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*To pass out* - to faint.

*To count on* - to bank on; rely on.

*To leave out* - to omit.

*To make do* - to manage what one has; to be contented with something.

*To stand out from* - to be prominent or distinguished.

*To capitalize on* - to use something for one's own advantage; to profit from something.

*To brave it out* - to face anger, suspicion or blame with a refusal to change one's behaviour or accept defeat.

  *To confide in* - to trust somebody so much that you can tell them secrets.

*To bring up* - to look after or train a child until adulthood.

*To flare up* - to become suddenly angry.

*To puzzle over* - to think hard about something in order to understand or explain it.

*To pig out* - to eat a lot of something.

*To peter out* - to decrease or fade gradually before coming to an end.

*To pare down* - to reduce something greatly.

*To gen up on* - to obtain information or provide somebody with information.

*To stand in for* - to take someone's position briefly.

*To make out* - to understand or interpret.

*To make up* - to end a quarrel or dispute with somebody and become friends again.

*To make up for* - to compensate for either a loss or something one has not done well.

*To foist on/upon* - to force somebody into accepting something that's not wanted.

*To fizzle out* - to end or fail in a weak or disappointing way.

*To flake out* - to collapse or fall asleep because one is tired.

*To fish out* - to take or pull after searching.

*To rope in* - to persuade somebody tp take part in an activity.

*To romp away/ahead* - to rise or make progress very rapidly.

*To revel in* - to get great delight or ecstasy from something.

*To pore over* - to study something by looking at it very carefully.

*To pipe down* - to be less noisy; to stop talking.

*To pipe up* - to begin to speak or sing in a high voice.

*To bash ahead/on/* *away* - to do or continue doing something with energy and enthusiasm.

*To perk up* - to become more lively or cheerful after a period of illness or sadness.

*To habituate to* - to make somebody or oneself used to something.

*To dawn on* - to become gradually clear to somebody's mind; to become obvious.

*To dam up* - to hold back one's emotions ot feelings.

*To daly with* - to treat in a casual way.

*To fuck about/around* - to behave foolishly or with no clear purpose.

*To eye up* - to look at somebody with special interest.

*To explain away* - to give excuses why one should not be blamed for a fault or mistake.

*To eat into* - to use up a part of the available money or time meant for another thing.

*To sort out* - to put things in good order; tp tidy; to separate something from a large group.

*To string along* - to mislead somebody especially about one's own intention or beliefs.

*To stitch up* - to betray or cheat somebody.

*To spy on* - to watch secretly.

*To resort to* - to make use of an unpleasant alternative.

*To resign to* - to accept and be ready to endure something as inevitable.

*To opt out* - to choose not to be involved in something.

*To deal with* - to punish; to do business with.

*To book in/into* - to register at a hotel, an airport etc.

*To brush aside* - to ignore or treat as unimportant.

*To harp on* - to talk repeatedly about something in a boring or annoying way.

*To done for* - to be in a situation that is so bad that getting out of it is impossible.

*To dole out* - to distribute something.

*To do away with* - to discontinue; to cause something to end.
"هل تعلم يا أخي إن أول كلمة نزلت من القرآن الكريم ليست (قاتل)
ولا (اجمع المال)
ولا (ازهد في الدنيا)

*وإنما هي (اقرأ)*
وجاء بعدها ذكر العلم
_فالإسلام دين العلم"_

*Did you know, my brother, that the first word that was revealed from the Holy Qur’an*
*was not (killer) no (make money) Nor (asceticism in the world) * *Rather, it is (Read)*
*Then came the mention of science Islam is the religion of knowledge.”*
.            *_Idioms_*

_A grey area_– *Something unclear.*

_A rip-off_ – *Too expensive*

_Add fuel to the fire_ – *To add more to an existing problem.*

_As easy as ABC_ – *Something is very easy*

_Call it a day_ – *Time to quit.*

_Cool as a cucumber_– *To be very calm under stress.*

_Crack a book_ – *Open up a book and study.*

_Down to the wire_ – *At the last minute.*

_Draw a blank_ – *Can’t remember.*

_Fill in the blanks_ – *Provide more information.*

_Get a kick out of it_ – *Really enjoy/like something.*

_Get your act together_ – *Behave properly.*

_Give it a shot_
*To try to do something.*

_Have mixed feelings_
*Be unsure of how you feel.*

_Have second thoughts_ *Have doubts.*

_In hot water_ – *Be in trouble.*

_In the same boat_– *Be in the same situation*

_It’s in the bag_ – *It’s a certainty*

_I've got your number_ *To say you can't be fooled by someone since you have them figured out*

_Miss the boat_
*You missed your chance.*

_Mumbo jumbo_
*To call something total nonsense.*

_Out of the blue_
*With no warning.*

_Pass with flying colours_ *To succeed at something easily.*

_Piece of cake_ *Something very easy.*

_Read between the lines_ *Find the hidden meaning-*

_Second to none_
*The best.*

_The icing on the cake_ *Something additional that turns good into great.*
*إلى جميع الاصدقاء الذين يتابعوني في قناة وطني الجريح على التيليجرام ، نرجوا منكم الضغط على زر التفاعل على المقالة بعنوان فلسطين قضيتي وقبلتي الأولى#محمد الصلوي✍️* ❤️❤️

*فضلاً وليس أمراً*
Forwarded from 🇾🇪 وطني الجريح💔😢 (يަمࣩنۨۨۨۨۨۨۨۨيަ بِ߬لاࠗ يަمࣩـنۨۨۨۨۨۨۨۨ💔🚶)
فلسطين قضيتي و قبلتي الأولى

فلسطين عربية🇵🇸 وستبقى كذلك ولن تنجح محاولات تغيير هويتها وطمس معالمها المتجذرة في شعبها الأبي ...

"يا حثالة الأمم يا عرب أمريكا وإسرائيل "
الوقت من دم💔 والتاريخ لا يرحم كل متخذل لنصرة غزة رمز العزة

لا يوجد موقف مشرّف من حكام وأنظمة العرب!، كل المواقف ذليلة ومذلّة.
نحن اليمنيون 🇾🇪🇾🇪 مستعدون للتضحية والفداء والجهاد مع أولئك المجاهدون العاشقين للشهادة يبدو أنّ الله أراد هذه المعركة خالصة لهم دون الناس، لم يمنعهم العالم، بل منع العالم أن يكونوا معهم.. كنتُ دوماً أسألُ نفسي! لماذا سيتكلَّمُ الشَّجر والحجر غداً ليدلَّهم على مكان اختبائهم، أما الآن فأعتقدُ أنّه التعويض العادل عن صمت البشر.. حتى الشجر والحجر من فجر اليهود سيخبرونهم عنهم إذ اختبئوا بهم.. حتى يشفوا غليلهم ويقهروا به عدو الله وعدوهم.
60 يومًا..
حينما ينتهي كل شيء لن يتذكروا كلمات أعدائهم بل سيتذكروا صمت أصدقائهم💔🇵🇸.. لم يعد لديهم أي ذرة أمل بتحرك العرب ونصرتهم لهم، ولكن يجب أن تعلموا بأنكم إن لم تقفوا معهم وتتحركوا اليوم.. فغداً ستجدون نار غزّة تلتف حولكم وتستقر في بلادكم وتحرقكم دولة دوله
60 يومًا..
رأيتُ الدّم شلالاً😭😭
نساء شيَّعت للموت أطفالاً
رأيتُ القهر ألواناً وأشكالاً والدم ولحم اشلاء 😭
رأيتُ الموت فوق رؤوسهم ينصب
ولم تغضبْ!
فصارحني بلا خجلٍ لأية أُمَّة تُنسبْ ولكن ليس لنا في الأمر حيله ، نتمنى أن نكون بجوار غزة ، وأن نعيش تحت ولاءه. ..!؟

#محمد_الصلوي ✍️🇵🇸🇾🇪
🇵🇸غرائب وعجائب اللغة الإنكليزية 🇵🇸
فلسطين قضيتي و قبلتي الأولى فلسطين عربية🇵🇸 وستبقى كذلك ولن تنجح محاولات تغيير هويتها وطمس معالمها المتجذرة في شعبها الأبي ... "يا حثالة الأمم يا عرب أمريكا وإسرائيل " الوقت من دم💔 والتاريخ لا يرحم كل متخذل لنصرة غزة رمز العزة لا يوجد موقف مشرّف من حكام…
Plz click on ❤️❤️❤️

"Palestine, My Cause and My First Love

Palestine is Arab 🇵🇸 and will remain so, and attempts to change its identity and erase its deep-rooted features in its noble people will not succeed...

"Oh, the scum of nations, oh Arabs, America, and Israel."
Time is made of blood 💔 and history does not forgive anyone who betrays the support of Gaza, the symbol of dignity.

There is no honorable stance from Arab rulers and regimes! All stances are lowly and humiliating.
We, the Yemenis 🇾🇪🇾🇪, are ready to sacrifice and redeem ourselves and engage in jihad with those brave fighters who are passionate about martyrdom. It seems that Allah wanted this battle to be exclusively for them, not for people. The world did not prevent them, but it prevented the world from being with them... I always used to ask myself! Why would trees and rocks speak tomorrow to reveal their hiding places, but now I think it is fair compensation for the silence of humans... Even trees and rocks will inform them of the Jews' dawn when they hide with them... So they can heal their wounds and defeat the enemy of Allah and their enemy.
60 days...
When everything ends, they will not remember the words of their enemies, but they will remember the silence of their friends 💔🇵🇸... They no longer have any hope of the Arabs' movement and support, but you must know that if you do not stand with them and move today... tomorrow you will find the fire of Gaza surrounding you and settling in your countries, burning them one by one.
60 days...
I saw blood flowing like a waterfall 😭😭
Women mourning children's deaths
I saw oppression in different colors and forms, with blood and flesh in pieces 😭
I saw death looming over their heads
And you did not get angry!
So tell me, without shame, to which nation do you belong? But we have no choice in the matter, we wish to be by Gaza's side and live under its loyalty...!?

#Mohammed_Al-Salwi ✍️🇵🇸🇾🇪"
المجال مفتوح لاستقبال مشاركاتكم على البوت :

The most exciting profession is acting
Actors can performance any profession doctor ...teacher..super hero...and dead

Dear me :

Don't lose yourself trying to fit in with people who don't understand you..
‎كن بسيطا ، فالبساطة جـمال ‎

‎Keep it simple, because simplicity is beautiful.
"هِيَ كَانت كالقمر، جُزءٌ مِنها كَان دَائِماً مُخبأ بَعِيداً""

She was just like the moon, part of her was always hidden away."

#sabr #shukr #tawakkul
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Nuh (as) was tested with flood,
Ibrahim (as) with fire,
Musa (as) with a tyrant,
Yusuf (as) with loneliness,
Ayyub (as) with sickness,
There will always be tests, but never ask "Why me?"
Because Allah tests those who He loved the most. Allah (swt) is The Best Planner of All Affairs! Difficulty, sickness, trouble, misfortune will atone for sins, insha'Allah

"Nothing afflicts a Muslim of hardship, nor illness, nor anxiety, nor sorrow, nor harm, nor distress, nor even the pricking of a thorn, but that Allah will expiate his sins by it." |Sahih al-Buhari
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Al Jazeera cameraman Samer Abu Daqqa has died of his wounds sustained by an Israeli air strike that targeted a school in Khan Younis. The Israeli occupation forces denied the entry of medi crews to the school for hours. 15.12.23

استشهاد المصور والصحفي بقناة الجزيرة سامر أبو دقة، بعد إصابته جرّاء القصف الإسرائيلي على خانيونس ومنع الاحتلال وصول الإسعاف إليه لساعات طويلة.
...وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ

‎... and to Him is our return
“what is it about her?” they ask him.

“she strengthens my soul and softens my heart.” he says.
2024/09/30 17:19:39
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