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Forwarded from Ali Abu Aqah
🔹تم تنفيذ مشروع سقيا ماء النظيفه الصالحه للشرب بمبلغ مقداره 350 دولار وتم ذلك في قطاع غزه_حي الصبره، بمشاركه من مشتركين القناه، نشكر كل من ساعدنا وقام بالتخفيف عن أهلنا في غزه وننتظر منكم المزيد من التبرعات
أهل غزه يحبونكم كثيرا

A clean, drinkable water irrigation project was implemented for an amount of $350, and this was done in the Gaza Strip - Al-Sabra neighborhood, with the participation of the channel’s subscribers. We thank everyone who helped us and alleviated the burden on our people in Gaza, and we are waiting for more donations from you. The people of Gaza love you very much.

Proyek irigasi air bersih yang dapat diminum dilaksanakan dengan biaya $350, dan ini dilakukan di lingkungan Jalur Gaza - Al-Sabra, dengan partisipasi pelanggan saluran tersebut di Gaza, dan kami menantikan donasi lebih lanjut dari Anda. Masyarakat Gaza sangat mencintai Anda.

Проект орошения чистой питьевой водой был реализован на сумму 350 долларов США, и это было сделано в секторе Газа - районе Аль-Сабра при участии подписчиков канала. Мы благодарим всех, кто помог нам и облегчил нагрузку на наших людей. в Газе, и мы ждем от вас новых пожертвований. Жители Газы очень вас любят.

يمكنك أيضا إرسال المال عبر قوفوند أو باي بال أو يوإس دي تي أو فودفون كاش تواصل معي على حسابي في اسفل النص

You can also send money via GoFund, PayPal, USDT, or Vodafone Cash. Contact me on my account below the text.

Anda juga dapat mengirim uang melalui GoFund, PayPal, USDT, atau Vodafone Cash. Hubungi saya di akun saya di bawah teks.

Вы также можете отправить деньги через GoFund, PayPal, USDT или Vodafone Cash. Свяжитесь со мной в моем аккаунте под текстом.

🟠Journalist Ali Abu Aqa 🇵🇸

🟠 @allllllliio
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Please open Telegram to view this post
Men are burdened with being the enforcers.

There is no rest for us in this life.

Don’t want conflict and would rather just chill out and do your own thing instead of attend to the local bullshit in your vicinity? Doesn’t matter. If someone is being disrespectful or unthoughtful it falls to you to engage in confrontation, and if necessary conflict to correct the situation.

Because if you don’t, you’re forced to endure bad behaviour indefinitely and then you have to ask yourself which is worse, an unpleasant and even awkward confrontation, or having to put up with some bullshit for the foreseeable future?

One and done, get it out of the way - or the problem will only fester and grow.

If you want peace, prepare for war - even in the most mundane of everyday trivialities.

Allah says:

وَالْمُؤْمِنُونَ وَالْمُؤْمِنَاتُ بَعْضُهُمْ أَوْلِيَاءُ بَعْضٍ
The believing men and believing women are allies of one another. 9:71
Israel and its allied Madkhali agents run a giant social media operation to foment murderous sectarianism among Muslims in the Middle East.

Their goal is to weaken Muslims by getting them to kill one another in keeping with the Yinon Plan.

When Muslims are weak and fighting, it is easier for Israel to annex their lands (e.g., in Palestine, Lebanon, Syria) and genocide them.

A false claim spread by Israel and the Madkhalis is that Sunni religious scholars are agreed that Twelvers are kafirs.

Premodern Sunni scholars were split about whether Twelvers - in general - are to be considered kafirs.

The dominant opinion among modern Sunni scholars is that Twelvers - in general - are NOT to be considered kafirs.

There are many reasons for this shift in view among Sunnis. The most important is that Twelver Shiism has undergone significant reform since the nineteenth century.

This reform has involved abandoning many doctrines and practices opposed by Sunnis (e.g., the claim that the Quran has been significantly altered, insulting our Mother Aisha with accusations of zina, istighatha directed to the Imams).

These problematic doctrines and practices are based on Twelver hadiths. Unlike Sunnis, Twelvers believe that it is permissible to reject many hadith - even in their most authoritative collections (e.g., the four books). This has meant that Shiism is more open to change and has come closer to Sunnism in recent times.

Top scholars who reject general takfir for the Twelver Shia - both laypersons and shii scholars - include Salafi figures like al-Albani and Uthman al-Khamis, Deobandi figures like Taqi Usmani, and Shinqiti Traditionalist figures like al-Dedew.

All these scholars hold that the default position should be to consider Twelvers as Muslims - unless they state their support for kufr doctrines (e.g., that the Quran has been significantly altered).

Proof for these claims is given below.

They include below:

1. A statement from al-Albani

2. A statement of many scholars signed by Taqi Usmani

3. A statement from al-Dedew

4. A statement from Uthman al-Khamis

I also provide statements from Khameini and Hasan Nasrallah rejecting problematic Shia practices like cursing Aisha (radiAllahu `anha).

You should also note that when Israel and its Madkhali Allies post about how all Twelvers are kafirs they do not supply such proofs.

Rather they constantly spread lies to keep Muslims killing one another.

Unfortunately many scholars in the West and elsewhere keep silent about these matters at this crucial moment because their governments force them to do so and because they are afraid of being attacked online.

Spread this post if you want to counter murderous sectarianism in the Middle East and help Sunnis and Shia cooperate together to defend Muslims lands against Israeli genocide.

Carefully check through the following information yourselves:


Taqi Usmani


Uthman al-Khamis


2024/10/04 21:22:01
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