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When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind not with it.

وقتى همه چيز بر خلاف ميل تو پيش ميره ،
يادت باشه هواپيما هميشه برخلاف جهت باد از زمين بلند ميشه، نه در جهت باد.

◍⃟♥️ @English_ltt ◍⃟♥️
💠 چند تا اصطلاح جالب

🔸dream on!
🔸به همین خیال باش! خوابشو ببینی!


🔸Right on!
🔸ایول!، دمت گرم!

🔹Have fun!
🔹خوش بگذره!

🔸Lucky you! lucky him!
🔸خوش به حالت! خوش به حالش!

🔹Be reasonable!
🔹منطقی باش!

#اصطلاحات_کاربردی_انگلیسی 🇺🇸

◍⃟♥️ @English_ltt ◍⃟♥️
💢روشهای مختلف آرزوی موفقیت برای دیگران

🔸Good luck!
🔸Good luck on your test.
🔸Best of luck to you!
🔸Lots of luck!
🔸I'm sure you will make us proud of you.
🔸Make us proud of you
🔸Do your best.
🔸Do the best you can.
🔸Work hard.

◍⃟♥️ @English_ltt ◍⃟♥️
🔷کلمه  Grad به معنی Step/Go (قدم گذاشتن، رفتن)

Graduate: Grad + uate: فارغ التحصیل شدن، به مرحله بعد رفتن

Gradual: Grad + ual: تدریجی، قدم به قدم

Gradient: Grad + ient: طیف، مراحل

Undergraduate: Under + Grad + Uate: دانشجوی لیسانس، پایینتر از فارغ التحصیلی

Grade: درجه

Centigrade: Centi + Grade: سانتی گراد، درجه ده‌تایی

Upgrade: Up + Grade: بالا بردن، درجه را بالا بردن

Ingredient: In(into) + Gred + Ient: محتویات، رفتن به داحل چیزی

◍⃟♥️ @English_ltt ◍⃟♥️
Think less, act more

Most of us think too much—even those who are not generally inclined to philosophize. About what is happening around right now. About what awaits us in the future. Sometimes this habit plays a cruel joke on us, forcing us to mark time.

The way out is to act, take at least small steps, “turn on” not only your head, but your body too. At the same time, it is important to remember that stable, measured actions are better than fuss and attempts to burden yourself with a maximum of things. And habits are healthier for the psyche than 24/7 spontaneity. The turtle defeats the rabbit - so it was and so, it seems, will always be.

◍⃟♥️ @English_ltt ◍⃟♥️
📔dig your heels in

to refuse to change your plans or ideas, especially when someone is trying to persuade you to do so.

🤔For example ⬇️

🗣 Even though the developer offered them more than their houses were worth, the owners dug their heels in and refused to sell up and make way for the office block.

🗣When their record company told the band to change their style and make more commercial music, the band dug their heels in and refused to change.

◍⃟♥️ @English_ltt ◍⃟♥️
اصطلاحات کاربردی هنگام رانندگی🚘:

push the gas  👉 گاز بده
make a U turn 👉 دور بزن
speed up 👉 تند برو
slow down 👉 آهسته برو
go straight 👉 مستقیم برو
make a right 👉 بپیچ به راست
make a left 👉 بپیچ به چپ
back it up 👉 برو عقب
hit the brakes 👉 بزن رو ترمز
pass the car 👉  سبقت بگیر

🙏🏻 اگه خوندی و برات مفید بود،بفرست به تمام دوستات،همه یاد بگیرن🙏🏻

#اصطلاحات_کاربردی_انگلیسی 🇺🇸

◍⃟♥️ @English_ltt ◍⃟♥️
گاهى وقتها ١٠ سال طول ميكشه
تا اون ١ سالى كه قرار هست زندگيت
رو عوض كنه از راه برسه .

◍⃟♥️ @English_ltt ◍⃟♥️
💢جملاتی برای توقف امری نامطلوب

🔸Would you stop that?
🔸Could you please stop doing that?
🔸Must you do that?
🔸Must you continue to do that?
🔸Have you got ants in your pants?
🔸That's really bothersome.
🔸That's really bothering me.
🔸That's really bugging me.
🔸That's really annoying.
🔸It's really irritating.
🔸That's making me crazy.
🔸That's grating on my nerves.
🔸That's getting on my nerves.
🔸That's driving me nuts.
🔸Enough, already!
🔸Enough of this foolishness!
🔸I've had enough of this!
🔸I've had it up to here with you.
🔸Cut it out!
🔸Knock it off!
🔸Come on!
🔸Come off it!

◍⃟♥️ @English_ltt ◍⃟♥️
💥utterly stupid:

a stupid or foolish act


Invading that country was an utterly stupid thing to do.

💥 richly decorated

 To have a lot of elaborate and beautiful decoration, patterns, or furniture.


We entered a richly decorated room.

◍⃟♥️ @English_ltt ◍⃟♥️
Sometimes in life you just need a hug. No words. No advice. Just a hug.

گاهی اوقات تو زندگی فقط به یه آغوش نیاز داری. بدون حرف، بدون توصیه، فقط یه بغل...

◍⃟♥️ @English_ltt ◍⃟♥️
💢Slang of the Day
⭕️ "cuppa"

👉 Meaning  : a hot drink, cup of tea, cup of coffee

✴️ For example :👇👇

🧑‍🦰As soon as I get home, I'm going to have a nice hot cuppa.

🧑‍🦳Would you like to come in for a cuppa?

👉 Variety: This slang term is typically used in British and Australian English but may be used in other varieties of English too.

◍⃟♥️ @English_ltt ◍⃟♥️
با اينهمه چيزهاى قديمى كه دارن دوباره مد ميشن، اميدوارم وفادارى و اخلاقيات هم دوباره مد بشه.

◍⃟♥️ @English_ltt ◍⃟♥️
🗯🗯چاپ کتاب و مقاله در مجلات معتبر🗯🗯

🔶انجام کلیه امور اجرایی و اداری چاپ کتاب های تالیفی و مستخرج

📃 همراه با ارائه گواهی تالیف

🔶استخراج مقاله از پایان نامه

🔶 اجرای کلیه امور پایان نامه و رساله

🔶اخذ پذیرش و چاپ مقاله در مجلات وزارت علوم

👌 فرصتی مناسب برای رشد و توسعه رزومه آزمون دکتری

📌ارتباط با ما:

╰──────➤ ⃟༺•❥࿐❥᭄͚ٖٜ

╰──────➤ ⃟༺•❥࿐❥᭄͚ٖٜ

❇️ « گروه پژوهشی کاوش خزر»❇️

💯 پاسخ اعتماد شما را به شایستگی خواهیم داد.
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ترامپ: ممکن است به جنگ جهانی سوم برسیم. ما رئیس‌جمهوری داریم که نمی‌تواند دو جمله را کنار هم بگذارد، یا راه خروجش را از صحنه پیدا‌ کند، رئیس‌جمهوری داریم که نمی‌داند دارد چه می‌کند.

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حرف زدن هندیا با اشاره دست و سر 😄😂

💢Slang of the Day
⭕️Q and A

👉Meaning : a question and answer session or exchange

✴️For example : 👇👇

🔸There'll be a Q and A session after the speech.

🔸The president sometimes gets into trouble in Q and A exchanges because he forgets names, dates and figures quite easily.

👉Origin: from the initial letters of the words "question" and "answer"

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⁃ Why save me?
⁃ Don't flatter yourself. I'm saving ME.

🎬 Witcher

2024/09/30 09:32:36
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