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Finally, if you don't want to disturb the other person, choose Send without sound to silently deliver the message to the other party without them getting a notification. Join Requests for Public Groups Pin Messages in Channelsb

To schedule and send silent messages, users can simply type out their messages, but long tap on the send button instead of simply pressing it. This will show you the schedule and silent message options. In addition to these functions, you can enable in-app browsing that lets you open external links within the app. All these options are available under the “Chat Settings” section. To use it, go back to Settings > Chat Settings (Android) or Settings > Appearance (iOS). Select Auto-Night Mode to choose how it works. On WhatsApp and other messaging apps, you can send uncompressed media by changing the media extension to something like PDF or EXE. However, on Telegram, you don’t need to take this hacky route for sending uncompressed media files. Just select your media and tap on the 3-dot menu. After that, choose “Send without compression” and that is it. How awesome is that? This single Telegram trick has saved me so much headache when sharing photos.

Change Phone Numbers 2b App Passcode Options Does it ever happen that you send a message, and within a few seconds you find out a glaring typo? Well, there is an edit button to save you on Telegram, but not so much on Twitter. All you have to do is select the message and tap on the “Edit (pen)” icon at the top and you can easily edit the message. However, it will show you an “Edited” label after you have made the changes. Also, there are no time-bound restrictions for editing messages on Telegram. You can only edit messages up to 48 hours of sending them (forever if the messages are posted in your “Saved Messages” chat). To adjust the theme, go to Settings > Chat Settings on Android, or Settings > Appearance on iOS. Here you can change the text size, bubble colors, night mode settings, and similar options. Choose Chat Background to set a new wallpaper for your groups.

Turn Off Notifications for Individual Contacts 1b Telegram Messenger Tricks The app also lets you make location-based groups, a local group that works in a small region for co-worders, students, or neighbors. Once you have created the group, users in the vicinity will be able to view it on their device and join.

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