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Top Tech News Now Does it ever happen that you send a message, and within a few seconds you find out a glaring typo? Well, there is an edit button to save you on Telegram, but not so much on Twitter. All you have to do is select the message and tap on the “Edit (pen)” icon at the top and you can easily edit the message. However, it will show you an “Edited” label after you have made the changes. Also, there are no time-bound restrictions for editing messages on Telegram. You can only edit messages up to 48 hours of sending them (forever if the messages are posted in your “Saved Messages” chat). Open a Telegram chat

All usernames on Telegram have their own links, making it easy to share public profile, group or channel anywhere on the internet. Every username will now have a new unique link format – – for those who want to emphasize their name (or have trouble finding the / key). Copy a Part of Text from a Message The app is really awesome for me rather than using other Messaging apps for my day-to-day works. It has all the things that meet my requirements. Sometimes you don’t want to leave any evidence of what nonsense you are about to say. Instead of deleting chats manually, you can use self destruct messages on secret chats by setting a timer.

Custom Theme Telegram Telegram’s main feature list may cross over with other apps, but there are many specific differences between it and its competitors. Here is a short list some of the major features that may push you to switch messaging apps. Admins can reach out to users who want to join and have a chat to cover the rules, make sure they're a good fit or even plan a welcome party. When an admin reaches out, Telegram lets the user know they're reaching out as a group admin. If your device is stolen or someone took it, and you don’t want him/her to see the messages in your chat window, then you can simply terminate all the active sessions with just one click using your Mac, Desktop, Linux or Web client.

To do this, choose the items you want to send and tap on the three-dot menu. Now select “send without compression”, and you are good to go. Keep-Alive Service

غزة الآن Gaza now _ الموقع us

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