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استخدام keep

Keep calm
حافظ على الهدوء

Keep quiet
الزم الصمت

Keep control
حافظ على السيطرة

Keep a secret
احتفظ بالسر

Keep in touch
ابقى على اتصال

Keep the change
احتفظ بالباقي (الفكة)

Keep a promise
احتفظ بالوعد

Keep an appointment
التزم بالموعد
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Disease -causing organisms....كائنات تسبب الأمراض
Spiritual reasons..... اسباب دينية
Sloppy .... قذر
Conclusive evidence....دليل قاطع
Perjured.....شهد زور
Face death by electrocution...... سيُعدم بالكهرباء
Whenever I find myself getting upset over a situation or a loss , I remind myself over & over again of this ayah in Surah Ad Duha & it instantly puts me at ease :          

وَلَسَوْفَ يُعْطِيكَ رَبُّكَ فَتَرْضَى                                                            

And your lord is going to give you . And you will be satisfied 🤍.    
“Be her calm. Be her home. Don’t be another battle she has to fight.”
"الإيمان بالله يغير كل شيء."♥️
"Faith in God changes everything."
دائما هناك ضوء في كل طريق متعب.
Always there is light in every tired road.
I can wear a watch on ____ hand.
Anonymous Quiz
2024/09/30 17:28:36
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