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Did you know that a toilet seat has 50 bacteria per square inch, while a kitchen sponge has 10 million bacteria per square inch?
WAIT... WHAT???????

What I post on social media is 100% my personal conviction, and I embrace all other users who express their opinions here, whether I agree with them or not.

However, what I despise are mouthpieces whose opinions are for sale. And unfortunately, there are many of them—on all sides.

🇩🇪 The German government agency Robert Koch Institut, responsible for disease control, was legally compelled to publish its COVID protocols.

These protocols, which formed the basis for infringements on basic rights, were made available to the public and mostly looked as follows.

How many more reasons will they come up with before they finally discover the elephant in the room?


Imagine a country where the fate of every citizen is in the hands of one person. Imagine that this person can decide about your entire life, whether you will be imprisoned or not, whether you can have a bank account or not, whether you can access the internet or not.

This person is not the head of the executive or the legislative branch, nor are they the Chief Justice of the country's Supreme Court. But their command is enough. Their decisions do not need to be justified; they are secret and inaccessible. And all these actions are defended by people who claim to be for the good of democracy and against fascism. Well, this place is called Brazil.

In light of this, one is reminded of a statement from one of the greatest jurists this country has ever had, "The worst dictatorship is the dictatorship of the Judiciary. There is no one to appeal to against it." The famous phrase uttered by Dr. Ruy Barbosa, the patron of Brazilian law, remains to this day the most modern statement ever made on Brazilian soil.

The recent decisions made by the current minister of the STF and president of the Superior Electoral Tribunal, in addition to completely distorting the Brazilian constitution, restrict all the freedoms won by the San José pact of Costa Rica and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

In the democracy of Alexandre de Moraes, there is no Due Process of Law. He himself is the president of the police inquiry, the public prosecutor, and the adjudicating body. His targets range from YouTubers (Monark was banned from all social networks without access to the process that condemned him by Alexandre de Moraes) to 70-year-old ladies with a Bible in hand and a rosary asking for God's protection (some ladies received sentences of more than 8 years for the events of January 8th, astonishingly!).

Among other actions, the one that stands out the most is the recent inclusion of Elon Musk, officially, without the request of the Federal Prosecutor and Police Chief, arbitrarily violating the Due Process of Law, in the fake news inquiry, simply for questioning the censorship in Brazil committed by Alexandre de Moraes.

Given this fact, we see a country kneeling before a man who was not democratically elected, who commands and dictates all spheres of national powers, going beyond his competence and making no effort to keep even those non-nationals with significant financial power on their knees. Who will stop Moraes?

This is the new Bolivarian Republic of Brazil 2024.
🇳🇱 I have confronted the Dutch virologist Marion Koopmans many times regarding her involvement in the fraudulent Covid PCR protocol, scientific corruption, and her links to the Chinese Communist Party and the Wuhan Lab. She has NEVER replied to any well-documented accusation.

But when I called her a WITCH for supporting the global pandemic agreement today, she felt compelled to reply. What a despicable bottom feeder.

Link to my post:


Thx to Official 1984 for letting me put his name on my memes so I won’t be arrested in Brazil for making them. 😂
What would you ask xit?
What's wrong with Toronto?
Someone explain this logic to me. 🙄

Related post:
There’s hope. 🙂
Where would you draw the line?
Good morning to everybody except Marion Koopmans. 😏
Do you guys remember this excuse they came up with?
They're calling me 'transphobic' for saying that men can't be women.

They're calling me a 'grandma murderer' for saying that Covid is not a deadly disease.

They're calling me a 'Nazi' for saying that illegal immigration needs to be stopped.

They're calling me 'anti-scientific' for saying that the vaccines cause more harm than good.

They're calling me 'misogynistic' for saying that 'my body, my choice' also applies to unborn babies.

They're calling me 'antisemitic' for saying that murdering women and children won't lead to peace.

They’re calling me an 'enemy of democracy' for saying that we should stop sending money to Ukraine.

They're calling me a 'danger to the planet' for saying that carbon dioxide does not cause global warming.

And they’re calling me 'racist' for referring to official crime statistics.

Let's be clear: I don't give a shit what else they call me. I will never bow to their pressure or abandon the truth because that is my unwavering commitment.

To those who keep insulting and threatening me every single day: GFY! I don't care about your hurt feelings.

2024/06/18 12:24:54
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