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Maqaalee Ambiyota 25 Kan Qur’aana Keessatti Dubbatame

Rabbiin Ambiyootaa fii Rusultoota hedduudha Yeroo adda addaa fii bakka adda addaatti ilma Namaatti Erge.

Ambiyoota kumaatamaan lakkaawaman kan Rabbiin erga keessaa isaannan 25 qofa maqaa isaanii Qur’aana keessatti dubbatte. Isaaniis ……..

1: Adam
2: Idriis
3: Nuuh
4: Huud
5: Saalih
6: Ibraahiim
7: Luux
8: Ismaa’iil
9: Ishaaq
10: Ya’aquub
11: Yuusuf
12: Ayyuub
13: Shueeyb
14: Muusaa
15 Haaruun
16: Zul kifli
17: Daawuud
18 Suleeymaan
19: ilyaas
20: Al-Yasa’a
21: Yuunus
22: Zakariyyaa
23: Yahyaa
24: IIsaa
25: Muhammad : Sallallaahu Aleeyhi Wasallam

Nagayaa fii Rahmanni Rabbii Isaan Hundarra Haa Jiraatuu.

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Waan Dubbistaniif Galatoomaa: Jazaakumullaahu Kheeyran
Du'aa'ii tana qomaan qabadhaa.
Halkan Leeylatul Qadriif dhaabbattan isii tana heddummeessaa jedhaa.
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Nashiidaa haaraa Ustaz Injineer Abdurahman Huseen 15ffaa A fi B gadi buufadhaa.
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Hirkoon teenya khaaliqu Rahmaanii qofa. Humaa shakkii hin qabnu. Isa abdannee yaalii goonaa. Waan hunda Rabbiin nuuf milkeessa In Sha Allah!
Ramadan Reminder Day ( 22 )

*Significance of last 10 days of Ramadan* :

*There is a night named Lailatul Qadr in these ten days. This is superior than one thousand months. An individual who performs Ibadat on this night will find his previous sins forgiven. The Greatest Prophet (peace be upon Him) used to spend more time and did perform more laborious activities on this night, this was not seen in other nights. For example, in the Bukhari Sharif, it has come in a Hadith narrated by Ayesha (Radi Allahu Taala Aanha) that, "The Prophet (PBUH) used to remain awake on this night and He used to recited the Quran, performed Salat and prayer on this night.*

*The Prophet (peace be upon Him) used to tighten the clothes he wore. He used to stay awake at night and made his family members awake. For example, according to Bukhari and Muslim, narrated by Ayesha (May Allah be pleased with her), "The Prophet (pbuh) stayed away from sleep during the nights of last ten days. He woke his family members on these nights so that they could perform Ibadat (religious duties).*

_There is special blessing and several characteristics of the last ten days of Ramadan. According to the language of one Hadith, "Itukun Minan Niran", that is, this period has been termed as the part to get liberated from hell. At this time, a man take himself to a sublime level of greatness through the activities of reciting the holy Quran, Nafal Salat, Dhikr, Tasbih (declaring the sacredness of Allah Subhanallahu Wa Ta'ala ), Munazat (prayer) etc._

*The Prophet (pbuh) used to tighten his lungi (a piece of clothing stretching from the hip to the ankle), It means that, he used to stay away from his wives on these days. Another characteristic of these ten days is that, the Prophet ﷺ used to perform Eteqaf in the mosque on these last ten days. He did not leave the mosque without necessity. As a proof of importance of Lailatul Qadr, Allah Rabbul Alamin has given this night the highest honor among all the nights.*

_Prayer should be performed with great devotion during this time. Praying should be done again and again. And these prayers should be performed alone and with great devotion. It should be expected that these prayers would be accepted. The prayer should be done for the believer himself and for his near ones, for those who are alive and those who have passed away.

-) #Ramadan #Reminder #2

*Some special features in Ramadan: The Last Ten Nights*

Almighty Allah( Subhanahu wa Ta’ala ) Says ;

1. “Indeed we have revealed it (the Quran) in the Honored Night.

2. And what will explain to you what the Honored Night is?

3. The Honored Night is better than a thousand months.

4. In it, the angels descend as well as the Spirit (Gabriel) by the permission of their Lord, with all types of decrees.

5. ‘Peace’ it is until the rising of dawn.” (Quran:97:1-5)

It was Ramadan in which the Quran was revealed from the heavens to the Earth. More specifically, it was one of the last ten nights of this blessed month. The Prophetﷺ said:

“Seek the Honored Night in the last ten.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)

On that night, worship and good deeds are better than performing them for a thousand months, as mentioned in the verses above.

-) Jazaakallaahu Khairan for Reading;

Kindly do forward/share to all Muslims and Allah Will reward you In shaa'a Allah. Sharing of Knowledge is Sadaqatul-Jaariyah.
*Ramadan Reminder Day 26:

#Revision :
Did you know that?

*The month of Ramadan is highly honored by Allah, His Prophet (ﷺ) as well as Muslims throughout generations.*

In the Qur’an, Allah mentions Ramadan by name and refers to it in different verses. Allah Almighty says:

*“The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Quran, a guidance for mankind, and clear proofs of the guidance, and the Criterion (of right and wrong). And whosoever of you is present, let him fast the month, and whosoever of you is sick or on a journey, (let him fast the same) number of other days. Allah desires for you ease; He desires not hardship for you, and (He desires) that you should complete the period, and that you should magnify Allah for having guided you, and that peradventure you may be thankful.” (Al-Baqarah 2:185)*

*So, the month of Ramadan is the month of Qur’an, fasting, Remembrance of Allah, itikaf, visiting Muslims, getting your heart ready to receive the light of this month.*

_The Prophet (ﷺ) used to say these words when the month of Shaban draws to a close, “O Muslims! A noble and generous month has come to you. A month in which a night is better than one thousand months and this month is the month of charity, patience, and mercy. In this month the gates of Paradise become wide open and the gates of Hell are shut, and the devils are chained…” (An-Nasa’i)_

*The Prophet (ﷺ) urged us to fast, not only from food and drink, but also to refrain from any bad behavior, whether it is against one’s self, the society or the humanity at large.*

Had the Muslims really known the status of Ramadan in Allah’s Sight, they would have wished if the whole year is Ramadan.

-)#Ramadan #Reminder #2


_Before making any dua especially in this blessed moment, we are thought to -) Praise ALLAH (Subhanahu WaTa’ala ) and to thank HIM and show gratitude to HIS RAHMAH.
Example is the first 3 verses of suratul Fatihah, Aayatul Kursy. Laailaaha illaa Anta, Anta Nuurus Samaawaati wal Ard, etc._

-) *You then follow that by sending salutations to the Prophet(Salaat Alan Nabi) which is "Allah humma salli alaa muhammad wa-alaa aali muhammad kama sallaita alaa Ibraaheem wa alaa aali Ibraheem inna ka hameed um majeed. Allah hummabarik alaa muhammad wa alaa aali muhammad kamaa baarakta alaa Ibraaheem wa alaa aali Ibraheem inna ka hameed um majeed".*

-) _Then Make your dua starting from those mentioned in Quran and Sunnah in Arabic like saying Allahummah Ajirnii Minan Naar(Oh ALLAH Protect me from the hell fire). Then you can use your language to request dua for yourself, family and all Muslims especially Accross the Globe._

-) *End your dua by another salutations to the Prophet as above then say "Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Aalameen with certainty that ALLAH has answered the dua. The above are recommended format in making dua.*

_Lets note that our dua doesn't get to ALLAH if we are in constant disobedience to HIM. Its like washing your dirty cloths with urine, wasting your time isn't it?_ _Lets fear the day we will be taking to our grave by our love ones and avoid any sins especially the open ones like boy/girl_ _relationships(zina),etc_

*Indeed Allah knows best*

*May Allah( Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) grants us all the true understanding, forgive our sins and accept our duas,Aameen*

-) Jazaakallaahu Khairan for Reading;

Learn more about Ramadan via this link below;

Kindly do forward/share to all Muslims and Allah Will reward you In shaa'a Allah. Sharing of Knowledge is Sadaqatul-Jaariyah.
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Odeeffannoo Sobaa irra of eega

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Forwarded from Jemal Sheikh Bakri
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Oduu Gammachuu (አስደሳች ዜና)

Godina Booranaa Aanaa Areerootti guyyaa Kaleessaa Dirree Iidaatti dargaggoonni 50 tahaan gara Amantaa isaanii kan dhalootaa Islamummaatti deebi’an.



Yaa dubartii muslimaa
Diinii kan kee jaalattuu
Dhugaa kana dhagahi
Osoo gurri laalattuu

Imaanaan qalbii jiisee
Diiniirra gad sidhaaba
Dirqama ta'uu beeki
Uffachuun kee hijaaba

Qaama ofii tikfachuun
Mallattoo beekumsaati
Hijaabni dubartootaaf
Waardiyyaa eegumsaati!

Barcumaa fi ulfina
Abbaatu of-jala kaaya
Dubartoota muslimaaf
Simboodha, hijaabni faaya

Gurgurtaaf gabaa baafnaan
Muuzii qolli quncaatuu
Gabaan bituu dhiisiitii
Tola nyaachuu hin gunjaatu

Tisiisni balfa barte
Irra qubachuu maltii
Raqatti darbuu malee
Maaltu fedharee faltii....

Gamoon girdoo hin qabne
Manaa miti, hawaadha
Qaama ofii satarachuuf
Hijaabatu dawaadha...!

Qe'ee dallaa hin qabne
Abbaa fedhet weerara
Qaama qullaa fiigullee
Sheyxaanni irraa geerara

Qaama ofii satarachuu
Diiniitu keenyatu ajaja
Hijaabni miidhagina
Hijaabni bar kabaja....

Mallattoo qaroomuuti
Qaalii ta'uu akeeka
Gatii haadha hijaabaa
Beekaa qofatu beeka

Obboleettii aakiraa
Sin gorsa, na dhageessaa?
Of sataratta taanaan
Bakka ulfinaa teessa

Akka hayawaanaatti
Warri qullaa fiiganu
Warra har'a ijaaranii
Boru bultii diiganu

Warri of bareechuutti
Ofirraa fuudhan surraa
Harkaan of rakafsiisan
Kabaja hin qaban nurraa

Sadarkaa kee ol fuudhee
Bakka ulfinaa sidhaabaa
Yaa obboleettii muslimaa
Hin baasini hijaaba....

Har'aa bor si milkeessa
Hordofuun sunnaa Nabii (S.A.W)
Kan uffattu hin baasin
Kaanis, har'a jalqabii







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Tunis wal’aansa aadaati


Yeroo vaayirasiin koroonaa jalqaba eegale sanitti mudannoo gurguddaa hedduutu mudate. Dhukkubni kun karaa wal’aansa hammayyaatiin dawaa waan hin argatiniif, namoonni vaayirasichaan qabaman hedduun qoricha aadaa heddu ofirratti yaalaa turan. Biyya Iiraan keessatti alkooliin dawaa dhibee kanaati jedhamee himamnaan namni heddu alkoolii dhugee du’ee, hedduun dhibee hamaaf saaxilame. Biyyiti diinagdeen guddatte jedhamtee yaadamtu ameerikaanis dawaa dhibee kanaa karaa hammayyaatiin dhabnaan, preezidaantiin ameerikaa kan yeroo sanii mala haarawa dhiheessee ture. Wantoota qulqullinaaf fayyadamnu kanneen akka saanitaayzaraa fi alkoolii maaliif lilmeen nama hin namatti hin naqne jedhee akka furmaataatti himee ture. Haa tahu malee qeeqa heddutu isa mudate. Barruu tana keessatti wal’aansa aadaa laalla.


Ableen sukkuumuu (Knife Massage)

Ableen/Albeen dalagaan isii waa muruudha. Dalagaan gaariin ableen namaa gummachitu wayta soorata qopheessinu wantoota akka shukurtii, timaatimaa fi kanneen biroo ittiin mummuruudha. Saniin ala albeen hammeenya waliin walitti hidhamti. Namni hedduun ableen ajjeefameera. Yakki hedduunis wantootuma qara qabaniin raawwatamaa jira. Ilmi namaatis albee waan sodaatuuf of eeggannaa guddaadhaan itti fayyadama. Gara Taaywaaniitti garuu ableen faaydaa biraa kan addaa qabdi. Aadaa baramaa kan Dawoo Liyawoo jedhamu qaban. Aadaan kun waggoota 2000 oliif ummata kana waliin ture. Akka seenaan himtutti namoonni wal’aansa kana eegalan, ilmi namaa yoo irra deddeebiin albeen sukkuumame, irra deddeebi’ee dhalata jedhanii amanan.  Wal’aansi kun sukkummaa haala salphaa taheen geggeeffamuudha. Ablee fi qaama ilma namaa jidduu huccuu furdaa eegumsa namaa taasisutu jira. Sukkuummaan kunis nama waggoota dheeraaf muuxannoo jabaa qabuu fi leenjii fudhateen geggeeffama. Namni mala sukkummaa kana baratuu fedhu waggoota sadihiif xiyyeeffannaa itti kennee leenji’uu qaba. Wal’aansi aadaa kunis, bowwoo mataa, iitaa qaamaa fi, dhibee duydaa wal’aanuuf tajaajila jedhamee amanama.


Wantoota ilmi namaa haalaan jaalatuu fi sodaatu keessaa inni tokko Kanniisa. Sodaatuunis waan gaariidha. Ilkeen Kanniisaa ilkeewwan hamaa jedhaman keessaa isa tokko. Kanniisa takkaan iddamuun hedduus nama hin miidhu taha. haa tahu malee namoota alarjikii itti tahutu jira. Kanniisni hedduun ammoo namaa fi bineensota gurguddoos ajjeesuu danda’a. Kanniinsni ilkeen isaa hamaa tahus daymi isaa ammoo dawaa ajaa’ibaati. Namni hedduunis itti fayyadamaa jira. Haa tahu malee ilkeen kanniisaa hamaan sunis dawoomaaf ni oola. Namni Umar Hasan jedhamu tokko biyya masr keessatti kanniisa horsiisuun jiraata. Namni kun guyyaa tokko kanniisaan iddamee mirri addaa tokko itti dhagahame. Dadhabiin irraa badee hamilee jabaan waa hojjatuu jalqabe. Kana kan hubate Umar guyya guyyaan of iddisiisaa qorannoo geggeesseen, qaamni isaa fayya qabeessa tahaa dhufuu isaa dubbata. Yaala kanas yeroo ammaa kana achuma biyya isaa keessatti namootaaf kennaa jira. Namni dura kanniisa takka qofaan akka iddamu taasifama. Adadumaan lakkoofsi kun dabalaa deema. Garuu baay’inni kanniisaa 6 akka caalu hin godhamu.

Psammo therapy (Cirrachaan Sukkuumuu)

Wal’aansi aadaa kun jalqaba biyya Masr keessatti akka jalqabame himama. Wal’aansi kun biyyoota sahaaraa olii fi gammoojjummaan itti heddummaatu keessatti yeroo dheeraadhaaf beekkamaadha. Ammaan tanas heddumminaan Morokoo keessatti tajaajila irra oolutti jira. Wal’aansa kanaaf kan barbaachisu cirracha gammoojjiitii fi oowwa aduuti. Aduun cirracha san sa’aa 2-3 eega itti baateen booda, oowwi cirracha sanii hanga digrii 60 ol guddachuu dandaya. kana booda cirracha adda haadhanii nama keessa ciibsan. Itti aansuun cirracha cinatti haadhame san qaama nama sanii irratti dachaasan. Qaama isaa guutuu cirracha oowwaan hagooganii mataa isaa qofa hambisan. Wal’aansi kun dhibeewwan lafee, irree, gogaa, narvii fi kalee wal’aanuudhaaf tajaajila jedhama.
Namni cirracha san keessa ciisu dafqi hedduun waan irraa yaa’uufis, furdina humnaa olii hir’isuudhaaf gargaara jedhamee amanama.


Snake Massage (Bofaan Sukkuumuu)

Namni yeroo heddu dalagaa humnaa hojjatu qaama isaa sukkuumsisuu jaalata. Qaama sukkuumanii wal aanuun ammo dur irraa kaasee waan baramaadha. Warri waa sukkuumu hedduminaan harka isaanii fayyadamu. Ameerikaa kutaa Newyork keessa garuu sukkuummaa ajaa’ibaa tokkotu jira. Snake Massage ykn Bofaan sukkuumuu. Yaalli kun baadiyaa keessatti osoo hin taane, magaalota gurguddoo akka Newyork keessatti kafaltii guddaan kennama. Bofni summii hin qabne haala addaatiin qopheeffamee namoota wal’aansa kanaaf dhufan eega. Kana booda bofa san qaama nama wal’aansaaf dhufee irra kaayan.  Uumamni sodaachisaan kunis qaama namaa san irra deddeemuudhaan sukkuuma. Namni wal’aansa kana barbaadu mallaqa guddaa kafalutu isarraa eeggama.


Snail Therapy (wal’aansa Ciilalluu)

Bareedinni waan namni hundi fedhu. Kanaaf ammoo namuu waan danda’u hunda godha. Qabeenya isaatis irraa hin qusatu. Wantoota maqaa fi mataan isaanii hin beekkamne hedduu dibachuu irraa kaasee soorata garagaraa sooratuudhaan namni of bareechisuudhaaf carraaqa. Ammaan tana ammo biyyoota gara baha fagoo keessatti, ciilalluun dawaa bareedinaa tahee argameera. Namoonni yaala kana jalqaban akka himanitti, wal’aansi ciilalluun kennamu kun gogaa ilma namaa akka haarawaatti dadammaysa. Mudaalee fuula ilma namaa irra jiran cufa balleessa. Godaannisa, finniisa, madaa, fi wantoota fuula irra jiran qulqulleessee bareechisa jedhan. Ciilalluun waan akka ilkaanii kan kumaatamaan laakkawamu garaa jalaa qaba. Isaan lafa qaqqabataa deema. Wayta fuula ilma namaa irra deemu kanas gogaa du’ee fi goggoge, akkasumas kan madaaye kakaasaa deema. Jiidhinni uumama kanarraa argamu ammo gogaa ilma namaa laaffisee bareechisa jedhan.

Qophii: Abuu Ibtisaam

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