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Guyyoonni Ramadaanaa daddafee dhumaa jira

➭Ramadaanni dhumuuf dhihaate jennee dubbanna

➙Garuu Kan dhumuu dhihaate nu ta'uusaa erraanfanne😥

➭Ramadaanni barana yoo dhumes bara dhufu deebi'a
➨Namni Rabbiin umriisaa dheeresse jiraatee niqaqqabata
➠Garuu umriin keenya barana dhumti yoota'e
➝Lamuu Nu'iifi Ramadaanni wol arguun hin jiru

🤲Yaarabbi Ramadaana hamma afe kana Nama ittiin sitti dhihaatu Nama ittiin Araaramakee argatu Nama ittiin jaalalakee argatu Nuuf taasisi🤲

⇣⇣ ⇣⇣ ⇣⇣ ⇣⇣ ⇣⇣ ⇣⇣ ⇣⇣ ⇣⇣ ⇣⇣
Halkan Ramadaana 27ffaa
የረመዳን 27ተኛ ለሊት
Ibaadaan halkan Laylatul Qadrii keessa hojjatamu Ibaadaa waggaa 83fi baatii afurii kan caalu yoo ta'u Sahaabota Nabiyyii (saw) keessaa Umar, Ibnu Abbaas, Ubayyi bin Ka'ab, Mu'aawiyaafi Huzayfaan faan Laylatul Qadriin halkan Ramadaana 27ti jedhu turan.

በለይለተል-ቀድር የሚሰራ ዒባዳ ከ83 ዓመት አራት ወር ዒባዳ የሚበልጥ ሲሆን ከነቢዩ ሰሀባዎች ውስጥ፥ ዑመር፣ ኢብኑ ዐባስ፣ኡበይ ኢብኑ ከዕብ፣ ሙዓዊያ፣ ሁዘይፋና ሌሎችም ለይለተል-ቀድር የረመዳን 27ተኛ ለሊት ላይ ናት ይሉ ነበር!ይህች ለሊትም ዛሬ ቅዳሜ ምሽት ላይ ናትና እንበራታ!
*A Quick Reminder*

*💠 What is the measure for Zakaah al-Fitr?*
Ibn Baaz said:
What is mandatory for this is one Saa’ from the food of the country and its measurement is with Kilos—approximately three Kilos
(al-Fataawaa 14-203).

*💠 When is the time for giving Zakaah al-Fitr?*
Ibn Baaz said:
It is given on the days of the 28th, 29th, and 30th as well as the night of ‘Eed. It is also given in the morning of ‘Eed before the Prayer
(al-Fataawaa 14/32-33).

*💠 Who is Zakaah al-Fitr given to?*
Ibn ‘Uthaymiin said:
It is not to be given except to the poor
(al-Fataawaa 18/259).

*💠 What is the ruling on entrusting children or other than them with giving Zakaah al-Fitr on a person’s behalf?*
Ibn ‘Uthaymiin said:
It is permissible for a person to authorize his children to give Zakaah al-Fitr on his behalf at its time even if he is in another country at the time for work
(al-Fataawaa 18/262).

*💠 Is it permissible for the poor to authorize someone else to take the Zakaah al-Fitr for him?*
Ibn ‘Uthaymiin said:
It is permissible
(al-Fataawaa 18/268).

*💠 Is there a specific statement that should be made when giving Zakaah al-Fitr?*
We do not know of any specific Du’aa (Supplication) that is said at the time of giving it
(al-Lajnah ad-Daa’imah 9/387).

*💠 Is it permissible to give Zakaah al-Fitr in its worth (in money)?*
Ibn Baaz said:
It is *not* permissible to give its worth (with cash) according to the opinion of many scholars due to its opposition to the direct statement of the Prophet— ﺻﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ ﻭ ﺳﻠﻢ —and his companions— ﺭﺿﻲ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻨﻬﻢ
(al-Fataawaa 14/32).

Ibn ‘Uthaymiin said:
Giving it in cash will not suffice, because it has been prescribed to be given in food
(al-Fataawaa 18/265).

*💠 Is it permissible to give Zakaah al-Fitr in a country different from the one it's giver is in?*
Ibn Baaz said:
The Sunnah is to distribute it amongst the poor in the country of the one giving it and to not give it in cash in a different country so that he can enrich the poor from his country and satisfy their need
(al-Fataawaa 14/213).

*💠 Where is Zakaah al-Fitr given?*
Ibn ‘Uthaymiin said:
Zakaah al-Fitr is dispensed in the land that you are in upon breaking the fast [of Ramadaan] even if it is far from your country.

💠 *Is Zakaah al-Fitr given for a fetus?*
Ibn ‘Uthaymiin said:
It is not given on the fetus’s behalf due to it being obligatory; rather it is given because it is highly recommended
(al-Fataawa 18/263).

*💠 Is it permissible to give Zakaah al-Fitr to Non-Muslim workers?*
Ibn ‘Uthaymiin said:
It is not permissible to give it to other than the poor from the Muslims
(al-Fataawaa 18/285).

*💠 Is the Zakaah al-Fitr for a single person given to just one individual or can it be dispersed amongst several people?*
It is permissible to give the Zakaah al-Fitr for a single person to an individual just as it permissible to distribute it amongst a number of people
(al-Lajnah ad-Daa’imah 9/377).

*💠 What is the ruling on the one who accepts Zakaah al-Fitr and then sells it?*
If the one who took it was deserving of it, it is permissible for him to sell it upon receiving it
(al-Lajnah ad-Daa’imah 9/380).

*💠 Delaying the giving of the Zakaah al-Fitr to after ‘Eid without an excuse.*
Ibn ‘Uthaymiin said:
Delaying it until after the Salaah is Haraam (impermissible) and it will not suffice
(al-Fataawaa 18/266).

*-)Jazaakallaahu Khairan for Reading; *

*Allah Subhanahu WaTa’ala says :
'And remind for indeed Reminder benefits the believers' (Qur'an 51:55).*
Ilmaan keetiif yaaduu kan jalqàbdu erga isaan dhalteee osoo hin ta'in osoo hin dhalin dura haadha isaanii filachuuni.

Gaafa Jaartii Gaarii Ilmaan kee diiniif kurfeeysitu fuute ilmaan keetiif yaadde jedhamta.

Ta janajjanaa malee humaa hin beeyne yeroo fuute booda ilmaan keetis janajjantoota bebbeekkamoo siif tahuun shakkii hin qabu😊

Jaarti kaayyoo fi karoora qabdu. Kabajaa fi Ulfina Rabbiin Uumamaan isiif kanne tan eeggattu, Onnee ishii guutuu tan sumaaf kennitu Saaliha gabrittii Rabbii Barbaaduun Ilmaan Keetiif Waan guddaa akka gootetti ilaalamta.🌹

Rabbi nu haa Waafaqu!

Sagantaan Ifxaaraa guyyaa kaleessa gaggeeffamuuf karoorfame gufate ture bor Caamsaa 03/2013 bakkuma duraan gaggeessuuf karoorfame (addabaabayii Masqalaatti) akka gaggeeffamu ibsame.

"Sagantaan Ifxaaraa kaleessaa dhorkamee bakkuma sila karoorfameetti bor Caamsaa 03/2013 baasii guutuu mootummaadhaan qaama nageenyaatiin kabajaan eegamaa sa'a 10 irraa kaasee ni godhama. Tokko taanee yoo waliin dhaabbannee gaaffilee keenyas akkasuma deebisiifna." ~ Ustaaz Ahmaddiin Jabal

Forwarded from TIKVAH-ETHIOPIA

“ታላቅ የጎዳና ላይ ኢፍጣር በኢትዮጵያ” ነገ ግንቦት 03 ቀን 2013 ዓ.ም በመስቀል አደባባይ በደማቅ ሁኔታ እንደሚካሄድ የፕሮግራሙ አዘጋጅ ሀላል ፕሮሞሽን እና ነጃሺ በጎ አድራጎት ድርጅት መግለፃቸውን ሀሩን ሚድያ ዘግቧል።

@tikvahethiopiaBOT @tikvahethiopia
Iid mubaarak
Warra baranaa warra bara egeree Rabbiin nu haa taasisuu
اَلسَلامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اَللهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ‎ُ‎ُ‎۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔
Eid Mubarak for you and ur Family
﴿﴿﴿عيد مبارك ﴾﴾﴾
{{{تقبل الله منا ومنکم صالح الأعمال}}}
◉Naamuusa guyyaa iidaa.◉

⓵ - faxaranii ka'anii gara iidaa deemuu.

⓶ - qaama guutuu dhiqatanii waan urgaahaa dibatanii dhaquu.

⓷ - irra gaarii uffata qabanuu uffachuu.

⓸ - wal eebbisuufii walgammachiisuu.

⓹ - waan eeyyamamaa ta'e yooqabaatan maatiidhaaf baldhisanii kennuu itti arjoomuu.

⓺ - hanga salaata iidaatti takbiiraa heddummeessuu.

⓻ - yoo iida dhaqan karaa tokkoon yoota'e yoodeebi'anii galan daandii biraatiin galuu.

⓼ - iddoon ittisalaatan yoo masjida hinta'in salaata iidaa dura salaatuu dhabuu.

⓽ - eega salaata iidaa salaatanii galanii manatti raka'aa 2 salaatuu.

Iid mubaarak
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
تقبل الله منا ومنكم صالح الأعمال ووفقنا الله وإياكم لما يحبه ويرضاه عيدكم مبارك وسعيد أعاده الله علينا أعواما عديدة وأزمنة مديدة
Iid Mubarak
Kan baranaa kan hegeree nuun haa jedhu.
Haqa Haadhaa -
Xiyyeeffannoon Haa Dubbifnuu !

Namni Saaliha Tahe Tokko Waa'ee Haqa Haadhaa Gaafatamee Yommuu Deebisu Akkana Jechuun Gorsa Kennee Jira;

1. Sagalee kee sagalee ishee irra ol kaaftee hin haasawiniin
2. Mormii hin barbaachifne hin morminiin
3. Osoo isheen dubbattee hin xumurin hin dubbatin
4. Maqaa isheetiin ishee hin yaaminiin
5. Hirriba ishee osoo hin xumuratin ishee hin dammaqsiniin
6. Sababa yoo qabaatte malee ishee dursitee hin socho'in
7. Akkuma gabrichi Rabbii Rabbii isaatiif of gadi qabu sana atis golga of gadi qabiinsaa kee gadi qabiif
8. Osoo si yaamtee hin xumurin "Yaa" jechuun dafii jalaa awwaadhu
9. Manaa baatee alatti jalaa hin turin qalbiin ishee ni rifattiiti
10. Yommuu ishee ilaaltu ija itti hin bobaasin
11. Haasawa kan keetiin itti hin jabaatin
12. Yommuu siin loltu ati garuu hin lolin
13. Haasawa ishee hin tuffatin
14. Yommuu dhiphatteenii agartuun mari'adhuun
15. Yommuu rakkatte itti dhihaadhuu qarqaariin
16. Yommuu dhukkubsatte ishee yaalchisiin
17. Yoo daaromte daara ishee baasi
18. Dhimma ishee hunda dhimma kooti jedhi
19. Yaadaa fii karoora ishee qoodami
20. Rahimoota isheetti hidhami
21. Jaallota ishee jaaladhuuf
22. Abaarsa ishee irraa of eeggadhu
23. Ishee mufachiisuu irraa fagaadhu
24. Suuta jedhi ishee hubachiisi
25. Haasawaa fii haala ishee hubatuu dandeessuun isheen haasawi
26. Du'aa'ii ishee barbaadadhu
27. Eebba ishee irratti wal dorgomi
28. Kaayyoo kan kee hin dhoksiniin
29. Osoo isheen hin teenye dursitee hin taa'in
30. Salaata hunda irratti du'aa'iin ishee hin irraanfatin

Dubbiftee hin dhiisin haadha kee jaallatta taanaan share godhi
Harmee kee Rabbiin teessoo isii jannata haa godhu!
Channel photo updated
Namoonni si jaallatan siif akka gaachanaati gadhee duuba kee teessee si nyaachuu barbaaddu dura dhaabbatanii si faarsu. Gaarii kee dubbatu. Akkuma Si biratti si jaalatan duuba keetillee jaalala tee namaaf ibsu. Namoonni akkanaa hiriyoota gaariidha. Yoo qabaatte jabeeffadhu. Yoo hin qabaanne Rabbiin siif haa kennu.

Gadheef hinaaftuun gammachuu kee hin barbaaddu. As baatee si komachuuf humna hin qabdu. Garuu si duubaa si nyaachuu barbaaddi. Abadan hin dandeessu jedhiin.

1). “The best is the one who learns and teaches the Quran.” (Bukhari-5027)

2). “The best is the one who has strong character and good manners.”(Bukhari-6035)

3). “The best is the one who repays debt swiftly.” (Bukhari-2305)

4). “The best is the one who is expected to do good and people feel safe with him.” (Tirmidhi-2263)

5). “The best is the one who is good with their spouse.” (Ibn Habban-4177)

6). “The best is the one who feeds people and returns their greetings.” (Bukhari-3318)

7). “The best is the one who accommodates others in prayer rows.” (Targheeb wa Tarheeb-234/1)

8). “The best is the one who lives long and has plenty of good deeds.” (Bukhari-3279)

9). “The best is the one who is the most helpful to others.” (Bukhari-3289)

10). “The best is the one who is pure in heart and truthful in speech.” (Bukhari-3291).

Jazakallahu Khairan for Reading
Forwarded from Abu Mahir
🚫Tོiོkོ tོoོkོ🚫

Dhokattees mullattee
Waan hojjattu hundumaa
Namni nan Argu jettee
Kan Daawwattu Haraama

Rabbi nu argaa jira
Dhokannus nama jalaa
Bakka fedhe jiraannus
Nu Arga Abbaan malaa

Kan uume samiif dachii
Abbaan uumama maraa
Waan goonuuf ilaallu
Inni nu argaa jira

ilaaluu haa dhiifnu
TiktokGaraa garaa
Irra deebi'een jedha
Muslimoonni hadaraa
Ija keenya haa eegnu
Haraama ilaaluurraa
Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "A Muslim is the one who avoids harming Muslims with his tongue and hands. And a Muhajir (emigrant) is the one who gives up (abandons) all what Allah has forbidden."

Sahih Bukhari
Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 10
In-book reference : Book 2, Hadith 3

🔸 قالَ الحَبيبُ ﷺ :
➫Jaalalleen_Rabbii (SAW) akkana jedhe;

« لا تَحقِرَنَّ مِنَ المَعروفِ شيئًا، ولو أنْ تَلْقَى أخاكَ بوَجْهٍ طَلْقٍ ».
"Gaarii dalguu irraa waa takka hin tuffatin, osoo obboleessa kee fuula ifaanis simattee".
📙مُسْلِم ٢٦٢٦•

➫ "Nama qomti/Onneen isaa fayyaa qabdu ta'i, isheen suni qananii/ ni'imaa nam tokko si jalaa hatuu hin dandeenye ".
"كُن سَلِيمَ الصَّدرِ فَلَن يَستَطِيعَ أَحَدٌ أَن يَسرِقَ تِلكَ النِّعمَةَ مِنك".

➫Qalbiin tee jibbaa fi waanyoo namaa irraa bilisa taanaan ati akka warra jannataa taate hin dagatin.
It was narrated that Abu Hurairah said: "The first Jumu'ah that was held with the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) in Makkah, was a Jum'ah in Juwatha in al-Bahrain, a village of 'Abdul-Qais."

Sunan an-Nasa'i
(The Book of Jumu'ah (Friday Prayer)) reference : Book 14, Hadith 3
English reference : Vol. 2, Book 14, Hadith 1369
Grade: Sahih (Darussalam)
2024/09/27 17:16:22
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