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Gut and Psychology Syndrome
by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, M.D.


Gut and Psychology Syndrome provides the information you need to heal a damaged digestive system. The perfect book for anyone suffering from Autism, Dyslexia, Depression, Dyspraxia, ADD, ADHD, Schizophrenia, and any other condition that has a link with gut dysbiosis.
The Resilience Index

It is my hope that readers will take care of themselves, so they can take care of our world. This is my recommended list of must-reads for physical health and mental wellbeing, which are inextricably connected.

I encourage you to buy physical copies. If you can't but would like to change formats, please use this file converter. Use a VPN and change IPs to exceed the daily limit.

Gut and Psychology Syndrome
Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness
How to Heal Your Metabolism
The Body Keeps The Score
The Mind-Gut Connection
The Stress of Life
The Trigger Therapy Workbook
Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma

Deep Nutrition
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration
The Nourished Kitchen
The Nourishing Traditions Index
Vibrant Botanicals

Family Health
Awakening Fertility
Childbirth Without Fear
Husband-Coached Childbirth
Ina May's Guide to Breastfeeding
Ina May's Guide to Childbirth
Nine Golden Months
Natural Progesterone
Taking Charge of Your Fertility
The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth
The First Forty Days
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding

Other indexes (may be unfinished):
Medicine and First Aid
Ragnar Benson

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Hedera's Homestead pinned «The Resilience Index It is my hope that readers will take care of themselves, so they can take care of our world. This is my recommended list of must-reads for physical health and mental wellbeing, which are inextricably connected. I encourage you to buy…»
Natural Progesterone: The Multiple Roles of a Remarkable Hormone
by John R. Lee, MD


This book describes the nature of progesterone hormone and its physiological functions. It is meant to educate physicians and laymen regarding the progesterone and suggests the roles is may serve in application to health.

This is a short, comprehensive, essential read for all women. It covers many topics, such as the long term and side effects of synthetic hormone replacement therapy/birth control, the implications of environmental toxins on the reproductive organs, the connection between reproductive health and overall health, how natural progesterone supplementation can help restore fertility and resolve other ailments, and much more pertinent information for the intelligent woman.

Bonus: a chapter on progesterone and prostate health, for the men.
Made brioche by hand so I can truly appreciate the stand mixer my husband got me for Christmas 😮‍💨🥴 only bakers would understand...

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!
On the chestnut buds you’ll stick,
Buds of beech are sharp and prick,
Buds of ash are always put
In tidy pairs as black as soot.
In a jumble oak buds grow,
A most untidy twig they show.
Reddish-brown are buds of plane,
On the elm tree look again.
See the leaf buds, small and brown,
Growing up the twig and down,
Flower buds you’ll see as well
Brown and bead - like as they swell.
Buds of sycamore show green,
A big one at the top is seen.
But smaller down the twig they grow,
Lime buds ruby red will glow.
Poplar buds in single line,
Down the twig in crimson shine.
Thus may all the trees be known
In winter by their buds alone.

Enid Blyton
Hey guys
The Ruth Stout No-Work Garden Book
by Ruth Stout


Can you really have a productive garden without plowing, hoeing, weeding, cultivating, and all the other bothersome rituals that most gardeners suffer through every growing season? "Sure," says Ruth Stout, a prolific author and writer at 80 years young. The reason that Ruth can throw away her spade and hoe and do her gardening from a couch is a year-round mulch covering, 6 to 8 inches thick, that covers her garden like a blanket. Thousands of curious gardeners have visited her Redding, Connecticut garden, including university scientists and horticulture experts. The experts have been dazzled by the technique used by the queen of mulch! But the results of 41 years of gardening experience can't be denied. The Ruth Stout No-Work Gardening Book gives Ruth's unique advice on growing techniques and tells how she has escaped the bugaboos that haunt most gardeners.
Hedera's Homestead
The Ruth Stout No-Work Garden Book by Ruth Stout Download Can you really have a productive garden without plowing, hoeing, weeding, cultivating, and all the other bothersome rituals that most gardeners suffer through every growing season? "Sure," says Ruth…
Can't believe I haven't uploaded this before.

I am a firm believer in mulch, and I employ it year-round in the garden for all of the reasons this book describes. I continually convert bare-dirt barons to this extravagant straw strategy, and you should, too.
Stop hot dog reacting the male baby alpaca please
This channel used to be a much-needed form of therapy for me, and now, things are very different and I use my energy in other directions.

I am now an apprentice of an alpaca farm owner and hope to own my own next year 🤞

This is just a note so you all know I'm still alive and doing okay. I hope you are all flourishing too. Hot dog react if you are.
2024/06/25 06:52:03
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