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🇩🇰 In Aarhus in Denmark there is a living museum called ”The Old Town”, where people can wander around and experience how it was in Denmark in the old days. They aso have a popular christmas market. Sunday identitarian activists put up a sign saying ”experience christmas as it was before terror” - reminding people of the time when there were no huge cinder blocks in our streets, and a christmas market was not a potential target of islamist attacks.
🇩🇪 This sunday, activists from Identitäre Bewegung occupied the office building of the radio WDR in Cologne (Germany) to protest against the outgrowth of ideological denigration coming from public radios which mock honest german citizens and try to turn generations against each other. The largly criticized “Umweltsau” video provoked a large media coverage, but it is only the top of a gigantic iceberg of propaganda spread ny the public medias, financed by forced taxes on citizens.

The public medias, dued to neutrality and objective information, have since a long time abandoned their critical distance to the executive power and diffuse instead ideological indoctrination. It is our intention, through this action to express the fair anger of millions of contributors about this scandalous development. This is the reason why we escalated one of the most important offices buildings of the Westdeutschen Rundfunks (WDR) and deployed a giant banner on which was written « Stop the nauseous media harassment, sabotage GEZ » (obligatory media tax) and threw thousands of flyers from the rooftop with concrete possible ways of action against the so-called “contributory service”.

We won’t stop to resist against the development of a dictation of thinking which is developing in our country. Who wants to support us can do so by donating to:

Identitäre Bewegung Deutschland e.V.
IBAN: DE98476501301110068317
🇫🇷 Generation identity in front of the Turkish embassy in Paris: Erdogan is the enemy of Europe!

This saturday, Generation Identity came to show its support to the people of Greece in front of the Turkish embassy. We sent a clear message to the Turkish state: ”Erdogan, enemy of Europe“.

The islamist president of Turkey opened it’s borders and encouraged dozens of thousands of migrants to invade Europe through Greece. That his wish is to destabilize and islamize Europe isn’t new. Today, he threatens to flood our continent with the almost 4 millions of muslim migrants currently staying in his country.
At the border, the migrants try to break through the fences implemented by the Greek forces and the Greek army while shouting Allah Akbar. The civilian population came to help the border guards. Even the farmers have blocked them with their tractors!
The Greeks are until now the only ones to face this threat. Denmark and Estonia already proposed to send ships and surveillance planes, as well as border guard crews. France must also urgently send boats and military to support the Greeks against this invasion, as the whole of Europe is under threat!
🇩🇪 Solidary demonstration in Stuttgart

Right now, thousands of migrants are rushing at the external borders of Europe after the turkish president Erdogan opened its borders to Greece. According to the estimations of migration studies, around 4 millions are still waiting to take their journey to Europe.

Four millions, it corresponds to the total amount of inhabitants of the region of Saxony, or of the cities Francfort, Stuttgart, Munich and Cologne altogether. Despite what the medias spread, the most migrants do not come from Syria but from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, North Africa and central Africa.

During the last nights, the supposedly “refugees” tried to pull down the barbed wires protecting the greek borders, with the help and protection of the turkish police. The Greeks, with bravery, try to withstand this invasion. We support them, they are the defenders of Europe.

We won’t let another 2015 happen. Erdogan activates his migration weapon, and wants to pressure Europe, but we will hold on! WE ARE THE BORDERS!
🇭🇺 GI Hungary deployed a banner in front of the Greek Embassy in Budapest.

In 2015, Hungary raised the alarms. Back then, leaders of the European Union called us extremists. Now they realize that there is only one Europe for us, and if we don't defend it, we will fall.

We welcome the funds to be sent to Greece, but not those what they want to give to Turkey. We want a strong and independent Europe, not a vassal.

🇩🇪 Identitäre Bewegung in front of the Brandenburg Gate

Denmark does it, Czech Republic does it, Greece does it as well, but Germany won’t.
Either because of the propagation of the coronavirus or because of the assault of thousands of illegal migrants: the protection of the national borders is a legitimate and effective way to protect a country and its population. Although the problems couldn’t be more different, the reaction of the government shows a specifically german problematic. Until now, the rulers didn’t do effective controls of travelers at the airports or at the borders, using the fallacious argument that a virus doesn’t know any borders.
With fatal consequences, as we gradually see. At the same time, germans travelling to other states are being outlawed, which is an understandable decision.

Regarding the migration-weapon of Erdogan, we can only observe a complete disinterest from our politicians for protecting their people. When other countries support Greece by sending police or military forces, Germany proposes to host unaccompanied migrant children. The fact that those lonely kids would in the long term be the entrance way for their families to come to Germany is pretty obvious.

That’s why we gathered at the Brandenburg Gate today to protest: Protecting the borders is saving lives, in Greece, in Italy, in Germany or in Austria.
🇩🇰 Saturday, the Danish activists went out to clean a monument for fallen Scandinavians soldiers in the Schleswig wars. It was erected a 100 years ago on the day of the reunion with North Schleswig / South Jutland.

Protect your memories - remember who we are.
2024/09/28 22:45:52
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