the support, shelter of others.
•Let go of toxic, rotten stuff.


🌿Those who find faults with others🌿

What should be one's attitude in life and how should one approach in life? How can one overcome darkness and evil in the world?

⭐️Explained By: Paramahansa Yogananda⭐️

•Duration - 30 seconds

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Forwarded from Hinduism As It Is

The divine festival of Navaratri is observed twice a year, once in the month of Chaitra and then in Aswayuja. It lasts for nine days in honour of the nine manifestations of Durga. The beginning of summer and the beginning of winter are two very important junctions of climatic and solar influence. These two periods are taken as sacred opportunities for the worship of the Divine Mother. The bodies and minds of people undergo a considerable change on account of the changes in Nature.

The Durga Puja is celebrated in various parts of India in different styles. But the one basic aim of this celebration is to propitiate Shakti, the Goddess in Her aspect as Power, to bestow upon us all wealth, auspiciousness, prosperity, knowledge and all other potent powers. Whatever be the particular or special request that everyone may put before the Goddess, whatever boon may be asked of Her, the main aim behind all these is propitiation, worship and linking oneself with Her.

Durga Puja is one of the greatest Hindu festival in which God is adored as Mother. Hinduism is the only religion in the world which has emphasised to such an extent the motherhood of God. One’s relationship with one’s mother is the dearest and the sweetest of all human relations. Hence, it is proper to look upon God as mother. Durga represents the Divine Mother. She is the energy of the Lord. Without Durga, Shiva has no expression and without Shiva, Durga has no existence. Shiva is the soul of Durga; Durga is identical with Shiva. Lord Shiva is only the silent witness. He is motionless, absolutely changeless. He is not affected by the cosmic play. It is Durga who does everything.

Shakti is the omnipotent power of the Lord, or the Cosmic Energy. The Divine Mother is represented as having ten different weapons in Her hands. She sits on a lion. She keeps up the play of Maya through the three attributes of Nature, namely, Sattwa, Rajas and Tamas. Knowledge, peace, lust, anger, greed, egoism and pride, are all Her forms. You will find in the Devi Suktam of the Rig Veda Samhita that Vak, symbolising speech, the daughter of the sage Anbhirna, realised her identity with the Divine Mother, the Power of the Supreme Lord, which manifests throughout the universe among the gods, among men and beasts and among the creatures of the deep ocean. In the Kena Upanishad, you will find that the Divine Mother shed wisdom on Indra and the gods. The worship of Devi, the universal Mother, leads to the attainment of knowledge of the Self. Goddess Shakti thus sheds wisdom on Her devotees.

Navaratri is the most suitable occasion for doing intense spiritual practices. These 9 days are very sacred to the Divine Mother. Plunge yourself in Her worship. Practise intense repetition of Her Divine Name. Approach Her with an open heart. Lay bare your heart to Her with frankness and humility. Be as simple as a child. Make a total, unreserved, and ungrudging self-surrender to Her. Sing Her praise. Repeat Her Name. Worship Her with faith and unflinching devotion.

The Mother’s Grace is boundless. Her mercy is illimitable; Her knowledge infinite; Her power immeasurable; Her glory ineffable; and Her splendour indescribable. She gives you material prosperity as well as spiritual freedom. Devote yourself to Her and you will soon bring yourself up to that perfection which will culminate in identity with the Self which is your goal. Then all knowledge will be yours: you will be omniscient, omnipotent and you will feel your omnipresence. You will see your Self in all. You will have achieved eternal victory over the wheel of births and deaths, over the demon of worldliness. No more pain, no more misery, no more birth, no more death! Victory, victory be yours!

~Swami Sivananda


May this new year, with the grace and will of Maa Durga, bring the health, wealth, joy, love, peace and wisdom to all of us. May She bless us so that we continue to grow spiritually and attain the highest good. 🙏😇


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