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#intermediate #facts

▫️ The word 'MEME' was created by Richard Dawkins in 1976 essentialy(по существу) meaning to imitate or pass on.
▫️ About 150 people per year are killed by falling coconuts.
▫️ The average person spends six months of their lifetime waiting for a red light to turn green.
▫️ Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have over million descendants(потомки).
▫️ Americans on average eat 18 acres(7 hectares) of pizza every day.
#slang #intermediate

Bop - A really good song or beat. 🎧
Example: “Listen to this new song—it’s a bop.”

Pressed - Being mad or upset about something.😡
Example: “Why are you so pressed about what they said?”

High key - The opposite of “low key;” commonly used when you want to emphasize something. Synonyms include “really” and “very.” 👍
Example: “I high-key love those shoes.”

Vibe - The mood or emotional state someone has. People typically radiate this and people associated that vibe with that specific person. 🤟
Example: “She has such a chill vibe.”

Sending me - A term to describe how funny you find something.😆
Example: “This movie is sending me — you have to see it.”
#intermediate #history #science

🔸 tall tale - небылица
🔸 vice versa - гаоборот
🔸 to perceive - воспринимать

#intermediate #quotes

▫️ Happiness is not the absence(отсутствие) of problems, it’s the ability to deal with them.
▫️ One of the keys to happiness is a bad memory.
▫️ Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming(очаравательные) gardeners who make our souls blossom(заставляют нашу душу цвести).
▫️ Being happy never goes out of style.
▫️ Happiness is like a cloud — if you stare at it long enough, it evaporates(испаряется).
Did you know trees can communicate?
# beginner #fact #nature

Trees talk. Their roots(корни) are connected through an underground network of fungi(грибы), nicknamed the “Wood Wide Web,” that allows them to share(делиться) resources with each other. They “talk” by transmitting nutrients to one another through the fungi🍄. For instance, a mother tree, or oldest and strongest tree in the forest, will share some of her sugars with smaller, nearby trees.
#beginner #quotes

Don’t play chess with a pigeon(голубь). It’ll just knock over(опрокинет) the pieces, shit all over the board and then strut around(расхаживать) like it won the game.

🌳 A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade(тень) they know they shall never sit in.

⛵️ A ship is safe in a harbor(гавань). But that’s not what ships are for.

▫️ When you decide that you look great the way you are, the world has lost 90% of its power over you.

🏦 Worry is like the interest on a bank loan(проценты по банковской ссуде) you never took.
Представь, что путешествуя заграницей, ты легко понимаешь английскую речь - можешь заказать любое блюдо в ресторане, спросить дорогу, обсудить новости.
Ты свободно знакомишься и общаешься с носителями языка. Кайфуешь и заряжаешься эмоциями. Ну как, круто же? 🤩
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👉🏻Полезные рецепты - Как кушать и худеть одновременно? Рецепты для тех, кто следит за своей фигурой. Советую очень удобный телеграмм-каталог 😋 Присоединяйся
You’ve Already Found Your Life’s Purpose
#intermediate #life

But when you set out to “find” your purpose, that almighty▫️(всемогущую), whopping▫️(огромную) reason for your existence, it’s easy to buckle under the pressure▫️(поддаться давлению) and never take the first step in any direction.👇🏻
Why do we say “cheese” when we’re having our picture taken?
#history #beginner

Saying the word cheese does make you pull your lips back and show your teeth, so if you’re trying to get a lot of people to at least approximate smiling at the same time, it’s a good start. (Plus, it’s kind of a funny thing to say when there aren’t any dairy products nearby, so it often makes people crack a real smile) The practice is mentioned in a 1943 Texas newspaper article, according to Today I Found Out.
2024/06/25 22:49:12
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