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📚pay through the nose

If you pay through the nose for something, you pay more than the usual price for it.

❗️For example

🔸I know I pay through the nose for my dental work, but the dentist I see is supposed to be the best, so I don't mind paying more than usual.

🔸We had to pay through the nose for our room because it was a long weekend and most of the hotels were fully booked.


◍⃟♥️ @English_ltt ◍⃟♥️
‍  ♻️نکات ساده اما مهم

❇️ اگر " All "بر شيء دلالت کند، فعل آن مفرد ؛ و اگر بر شخص دلالت کند فعلش جمع است.

1️⃣ All is ready.
همه چيزاماده است.

2️⃣ All were absent yesterday.

ديروزهمه غايب بودند .

◍⃟♥️ @English_ltt ◍⃟♥️



◍⃟♥️ @English_ltt ◍⃟♥️
♨️ کاربرد حروف اضافه at و with به همراه angry

👈 در مورد اشخاص کلمه angry به همراه حرف اضافه with بکار می رود.

🔻I was angry with him for what he said.

👈ولی در مورد اشیاء یا چیزهای دیگر از حرف اضافه at استفاده می کنیم.

🔹They were angry at the situation at hand.
🔸People are angry at the lies they are told.

#grammar #writing 

◍⃟♥️ @English_ltt ◍⃟♥️
🔘 Shoot My Shot

What does shoot my shot mean?

◻️I'm going for it

Shoot my shot is a phrase that refers to when you take a chance on something. It is similar to the "go for it" phrase and can be used for when you finally ask out a crush or stand up to a bully.

"Shoot my shot" involves gathering up the confidence to do something that you are normally too scared to do, and take matters into your own hands. The phrase comes from the idea of shooting a gun with a single bullet or taking an open shot in basketball or hockey.

No time better than now to shoot my shot and get that raise.

◍⃟♥️ @English_ltt ◍⃟♥️
♨️ Other ways to say IT'S CHEAP

🔸It's affordable.
🔹It's inexpensive.
🔸It's a good deal.
🔹It's pocket-friendly.
🔸It won't break the bank.
🔹It's budget-friendly.
🔸It's discounted.
🔹It's on special offer.
🔸It won't burn a hole in my pocket.
🔹It's a good value.

#grammar #writing  #vocabulary

◍⃟♥️ @English_ltt ◍⃟♥️
not everyone deserves an invite to your next chapter, doesn’t matter who they are.

همه سزاوار دعوت شدن به فصل بعدی نیستن، مهمم نیست که کی باشن.

◍⃟♥️ @English_ltt ◍⃟♥️
Always be grateful 🤞


◍⃟♥️ @English_ltt ◍⃟♥️
💥abuse of power:
the harmful or unethical use of power

The president was charged with abuse of power after ordering soldiers to shoot at protesters.

◍⃟♥️ @English_ltt ◍⃟♥️
🛍چند اصطلاح انگلیسی که موقع خرید کردن به کارتون میاد :

⬛️  Is this on sale?
تخفیف خورده؟

⬛️  Can I return this?
میتونم پسش بدم؟

⬛️ Can I try it on?
میتونم پرو کنم؟

⬛️ Is tax included?
آیا مالیاتش حساب شده؟

⬛️ Do you have it in red?
قرمزش رو دارید؟

⬛️ Can I get a discount?
میتونم تخفیف بگیرم؟

⬛️ Any fitting room?
اتاق پرو هست؟

⬛️ Is this available?
آیا این موجوده؟

⬛️ Can I exchange this?
میتونم تعویضش کنم؟

‌‎‌‎ ‌‌‎

◍⃟♥️ @English_ltt ◍⃟♥️
👈برای تاکید به افراد جهت انجام یک کار، از ساختار گرامری زیر استفاده می‌کنیم:

👉Be sure to + verb ...

🔸Be sure to bring the keys.
🔸حتما کلیدها رو بیار.

🔸Be sure to call your boss tomorrow.
🔸حتما فردا به رئیست زنگ بزن.

🔸Be sure to study for the exam.
🔸حتما برای امتحان، درس بخون.

🔸Be sure to turn off the stove after cooking.
🔸حتما بعد از آشپزی، اجاق گاز رو خاموش کن.

◍⃟♥️ @English_ltt ◍⃟♥️
2024/09/28 21:33:12
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