- قتلنا وما زلنا نتألم و لم نتعلم.
We were killed and we are still in pain and we have not learned.
We were killed and we are still in pain and we have not learned.
- الأكثر رعبًا من العمى، أن تكون الوحيد الذي يرى.
More dreadful than blindness, being the only one who sees.
More dreadful than blindness, being the only one who sees.
- لست وردة لأنحني انا صبارة ياسيدي.
I'm not a rose until I bow, I'm patient, my sir.
I'm not a rose until I bow, I'm patient, my sir.
- في صنع الخيبة الكل مبدع.
In creating disappointment, everyone is creative.
In creating disappointment, everyone is creative.
- غالباً انا لستُ شخصًا مناسباً لأحد.
I'm probably not the right person for anyone.
I'm probably not the right person for anyone.
- يحدث الآن الحزن يلتهم قلبه بلا شفقة.
Now sadness devours his heart without pity.
Now sadness devours his heart without pity.
- أريد فقط أن أقضي بقية عمري منعزلًا.
I just want to spend the rest of my life alone.
I just want to spend the rest of my life alone.
- خائف كضوء خافت داهمهُ الليل.
Afraid like a dim light overshadowed by the night.
Afraid like a dim light overshadowed by the night.
- إلى من كنت مُلهِمة، أنا كل جماهيرك الحزينة.
To whom you inspired, I'm all your sad fans.
To whom you inspired, I'm all your sad fans.
- ملامحي بدأت تُجَلِّي التعب الذي أحمله بداخلي.
My features began to show the fatigue I carry inside me.
My features began to show the fatigue I carry inside me.
- إبتعد عن أولئك الذينَ يؤذونَ روحك، و أبحث عن الذينَ يفهمونها 🖤.
Stay away from those who hurt your soul, and look for those who understand it.
Stay away from those who hurt your soul, and look for those who understand it.