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not anymore
(...) and other blatant lies you can tell yourself at night
"Ymagyn all the people, living for venture capitalism "

100% name has been generated by some dumb AI in the coke department
My dad:
"Why are you so depressed"

And yet we're unable to get funding for actual innovation, like for instance in green solutions, or digital social services

I'm so sick of this shit
Low key want to launch a Depressed IT Grad Alliance - for all my fellow engineers and tech people already exhausted by the state of the market
Fun thing is, i'm not even done with my education and i'm already thinking this is a dead end... I used to think there was a way to create change from within, get in touch with the right people; that it was important for leftists to take place in these spaces as well, and i still want to do. But these spaces are also soul-sucking, lean-managed hellholes under all the startup glam. I want to enable change, but i feel incredibly powerless.
I was nihilistic, i could make a lot of money, real fast - as the fintech realm is still growing despite the second largest swiss bank fail of the decade - but i can't live with that.
I guess it all boils down to surviving capitalism
Forwarded from SolarPunk

Les 3 militants de la GrÚve du Climat perquisitionnés le 26 mai 2021 par la police fédérale seront jugés le 5 mai.

Manifestation de soutien
vendredi 5 mai Ă  8h00
Tribunal fédéral - Bellinzone

Rappel des faits ...

Le 26 mai 2021, trois militants de la GrÚve du Climat ont été perquisitionnés aux aurores à leur domicile par la Police judiciaire fédérale pour une lettre ouverte publiée un an plus tÎt.

Les perquisitions ont Ă©tĂ© ordonnĂ©es par le MinistĂšre public de la ConfĂ©dĂ©ration en raison de la commission d’un prĂ©tendu dĂ©lit d’expression consistant Ă  publier, avec l’en-tĂȘte de la GrĂšve du Climat, une lettre ouverte au gouvernement, au DDPS et Ă  l’ArmĂ©e suisse, ainsi qu’un communiquĂ© de presse le 11 mai 2020, appelant Ă  faire « grĂšve militaire » pour des motifs politiques.

Cet acte expressif relĂšve Ă  l’évidence de la libertĂ© d’expression, garantie Ă  l’art. 10 § 1 de la Convention europĂ©enne des droits de l’Homme. Il ne peut ĂȘtre rĂ©primĂ© dans une sociĂ©tĂ© dĂ©mocratique sans violer la libertĂ© d’expression.
Forwarded from Stacheposting
Je suis FIER de vous présenter un projet sur lequel je travaille depuis Février : Friction !

Friction est un jeu de rĂŽle filmĂ©, en direct sur Twitch, oĂč l'accent est mis sur deux axes : des mĂ©caniques de jet originaux, et une histoire participative.

Les joueureuses n'ont pas comme objectif de gagner, mais de raconter une histoire - et vous, spectateurs et spectatrices, ĂȘtes lĂ  pour les aider !

Rejoignez-nous ce Samedi 06.05 dÚs 18h pour le pilote de ce que j'espÚre pourra se transformer en série ~
Heyy y'all, i'm sorry i haven't been posting for a while, these past few weeks have been a bit heavy work and life wise - but amok :D
In the mean time, here's the angry new single of my bf's punk band đŸ”„đŸ”„

It's a banger , go give 'em some love âœšâ€ïžâ€đŸ”„


(cover collage by yours truly)
(don't hesitate to share btw lovelies ❀)
Great Religion, collage on some random cornflake box, 2023

It's the first time i'm this glad about a collage! This was a collaborative effort made with love ✹
Back when i was a kid, i used to rip apart the sunday's paper to make some weird-ass magasines... I guess i didn't lose it entirely!

#art #collage
You care about free software? You're an adamant leftist?

Then go sign this initiative to require that publicly financed software developed for the public sector be made publicly available under a Free and Open Source Software licence ✚⚗
2024/09/30 03:29:12
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