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#intermediate #sciense
demands - требования
intelligent - умный

Your brain 🧠, in general, accounts for about 20 per cent of your total energy 🔋 requirements. That’s an average of 400-500 calories 🍫 a day, but it varies according to how hard your brain is working. Under deep anaesthesia, your brain still needs about 150 calories a day. But experiments with rats 🐁🐀 have shown that just moving from being deeply anaesthetised to conscious but anaesthetised increases energy demands by 50 per cent. When we are awake, a large proportion of brain 🧠 function is taken up simply with controlling muscles and processing sensory input. Experiments to measure the impact of abstract problem solving 🤔 on the brain’s metabolic requirements have shown that it also depends on your IQ. The more intelligent you are, the more energy you expend on a problem that is subjectively hard for you.
Has anyone ever died of boredom?
▫️boredom - скука
▪️promiscuous - беспорядочный
▫️excitement - возбуждение(волнение, азарт)
Boredom is one of the complex mental states that is regulated by the hormone dopamine in the brain🧠. Generally negative states of mind have been shown to depress the immune system, but the greatest risk from boredom stems from the things you do to combat it. People who are easily bored are more likely to engage in dangerous sports🏄, be sexually promiscuous👬 and engage in drug and alcohol🥃 abuse. All of these things will reduce average life expectancy, but is that dying of boredom or dying of excitement?
The history of Women's Day 🌷

▫️equality - равенство
▫️strike - забастовка

In 1908, 15,000 women in New York went on strike because of low pay and terrible conditions in the factories where they worked. The following year, the Socialist Party of America organised a National Women's Day, and one year after that, there was a conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, about equality and women's right to vote. In Europe, the idea grew and became International Women's Day (IWD) for the first time in 1911 and the United Nations declared 8 March International Women's Day in 1975.
Для тех кто любит фильмы и хочет изучать английский язык не напрягаясь или просто шикарно провести время:

Рекомендуем Вам канал ➡️ Английский по фильмам ⬅️ 🤩🤩🤩

Здесь собрана коллекция популярных англоязычных фильмов с русскими, английскими и двойными (🇷🇺 + 🇬🇧) субтитрами!

Поскольку не каждый может пожить в стране, где английский язык является родным для населения, приходится искать другие пути, чтобы «подтянуть» свои лингвистические способности.

Отличным способом привыкнуть к английскому языку является просмотр фильмов в оригинале

🔥🔥🔥Любимые англоязычные фильмы в оригинале с субтитрами!🔥🔥🔥
​​Which animals are more intelligent – dogs or cats?

creatures - создания
hunting - охота
reasoning - размышления
vastly - значительно

It’s not obvious what ‘intelligence’ means when comparing different species. Dogs🐶 evolved from social creatures, and have a longer and closer association with humans, so it’s generally easier to train and communicate with them.

But, cats🐱 have evolved specialist hunting and reasoning skills that dogs lack. Brain size is no help, otherwise whales🐳 would be vastly cleverer than humans. So, there’s no sensible answer to your question, I’m afraid.
How do you rate your English level ?
anonymous poll

intermediate 🧓 – 154
👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 56%

upper-intermediate 🥷 – 83
👍👍👍👍 30%

beginner 👶 – 37
👍👍 14%

👥 274 people voted so far.
​​Why Do Cats Have Whiskers?

whiskers - усы
air currents - воздушные потоки
obstacle - препятствие

Each whisker is an extra thick hair with a sensory organ called a proprioceptor on the end of it. That proprioceptor picks up vibrations and air currents around a cat and relays those messages to the brain via nerves in the hair follicle. Not only do air currents change when something moves—when you enter a room, for example, or when a dog approaches on the sidewalk—but their patterns also help a cat judge the size, shape, and distance of stationary objects, like furniture. That way, cats can easily navigate dark environments without having to touch or see every obstacle.
2024/06/30 23:15:31
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