However, If you’re still using WhatsApp, Viber, or one of the other messaging app, you may be interested in why Telegram is so popular. Telegram Pin Messages To do this, head over to Telegram settings and choose ‘Folders’. Here you can create as many folders as you want and add both personal chats as well as groups and channels to any of the folders. You can also order the folders you just created, but note that the default ‘All chats’ folder will always be the first one.
Banned: How PFI morphed into a stridently militant outfit over 3 decadesPremium New icons are available that premium users can add to their Home Screen to better match their personality or wallpaper. Choose from a premium star, night sky, or turbo-plane. Adaptive (Android) or Automatic (iOS): The mode will automatically switch based on the light level around you; you can define the threshold. Custom Notification Sounds
Now, tap If Inactive For at the bottom of the screen and choose a preferred option like 1 week or 1 month in the popup menu. Terminate Active Sessions You can also customize your chat background image in “Chat Background” in Chat Settings. Add Animated Stickers to Images/Videos
Premium subscriptions help Telegram pay not only for the additional expenses of premium features, but also support the free version of Telegram for everyone. Learn more
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