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يا دنيا غري غيري

One night, Ali Ibn Abi Talib (PBUH) was found standing in prayer, trembling and deeply moved as if he were injured. He was overheard speaking to the dunya (world) in a state of deep spiritual reflection and rejection of its temptations. He said:

“O Dunya, go and deceive someone else. Are you trying to tempt me? Or trying to evoke desire in me? Never! I have divorced you three times. Your life is short and your danger is great. O How little are the provisions, the journey is long, and the way is lonely.”
This story of Ali ibn Abi Talib ( teaches us to value asceticism, focus on the hereafter, and remember that worldly life is temporary. It reminds us to prioritize our spiritual growth and preparation for the eternal journey, avoiding worldly distractions and temptations.
Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The world is a prison for the believer and a paradise for the unbeliever.”

Once upon a time,there was a king who brought his wisemen because he needed a sentence to carve it on his new ring.
The king asked them:
“Is there a sentence that is true in every situation ,every place and every time?In every joy and every sorrow,every defeat and every victory?”
All wisemen were puzzled by the king’s question.Until one of them wrote a sentence on a piece of paper and gave it to the king .He told him;
“if you read it when you are sad, you will be happy.
And if you read it when you are happy
you will be sad.”
the king looked at the piece of paper and read:
This too shall pass.”
‏استمتع بحياتك اليوم، فالأمس قد رحل، و الغد قد لا يأتي.
Piece of cake

ماهو المعنى المجازي لهذه العبارة؟.
‏عبارات نستخدمها كثير
‏- خذ وقتك أنا لست مستعجل
‏Take your time I'm not in a rush
‏- القانون لايحمي المغفلين
‏the law doesn't protect the dupes
‏- قلبه حساس، مرهف
‏He has a heart of glass

One day, a fox became very hungry as he went to search for some food. He searched high and low, but couldn’t find something that he could eat.
Finally, as his stomach rumbled, he stumbled upon a farmer’s wall. At the top of the wall, he saw the biggest, juiciest grapes he’d ever seen. They had a rich, purple color, telling the fox they were ready to be eaten.
To reach the grapes, the fox had to jump high in the air. As he jumped, he opened his mouth to catch the grapes.
‏If you stay, stay forever
‏If you go, do it today
‏If you change, change for the better
‏If you talk, make sure you mean what you say
‏اذا كنت تنوي البقاء، فأبقى للأبد
‏واذا كنت تنوي الرحيل، فأرحل اليوم
‏واذا كنت تنوي ان تتغير، فتغير للأفضل
‏واذا قلت شيء، فمن الأفضل ان تعني ما تقول
‏"الصمت أيضًا له صوت، لكنه بحاجة إلى روحٍ تفهمه."
Silence also has a voice, but it needs a soul that understands it.
كلمات وعكسها :
‏1- Friend صديق🪞 Enemy عدو
‏2- Generous كريم 🪞 miser بخيل
‏3- Brave شجاع🪞 coward جبان
‏4- Fast سريع🪞 slow بطيء
‏5- Stuck up متعالي🪞 down to earth بسيط
‏6- Active نشيط🪞 lazy كسول
‏7- peacful مسالم🪞 aggressive عدواني
‏8- Haughty متكبر🪞 humble متواضع
2024/09/30 23:40:45
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