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Those Zionist pigs at memri call out an imam who prayed for the destruction of the genocidal state of Israel. The zionist media lies and says he was "pro-hamas" even though he did not mention hamas at all, only the resistance against genocide.

Then the Islamic center apologizes!

We complain about the tyrant rulers who not only enable the genocide of our brothers and sisters, but also hold the ummah back from helping. But we have the same trash running many of our masajid here. They are letting bloodthirsty Jewish supremacists dictate what dua we can make in our own masajid!
Forwarded from Ḥussām Eddīn Alshʿaar
The Doctrine of Supremacy

My fellow Muslim, Islām is a doctrine of istiʿlāʾ, it is the supremacy of your ʿaqīdah and tawḥeed over the Mushrikeen. It is the istiʿlāʾ of faith over the tyranny of the tyrants and the ṭughyān arrogance of the arrogant.

This istiʿlāʾ means that you stand firm against their power and arrogance, unbothered by who they are and indifferent to their status. How not, while you don’t bow to anyone other than your Creator? How could you fear anyone besides Him and seek anyone’s approval when you ask only from the One who owns the heavens and the earth?

The doctrine of istiʿlāʾ is something that the kuffār, throughout the ages, have failed to destroy. It is a dismissal of their power, no matter how great it may be. It fills the Muslim with a sense of ʿizzah [pride] that every Muwaḥid longs for.

It is the liberation from the ʿibādah of the people to the ʿibādah of Rabb al-ʿIbād [the Lord of all people]. As as-Shāfiʿī advised : Allāh created you free, so be as He created you—free.

So, my dear brother, rise with your ʿaqīdah, and be among that small group with grand principles. Do not hesitate to express your identity and your faith in all your words, actions, and dealings. Show it openly and proudly before the ʿālamīn.

✍🏼 | Ḥussām Eddīn Alshʿaar
"We need to stop being on the backfoot about our history, the rapid military expansion predicted by the Prophet s.a.w is one of the miracles of Islam, and had it not been our ancestors being conquered by the permission of Allah, we would not have the gift of Iman"
guys chickens exist

"Aselamalaykum everyone, I hope you guys are doing well Insha'Allah. I'm travelling to another country tomorrow to find a better paying job. Please keep me in your duas to find a halal paying job. Allah reward you for your duas. Allahuma Ameen"
It's ጁምዐ
2024/10/05 03:23:24
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