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بعضى روزها آرزو ميكنم ميتونستم
به عقب برگردم .نه براى اينكه چيزى رو تغيير بدم، فقط براى اينكه يه سرى چيزها
رو دوباره حس كنم .

🎓 @English_ltt
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🎓 @English_ltt
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💢روش های مختلف گفتن ساکت باش البته به صورت غیر مودبانه.

🔸Zip your lip!
🔸Zip your mouth!
🔸Zip it!
🔸Zip it up!
🔸Zip the lip!
🔸Shut up!
🔸Put a sock in it!
🔸Shut your pie hole!
🔸Wind your neck in!
🔸Pipe down!
🔸Button it!

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  ‌‌        ┄•●❥ @English_ltt

🤔You should...
🤔Why don't you...
🤔If I were you, I'd...
🤔I think you should...
🤔You might want to...
🤔Maybe you should...
🤔You should probably...

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  ‌‌        ┄•●❥ @English_ltt
‍  ✳️ نکات ساده اما مهم

صفت و اسم
good         خوب
goodness خوبی

quick          سریع
quickness سرعت

wide       پهن
width      پهنا

cruel       ظالم
cruelty    ظلم

long      دراز/ بلند
length        درازا

thick           ضخیم
thickness ضخامت

deep  عمیق
depth عمق

heavy     سنگین
weight     وزن/سنگینی

fast      سریع
speed سرعت

far             دور
distance فاصله

kind        مهربان
kindness مهربانی

high     مرتفع
height ارتفاع

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  ‌‌        ┄•●❥ @English_ltt
The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more that plants a fire in our hearts and bring peace to our minds.

-Nicholas Sparks

بهترین عشق اونه که روح رو بیدار کنه.
که آتشی در دل ما به پا کنه و آرامش رو به ذهن ما بیاره.

-نیکولاس اسپارکس

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  ‌‌        ┄•●❥ @English_ltt
♻️ معرفی دو تا سایت خفن برای #آیلتس



#زبان #آموزش_زبان

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  ‌‌        ┄•●❥ @English_ltt
عشق اول كسى بودن شايد عالى باشه، اما اينكه عشق آخرش باشى فوق العاده ست .

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  ‌‌        ┄•●❥ @English_ltt
📔 steady as she goes

  Describing an activity or situation that is progressing in a stable manner. This nautical phrase was originally used in reference to a ship that was sailing steadily. (Ships were traditionally referred to as female.)

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 A: "How's your new business coming along?" B: "Steady as she goes! We expect to break even the first year before we start making a profit."

🗣  In the midst of all this social upheaval, I hope our government can maintain a steady-as-she-goes approach.

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  ‌‌        ┄•●❥ @English_ltt
💠 earner 🇺🇸

a good source of money

For example

🔺Renting out their houses for a couple of weeks in summer became a nice little earner for families on many Greek islands.

🔺Frank though that buying and selling shares would be a good little earner for him, but unfortunately it didn't work out that way.


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  ‌‌        ┄•●❥ @English_ltt
Find someone who isn’t afraid to admit that they miss you, who knows you aren’t perfect but treats you as if you are, who’s biggest fear is losing you, who says “I love you” and means it with all of their heart, someone who believes leaving and giving up isn’t an option.

کسی رو پیدا کن که از اعتراف به اینکه دلش برات تنگ شده نمی ترسه، میدونه که تو بی نقص نیستی، اما بازم باهات طوری رفتار می کنه که انگار واقعا بی نقصی، که بزرگترین ترسش از دست دادن توعه، که بهت میگه "دوستت دارم" و این رو با تمام قلبش برات معنی میکنه، کسی که معتقده ترک کردن و تسلیم شدن یه گزینه نیست.

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  ‌‌        ┄•●❥ @English_ltt
⭕️Common mistakes

👉go on + ing          ادامه یافتن

The music went on to play all day.
✔️ The music went on playing all day.

👉Practice + -ing    تمرین کردن

You must practise to speak English.
✔️You must practice  speaking English.

‼️ Misuse of the infinitive: Use the gerund "not the infinitive" after certain verbs.

👉Remember + -ing  به یاد آوردن، به خاطر آوردن، یاد آمدن

I don't remember to have seen him.
✔️I don't remember seeing him.

👉Risk + -ing  ریسک کردن، خطر کردن

We couldn't risk to leave him alone.
✔️We couldn't risk leaving him alone.

‼️ Misuse of the infinitive: Use the gerund "not the infinitive" after certain adjectives.

👉Busy + -ing  مشغول کردن یا بودن

He was busy to revise the exams.
✔️He was busy revising for the exams.

👉 (be) Worth + -ing  ارزش (داشتن)، ارزشمند (بودن)، قابل (بودن)

Is today's film worth to see?
✔️Is today's film worth seeing?

👉Have the pleasure of + -ing
افتخار ... را داشتن

I had the pleasure to meet him.
✔️I had the pleasure of meeting him.

👉 It's no use + -ing  فایده ای نداشتن

It's no use to cry like a baby.
✔️ It's no use crying like a baby.

👉It's no good + -ing   خوب نبودن؛ بی فایده بودن، نتیجه ای نداشتن

It's no good to get angry.
✔️It's no good getting angry.

👉Look forward to + -ing
بی صبرانه منتظر چیزی بودن، بی صبرانه منتظر بودن که...، چشم به ‌راه بودن، مشتاق بودن

I look forward to see him soon.
✔️I look forward to seeing him soon.

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  ‌‌        ┄•●❥ @English_ltt
🔻7 روش برای گفتن «?How are you»

How’s it going?

How’s everything?

How are things?

What’s been going on?

Are you well?

What’s up?

What’s new?

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  ‌‌        ┄•●❥ @English_ltt
‍‍ ♻️اصطلاحات امروز

❇️don't put me off
حواسمو پرت نکن
❇️the choice is yours
حالا خود دانی
❇️truth hurts
حقیقت تلخه
❇️it made my mouth water
دهنم آب افتاد
❇️eat your heart out
دلت بسوزه

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  ‌‌        ┄•●❥ @English_ltt
🔺name after

🔰نام کسی را روی کسی دیگر گذاشتن (برای احترام)؛

Clair and Ben named their daughter after Clair's grandmother Grace, so they are both called Grace.
🔸کلر و بن نام مادربزرگ کلر، گریس را روی دخترشان گذاشتند، بنابراین هر دوی آن‌ها گریس نامیده می‌شوند.

They named the baby after his grandfather.
🔸آن‌ها نام پدربزرگ بچه را روی او گذاشتند.

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  ‌‌        ┄•●❥ @English_ltt
⭕️Common mistakes

👉go on + ing          ادامه یافتن

The music went on to play all day.
✔️ The music went on playing all day.

👉Practice + -ing    تمرین کردن

You must practise to speak English.
✔️You must practice  speaking English.

‼️ Misuse of the infinitive: Use the gerund "not the infinitive" after certain verbs.

👉Remember + -ing  به یاد آوردن، به خاطر آوردن، یاد آمدن

I don't remember to have seen him.
✔️I don't remember seeing him.

👉Risk + -ing  ریسک کردن، خطر کردن

We couldn't risk to leave him alone.
✔️We couldn't risk leaving him alone.

‼️ Misuse of the infinitive: Use the gerund "not the infinitive" after certain adjectives.

👉Busy + -ing  مشغول کردن یا بودن

He was busy to revise the exams.
✔️He was busy revising for the exams.

👉 (be) Worth + -ing  ارزش (داشتن)، ارزشمند (بودن)، قابل (بودن)

Is today's film worth to see?
✔️Is today's film worth seeing?

👉Have the pleasure of + -ing
افتخار ... را داشتن

I had the pleasure to meet him.
✔️I had the pleasure of meeting him.

👉 It's no use + -ing  فایده ای نداشتن

It's no use to cry like a baby.
✔️ It's no use crying like a baby.

👉It's no good + -ing   خوب نبودن؛ بی فایده بودن، نتیجه ای نداشتن

It's no good to get angry.
✔️It's no good getting angry.

👉Look forward to + -ing
بی صبرانه منتظر چیزی بودن، بی صبرانه منتظر بودن که...، چشم به ‌راه بودن، مشتاق بودن

I look forward to see him soon.
✔️I look forward to seeing him soon.

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  ‌‌        ┄•●❥ @English_ltt
Phrasal Verbs with Travel

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  ‌‌        ┄•●❥ @English_ltt
Phrasal verbs with Get

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  ‌‌        ┄•●❥ @English_ltt
Collocation with CATCH

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  ‌‌        ┄•●❥ @English_ltt
Phrasal verbs with

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  ‌‌        ┄•●❥ @English_ltt
2024/09/28 11:23:20
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